You're A Pilot

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A/N: All I could think about when writing this was Busted - Air Hostess and now it's stuck in my heeeeaadddd! Hope this is alright for you though sweetie!

WARNING: Namjoon's has smut undertones but it's not smut


When you woke up that morning this was the last thing you thought you would be doing after a long flight to Chile. You were standing around looking for someone's passport, everyone was aiding in the search including 6 other guys who were friends with the one that had lost his passport.

"Where did you have it last?" You asked trying not to laugh since it was quite a serious problem for them, the one who's passport looked up at you and was taken back a little but you were used to that since there weren't a lot of female pilots in the industry.

"In my pocket," You nodded and walked over to where he'd been sitting and began to feel around in the chair and on the floor to see if you could find it. While you were looking you could feel eyes in the back of your head, you went to get off from the floor when you stumbled backwards falling into someone's arms.

"I've got you." You looked up to see one of the most handsome men looking down at you, he was dressed in a navy jacket and his brown hair was under a baseball cap.

"Thanks." You laughed standing up with his help and moving out of the way of everyone who was still looking.

"He'd done this before then?" You questioned when you noticed all his friends laughing about the situation.

"Yeah he's our leader but he loses everything." The one that had helped you said through a deep chuckle.

"I'm Jin." He said holding out his hand for you to shake which you did, you smiled as the blush crepy onto your cheek. In all your time of flying people around the world, you'd never met someone like him, handsome but not arrogant about it and he seemed funny which was always a great quality in guys.

"Y/n, I was your pilot. I hope you had a nice flight." You said with a giggle, sitting down on one of the seats and feeling something poke you, you reached under the blanket and pulled out his passport.

"Namjoon?" You read out the name earning cheers from everyone who had been aiding the search and you laughed handing the leader the passport and turning back to Jin.

"Maybe you should keep hold of it or get him a strap for it." You joked wishing everyone a goodbye but Jin stayed behind to leave you his number, asking you to text him whenever you could. You both left the plane feeling happier than ever.


Standing in the VIP lounge was one of the cutest men you'd ever seen, he had one of the cutest little gummy smiles that were sending your stomach into a frenzy of butterflies. You tried to ignore the feeling since he was just another man in the VIP lounge, nothing to get excited over until you noticed him staring at you. He'd seen you the moment you walked into the lounge, you were dressed in a pilot's outfit and he couldn't help but watch you, the way your hips swayed with every step you took and the way you tried to be quiet even though you were wearing heels, it seemed as though you didn't want to be seen but he saw you and he never wanted to not see you again. Yoongi was trying to come up with a way to talk to you when you stood at the bar beside him, trying to order a drink but getting ignored by the bartender, Yoongi stuck out his hand and the bartender walked right over,

"I'll have a whiskey and whatever she's having." You smiled gratefully at the handsome stranger and ordered your drink,

"Thanks. They hate me here." You laughed as you waited for your drink, Yoongi cocked his eyebrow and you began to explain.

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