They Regret A Break Up

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A/N: Hope this is what you wanted 💜💜💜


Jin stared down at the photo in his hand, it was of you and him in Paris when he took you on tour with him, back before you broke up...long before you broke up. He ran his thumb over your face in the picture and elt a few of the tears go that were threatening to come out, he'd been putting off coming to the old shared apartment to empty it for so long, he didn't want to go back there without you with him it didn't feel right to be in the shared apartment you'd owned together, packing up his stuff and leaving, but he could tell you'd already been to the apartment. All of your shoes were gone from the porchway, all of your books and collectables were gone from the living room but you'd left all the photos of you together he sighed putting the picture into his box and then going up to the bedroom, stopping when he heard your light snores coming from inside of the door, he debated going downstairs and leaving but something inside of him was telling him to walk inside to see you, even if it was just one last time. He quietly pushed the door open and saw you asleep on the bed, you were clutching his RJ's teddy, and you were covered up by a thick blanket, he smiled walking closer to the bed you looked so peaceful and happy, you had a small smile on your face as you clutched RJ closer to your body you looked better than the last time he saw you. The last time he saw you, you were crying heavily and screaming at one another, neither of you meaning the words flying from your mouth but both of you heated. Namjoon told Jin it was because you'd never fought in the two years you'd been together, only occasionally having small bickers but never a real fight and that the big one had been a long time coming. He placed his hand on your cheek and rubbed his thumb along your cheek, smiling to himself as you shivered in your sleep from his cold hands, whining from the sudden coldness on your cheek, as soon as you began to stir he walked out of the room going down the staircase and trying to act as though he wasn't just in the room with you.

"Jin?" You asked groggily from the top of stairs he looked up at you and tried to stop himself from smiling, you were in nothing but an oversized shirt, shorts and you were still clutching RJ tightly in your arms as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes like a toddler who'd just been woken up from their afternoon nap,

"Are you wearing my shirt?" Is what came out of his mouth instead of, 'You look cute' which is what he wanted to say but stopped himself because it came to him that he wasn't your boyfriend anymore and you weren't his girlfriend anymore. You glanced down at yourself, you'd forgotten you put it on in the first place, you looked down at the floor nervously not wanting to meet his eyes, you had no idea if he still hated you for the fight,

"Yeah, I guess it is." You answered not knowing what to do with yourself now he was standing there in front of you, you'd been waiting for this day for a while, you'd been wanting to see him since the moment he walked out of the door but you couldn't tell him that, he was the one that ended things and left maybe he didn't want you back like you wanted him back.

"You're still staying here? I thought you went to live with your friend." Which was true, you'd gone to live with her after the relationship ended and when you came to pack your stuff up you couldn't leave, you'd been staying there since.

"I came to get my stuff last week...I couldn't bring myself to leave again." You admitted sitting down on the top step and looking at Jin who walked up to join you on the step, sitting next to you and debating if he should take hold of your hand like he used to.

"Can you even remember what we were fighting about?" You questioned not looking Jin in the face, you didn't want to stare at him in case he did remember, you couldn't remember why it started, all you remember is the screaming and then him ending it.

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