You Have A Secret Fan Account

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A/N: Working through my requests, everyone who has requested something I will write it. Love you!!!


You and Jin were spending the day unpacking your things into your new shared apartment, you'd recently decided that moving in together seemed like the best option since whenever he was at work you weren't and whenever you were at work he wasn't and you were both sick of not being able to wake up in one another's arms, at first you thought it was all a joke because you were sitting together with the rest of the guys and he just blurted it out in a rush that he wanted you to move in and you all stopped what you were doing to stare at him but it was real and it was finally happening. You'd picked out the perfect apartment, the colours, the furniture and were finally starting to move everything inside.

"Can you get the last of the boxes and I'll take these upstairs." You said to him as you looked at the boxes labelled clothes, he nodded giving you a quick kiss on the cheek before jogging outside to the moving van, you bent down picking up the lighter two boxes and started moving them, dropping them into the bedroom and smiling at it, it finally started to feel real that you were going to be living with the love of your life.

"Got them!" You heard Jin yell before the door shut, you giggled excitedly and went back down the stairs, jumping onto Jin's back and giggling.

"We're moving in." You whispered kissing his cheeks repeatedly he chuckled pulling you from his back and setting you down in front of him,

"It's only just hitting you?" You nodded and he chuckled kissing you on the lips, it still felt as magically as the first kiss you shared and you adored that about your kisses, each was just as special as the last and you didn't think you would ever get tired of kissing him.

"We should get a move on, we have dinner reservations later." He told you patting you on the head and grabbing some more boxes with you, both of you heading up to the bedroom to get the clothes into the wardrobe.


"Baby, can you pass me my phone?" You questioned from inside the wardrobe, you were in charge of sorting out the bottom drawers while Jin was hanging everything onto the top rails, your phone had been going off four times in a row which meant it was either important or your group chat with your friends was going insane without your attention,

"Sure." Jin left the walk-in wardrobe and walked over to the small bedside table where both of your phones were sitting, he didn't mean to look at it, it just happened and he read through the names.

"Hey, who's Hwangbub_123?" Your eyes widened as he read out the screen name to your fan account that you thought you'd buried from all corners of the universe,

"What?" You asked trying to play it off cooly getting up from the floor and walking into the bedroom, he smirked at you knowing instantly what it was, you'd never told him that you had a fan account because you didn't want to creep him out.

"Jin...Give me the phone." You said with a smile stepping closer to him only for him to shoot his extremely long arms into the air so you wouldn't be able to reach the phone from him.

"This isn't fair, you're freakishly taller than me." You sighed staring at the phone in the air and then to his eyes,

"Who's the account about?" He chuckled at you but you grumbled back at him who it was but he couldn't hear you,

"Who?" You rolled your eyes at him and sat on the bed pouting out your lips and staring at the floor in front of you.

"Does it matter?" You whispered to him hoping he would drop the subject but it wasn't likely.

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