He Calls You Clingy

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A/n: Angsty!!! But happy ending Angst so is it really angst ;)


You were looking at yourself in the mirror, you were getting ready for a night out with your girl friends and you were nervous. You hadn't spoken to Jin since your 'fight' and you were about to go out drinking without him for the first time in two years.

"You look fine, can we go now?" Your best friend asked as she caught you looking at yourself again. You were dressed in a black satin dress that tied at the side and you nodded, grabbing your phone and putting it into your small clutch bag, neither you or Jin had talked about the fight and you weren't about to go back to him just because you were going out and wanted to tell him where you would be. It may have been seen as petty but he started the fight, not you, and he was going to be the one to resolve it.


Jungkook had invited you over to the dorms to hang out with him for a little while, you'd been close with Jungkook ever since you started dating Jin and it was nice to have someone to talk to who wasn't just Jin.

"When did you get here?" Jin asked as he walked into the Maknae's room and seeing you sitting on his bed, controller in hand as you played video games together,

"Kook invited me over." You told him looking away from the screen and smiling at him but Jin wasn't smiling, he looked like he was ready to sleep for a month-long and he didn't look happy to see you like he normally would. You dropped the controller on the bed getting up and walking over to him, touching his forehead to see if he was getting sick or something.

"Are you okay? You look unwell, you should go to bed Jin." You told him trying to walk him out of the younger boys room but he pushed your hands away not wanting you to baby him in front of the boys.

"Get off me." He grumbled, you stood away from him and looked at him, Jungkook kept his eyes on the screen wanting to disappear as soon as this started.

"You're so fucking clingy I hate it." You felt that like a stab to the heart, you nodded slowly and said sorry watching as he walked away without a care in the world as if what he'd just said didn't bother him.

"I'm gonna go," You said to Jungkook who was staring after Jin with his mouth hanging open, he'd never heard Jin talk to you or anyone like that before.

"He's just tired." Jungkook tried to defend so you nodded your head, not wanting to think about it for a while.

"I have to go, I need to go shopping for a girls night outfit." You said quickly excusing yourself from the room and running out of the dorms to find your car and try to get Jin off your mind. It wasn't a real fight but there was no denying it hurts you a lot. Hearing someone you loved so much call you clingy, Jin had always told you he liked when you looked after him but now you were second-guessing everything you did for him.


"Cheer up!" You drunken friend yelled as she danced around you at the bar, you sent her a fake smile and looked around the club. You were in charge of making sure that everyone was there and that they would go home with the people they came out with,

"Look, if Jin was really bothered he would have called. Let go. Have fun!" She screamed moving away from you and going over to the dance floor to your other four friends, each of them having the time of their lives while you sat at the bar wishing you were at home.

"Hey, Hot stuff, what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" A gruff voice asked from your left side, you turned to look at a man around 45 talking to you, looking you up and down and you cursed yourself for wearing such a revealing outfit without Jin around. You ignored him moving away from him and going to the other end of the bar, so you could still see your friends dancing and be away from the creepy man, but he followed you.

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