Another Member Doesn't Like You

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It didn't take a genius to work out that Min Yoongi didn't like you, you knew it and so did everyone else but your boyfriend Jin, who insisted that Yoongi did like you, he was just tired whenever you were around together and that's why he threw comments at you that made you uncomfortable or left whenever you were coming to the dorms to hang out with Jin. You just got on with the fact that you couldn't get along with everyone and not everyone was going to get along with you, so you did your best to stay out of Min Yoongi's way, you figured it would be best that way, you stay out of his way meaning no more sly comments about your relationship with Jin or how you dressed or acted and that plan was going well until now. Jin had invited you down to the studios to come and see him before you went out to lunch together and you were just about to get into the elevator when Yoongi appeared and got into it before you, to save an argument you took the staircase instead heading up towards the dance studio where Jin told you to meet him inside.

"Jin?" You called out, walking further into the darkroom feeling along the wall for the light switch, you flicked it on and no one was inside so you went and sat on the floor by the back of the room, knowing Jin would be there soon to come and meet you and that he was probably just held up somewhere in the building.

"Jin why did you want to meet in here?" You heard Yoongi question, shutting the door behind him but not looking up from his phone, you looked up and he stared at you.

"Jin?" He called out sending you a glare and turning back to the door which was slammed shut behind him, you got up on your feet and walked over to it, trying to open it and groaning when you realised it was locked.

"It's locked." You said in a low tone to Yoongi who grumbled something before pushing you out of the way and trying the door for himself as if he had some magical ability to be able to open it.

"You mean we're stuck in here?" He questioned, pulling harder at the handle as if that was going to do anything.

"It's locked." He repeated and you resisted the urge to tell him you told him so, you took out your phone and began texting Jin to come and let you out, and that it wasn't funny.


"Nothing from Jin?" Yoongi questioned breaking the silence you had both been sitting in for the last hour, you checked your phone and shook your head.

"Nothing." You whispered back to him, reaching down into your bag and pulling out a bottle of water, offering it to Yoongi instead of drinking from it right away.

"Thanks." He whispered taking it away and drinking from it, you reached through your bag trying to find something else for you both.

"I have some fruit, crisps and a chocolate bar if you're hungry?" You questioned, he looked at you with a raised eyebrow and came closer to you.

"I am pretty hungry." You let out a small laugh and handed him the food, while he was eating you played with your fingers, unsure of how to bring up any conversation with him as this was the most you'd talked to one another without an insult being thrown in your direction.

"Why do you hate me?" You blurted out, he almost choked on the piece of chocolate he was eating and looked at the floor, you needed to know why if you were going to avoid him.

"I don't hate you-" You cut him off with a laugh and threw your head back against the mirrored wall you were sitting along.

"Yoongi you insult me all the time, I'm constantly getting glared at and you always leave when I'm around." He felt bad that you thought he hated you, he didn't particularly like you but he didn't hate you.

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