You Wear Glasses With High Graded Lenses

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A/N: Hope this is okay!!


You were clinging to Jin as you walked through the streets of Malta, you'd come on tour with him and he decided to go sightseeing today with you. In a massive rush that morning you'd forgotten to put your glasses on and now you were struggling to see around the streets.

"We can go back if you want?" Jin asked as you sat in a cafe trying to read the menu,

"I'm fine." You sighed putting down the menu and waiting for the waiter to come and take your order. You weren't fine and both you and Jin knew that you couldn't see without your glasses and they were such a thick prescription you were having a hard time adjusting to the fact that they weren't there.

"You sure?" You hummed and he chuckled at you, promising you he would help you walk around the city if you needed it and that he would watch out for you.


"You find this hilarious don't you?" He nodded and you groaned laying your head on his shoulder, you were walking around a museum together and he had to read the plaques to you and you wanted to go back to the hotel and cry.

"You should have remembered your glasses." He teased taking you over to the next painting and talking to you about it,

"You shouldn't have rushed me." You teased back and he kissed your cheek, walking you out of the museum and going to find something sweet for you both to eat.

"Hey! You didn't have to rush if you'd gotten up the first five times I woke you up." You rolled your eyes at him and he poked your cheek making you giggle and try to bite his finger.

"Ah young love." An elderly lady said as she saw you both acting like kids together, you smiled at her and Jin laughed as you struggled to walk without him by your side.

"I knew I should have dated Namjoon, he understands what it's like to be blind." You grunted sitting down on the pavement in a protest and Jin just bent down, picking you up and putting you on his shoulder.

"If you dated Namjoon you'd both be blind right now and going nowhere." He told you as he walked in the direction of some cabs, deciding he'd had enough of being your eyes for the day and that you needed your glasses.


You were giggling with Tae as you sat in Namjoon's studio, all of you were talking about doing something for Yoongi for his birthday but the conversation had somehow changed onto prescription glasses. Taehyung tried on Namjoon's and now he was trying on yours, both of them talking about how much more "blind" you were compared to Namjoon.

"It's not even that bad." You groaned taking your glasses back and looking up at the door to see Yoongi walking in with some coffees for everyone,

"When did you get here?" He questioned sitting between you and Taehyung,

"An hour ago, you were busy so I came in here." You told him and Tae started telling him about your glasses,

"Let me try." He took them off your face and you stared at him as he placed them over his eyes, taken back by just how strong the prescription was and then chuckling as he tried to look at you only to see a blurry blob.

"I get it, I'm blind." You grumbled taking them from his face and putting them on to see him making his eyes cross,

"Shit I can't see anymore, they broke me." You groaned pushing him into Tae causing them both to laugh and you to glare at them.

"You don't bully Namjoon for being blind." You grumbled folding your arms over your chest and staring at Namjoon who was trying to hide the fact that he was laughing along with them,

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