You're Asexual

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A/N: Asexual - Without sexual felings or asscociations. A person who has no sexual feelings or desires. I really hope I did this justice and that it's okay for you! :)

Also please never be scared to come to me for a request or think it will make me uncomfortable, I'm comfortable with writing a lot of different things I promise. Love you all! Stay healthy


You were a popular-ish Youtuber and you were getting ready to post one of the scariest videos, for you, that you would have to post. You were coming out to everyone, your family already knew but your fans and your boyfriend of three months didn't. You'd kept it hidden because you didn't know if you were ready for the world to know about it but as more time passed you realised that you were going to have to tell people soon. Jin was away on tour so you could tell him when he got back, you didn't think he would see the video so you posted it. Biting down on your lip as the views climbed and positive comments came back. That's when you skype started ringing, you answered and smiled at your boyfriend,

"Hi, hows England?" You asked remembering where he was that day when you saw him holding up his phone, it was your video.

"You saw it already?" He nodded and you looked at the floor, you didn't know if he was reacting badly, you didn't want to know.

"You could have told me you know, you mentioned in your video that you were scared to tell the one you were dating...I hope that's me, but you don't have to be scared to tell me anything." He assured you making you look up at the screen again, he had a smile on his face while he watched you start to talk about openly with him.


You were laying in the bed next to your boyfriend of two months, holding hands while you talked about deep things together. You did this a lot, he would come over and you would just cuddle in bed, and you knew there was going to come a time when he was going to start asking questions about why you and he hadn't been together intimately yet, you sat up in the bed at the thought of that conversation. You were ready to tell him now, it was now or never after all. He stayed laying down, looking up at you from the pillows.

"I need to tell you something very important and I don't want you to respond." He nodded at you and you took in a deep breath before spilling out what you'd been wanting to tell him for a while.

"I'm asexual and I know I should have told you before now but I could never find the right moment." You told him as you stared down at him, he stared up at you and made no movement. He blinked and nodded at you once he realised you were done.

"Okay...So what shall we order to eat cause I'm starving." He said sitting up in the bed and looking around for his phone, you stared at him.

"You're not bothered?" He shook his head, turning to look at you and kissing you on the lips.

"I had a sneaking suspicion on it but I waited for you to tell me in your own time." You nodded and he smiled, kissing you again and looking for a menu online for you both to order from while you stared at him. Wondering how on earth you'd managed to find someone so sweet and understanding like him.

(sorry it's just my fav gif of lil meow meow right now)


Hoseok was sitting next to you on the floor, arm wrapped around you as you all crowded around a bottle on the floor, who would have thought a group of grown-ass adults would be playing truth or dare in the middle of a party...Come to think about it was the same group of adults that would regularly play Uno together.

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