He Wasn't Your Original Bias

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Jin was standing in the changing room, his top unbuttoned as he ranted on about how he was the best-looking member, half-joking and half meaning everything he was saying.

"Clearly I am the best because Y/n chose me as her bias." He yelled you looked up from your phone to see everyone staring at you, you looked at Jin and he nodded for you to admit it,

"You aren't my bias...Well, you are now, but you weren't." You admitted, getting up from the sofa and taking a strawberry for the tub that Taehyung was holding in his hands.

"Who was?" Jin questioned, the rant went from his mind and now all he cared about who was your favourite, you stared at him with a strawberry hanging out of your mouth.

"Why? It's not like it matters now, I'm in love with you." You giggled trying to get off the subject, but Jin wasn't going to drop it. He wanted to know who had captured your heart before he stole it from them.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love you too but who was it?" You laughed at him and shook your head, you were going to have fun torturing him with this.

"Who was it?" Taehyung asked from beside you, you bent down and whispered who your bias was in his ear smirking and winking at him to keep it quiet.

"Looks like someone else was Mr Worldwide Handsome in the group!" He yelled getting up from the sofa and running to tell Jimin who your bias was.

"Tell me." Jin pouted as if he was the youngest, Jungkook stared at you and then smirked.

"ME?! It was me?!" You nodded and Jin stared at Jungkook, looking him up and down and then back to you.

"Him?!" He yelled staring back at Jungkook making everyone in the room burst into laughter, Jungkook came running over and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

"Looks like you have some competition," You slipped out from under his arm and kissed Jin on the lips,

"No, he doesn't, he owns my heart now." You kissed him once more and Jin smirked, pulling away and ranting about being Mr Worldwide Handsome again.


"Tae, I'm telling you, Yoongi wasn't my bias." You giggled as you sat in the living room of the dorms. You'd come round to wait for Yoongi and he was in his home studio working on something, Tae and you were having a long conversation about all the bands you listened to and he was trying to find out who your main bias was. Assuming it was Yoongi and teasing you about how you were living the fanfiction life,

"Then who?" You tapped your nose and he groaned, neither of you noticed that Yoongi had been standing in the doorway listening to you both. Now he was intrigued by who your bias was and why he wasn't your ultimate bias.


"So who is it?" He asked later that night when you were alone, you were snuggled up to him in bed watching a movie when he asked you, you frowned and looked up at him from his chest,

"Who's who?" You quizzed pausing the movie so you could talk to him properly, he'd been weird with you all night and now you were finding out why.

"You and Tae, you were talking about ultimate bias', who is it?" You remembered the conversation and started laughing softly at him but then you realised he was really bothered by the fact that he wasn't your bias,

"Okay, so..."

"Is it someone in BTS?" You shook your head and you noticed him relax a little more, he was glad that it wasn't someone he had to worry about you being around a lot and you looked at him.

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