Fake Dating [Part 2]

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There were photos everywhere of you, you'd been followed home by photographers once they'd spotted Jin walking away from you by the Han River they went to find out what he was walking away from finding you in tears as you made your way home. People who were around at the time had heard what you were fighting about and it didn't take long for the rest of the world to hear about it too,

"Fuck." You cried out as you stared down at the newest article that had come in at work, it was a photo of you on the front crying into your hands while Jin was laughing and joking with his real girlfriend.

"Y/n? Can I speak to you for a moment?" You looked up at your boss and she looked stressed which was never good,

"Sure. I'll meet you in your office." She walked out of the small shop front and you walked down the door, pulling down the shutter and going to meet her out at the back. She was sitting behind the huge wooden desk that she had in her office and playing with her pens, she was nervous about something and you had a sneaking suspicion you knew what it was about you'd been getting nothing but harassment calls at work as well as the shop being egged while you were on the till.

"We don't want you to see this as a forever thing, just a temporary thing." She slid you an envelope with your last paycheque,

"We put a little extra in there to help you until you can- get back on your feet."

"You're firing me?" You questioned as you looked at her, she nodded sadly and you ripped up the envelope.

"I don't need the extra money, I don't need pitty money thanks." You slammed the ripped pieces down on the desk and walked out going behind the counter to grab your bag and coat before making your way outside through the media storm that was waiting for you. It had been three weeks since you broke up you would have thought they'd have gotten bored by now,

"Please just leave me alone." You whimpered pushing your way through reporters and going up towards the car park where your car was waiting for you. Tires slashed and windscreen smashed in, the side of it sprayed with the words "Lair" across it.

"Great." You sobbed biting down on your lip and hunting through your bag for your phone to call a cab home.


BigHit had been trying to get in contact with you for a week since you were fired but you weren't going to answer their calls, you wanted nothing more to do with them or Jin.

"Hey Y/n, it's Jimin...Jin told me to call you and remind you that the press conference is today, to er...discuss the fake dating situation, you have the details." The voicemail arrived too late because you hadn't bothered going, you'd watched it on the TV though and Jin looked pissed off that you hadn't shown up and they claimed you were working but you weren't and many people knew that you had been fired. The doorbell rang and you groaned hoping it wasn't another neighbour complaining about your car which was still smashed up, you had to pay the damages but since you didn't have a job you couldn't anymore,

"Look the car will be- What do you want?" You asked looking at Jin who pushed his way into your apartment, you shut the door.

"Come in, please." You said sarcastically making it known you didn't want him there right away but he turned around to face you with his arms folded across his chest,

"Why didn't you show up?" You shrugged your shoulders and copied his stance, folding your arms across your chest and staring him in the eyes.

"Couldn't be bothered." You mumbled looking over at the TV which was now playing music softly in the background.

"You're unbelievable, such a fucking child." You nodded in agreement,

"Yep, you're not wrong."

"You know because of you I lost her." You stared at him and scoffed shaking your head at him as he continued to ramble on about it, you walked closer to him.

"Cry me a fucking river Jin," You went to turn away from him but he grabbed your wrist,

"Do you even care?!" He yelled,

"Do you?!" You yelled back shocking him a little, normally you were laid back and didn't raise your voice but you were pissed off. You'd lost everything and were on the verge of losing your apartment because of him and he was complaining because he lost a girlfriend.

"What about me? Huh? I lost my job, my car was smashed up and vandalised, I can't afford rent or food and I've been living off apples and noodles for the last week." You finally yelled at him and he stared at you and then it was out of nowhere his lips were yours and you were pinned against the wall behind you,

"I fucking hate you." You grunted as he kissed down your neck sucking along the skin, you let out a whimper and you felt him smirk.

"Oh yeah? You hate me?" He sucked along the skin leaving purple marks everywhere he went.

"Fuck you," You mumbled pushing him off you and onto the sofa, you straddled his lap and began making out once again.


You'd woken up the next morning wrapped up in his arms you'd only woken up because he was snoring softly next to you in all honestly you hadn't even expected him to stay over at the night you'd had together so you went downstairs to make yourself something to eat,

"Where's mine?" He questioned noticing you were eating pancakes and drinking coffee,

"You've got arms and legs." You muttered to him feeling a little harsh for the tone you used but standing your ground,

"We have to talk about last night-"

"It meant nothing, you're in love with your ex, we would never be together I get it Jin." He took your hand in yours which surprised you and you stared at him.

"I was going to say I wanted to take you out and then maybe we could do it again, without all the I hate you's in between though." You stared at him with a blank expression not knowing what to think of the situation, you'd been fired because of him and your car was vandalised because of him but you were still in love with him there was no denying that.

"Okay." You whispered looking him in the eyes,

"Okay?" He questioned wanting to make sure you were serious about this,

"Yes, I'll go on a date with you but it has to be secret, I can't be dealing with all of the drama right now." You told him as you remembered all of the paparazzi, then you thought about how he was even going to get out of there without being seen but right there at that moment, it didn't matter because he was leaning across the table to kiss you and you kissed back.

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