You're A Lawyer

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➼ A/n: I got a request for Their S/O passing their bar exams and another one saying that you're a lawyer so I thought I would combine them in this post. I hope thats okay! Xx


Jin had been there since the start of the case, he'd watched the way it played on your emotions and how every day you came home either stressed out or happy that something had gone right for a change. The firm you were with gave you the case because you were new and they wanted to challenge you, you loved a challenge but it was testing you a lot harder than anything you'd have prepared for but Jin told you every day that you could do it and now he was sitting in the courtroom on the final day of your case. You glanced back at him and he sent you a reassuring smile, the jury had gone away for the last three hours and were finally ready to give their results,

"Please stand." Everyone stood up and you watched as the judge walked into the room and took his seat, you took in a deep breath and watched as everyone seated back down and the judge went on to talking about the case some more.

"We the jury, find the defended not guilty." The courtroom erupted into mixed emotions and Jin watched as you shoulders relaxed against the chair and you threw your head back in relief.

"You won!" Jin yelled once you were out of the courthouse and in the parking lot, you smiled at him and he wrapped his arms around you, whispering in your ear how proud he was of you for winning the first case you'd ever gotten.

"Does this mean we can go have and eat the cake that you don't know that I know you made me last night?" You giggled, he pulled away from you and shook his head.

"I'm going to have to get used to not being able to hide anything from you." He chuckled pulling you in the direction of the car and opening the door for you, smiling as you got into the car and got another kiss from him. He was unbelievably proud of you, he told you every day how amazing he thought you were, even throughout law school.


Yoongi was just as anxious about the results as you were, you were both pacing around the living room of your apartment while you waited for the results to be uploaded to your University website.

"What if I don't pass?! What if I failed so badly that I'm the laughing stock of the school!?" You yelled about to pace past Yoongi but he took your arms in his hands and shook you lightly,

"If you do fail, which I highly doubt, I will be here to cheer you up. We will...We'll- I don't know but you don't fail so we don't have to think about it." You nodded and you both went back to pacing around the living room, you were biting on your nails and Yoongi was fiddling with his keys.

"What if I do pass? Then what..." You questioned but neither of you had time to answer the question because your laptop dinged meaning it was time and the results were out for everyone to see. You dived onto your knees in front of it and began searching through your emails for the private email between your tutor and you,

Yoongi watched from behind as you concentrated on everything that was in the email, watching as you dropped down onto your bum and smiled at the screen.

"You passed?!" He yelled, you jumped up from the floor and started jumping around with him.

"I passed!" You screamed at him, both of you were screaming and jumping around the living room so much you hadn't heard the apartment next door banging on the wall but you didn't care.

"You can help me not get sued by Army." Yoongi joked as you both calmed down a little, you giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck,

"I love you Yoongi...I'm sorry I was so stressed about everything." He shook his head at you as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your body close to his so he could hold you longer,

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