You're Having Financial Trouble

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Okay it will not let me tag you in this I'm sorry, but I hope this is to your liking hun! Sorry it took so long to get out, I had a list of requests and wanted to make my way through them.


"I can't come, tonight baby, I'm sorry...I'll call you when I'm free but my boss is calling me, I love you." You hung up the phone before Jin could question you on anything, this was the sixth time this week you'd cancelled your date with him, he threw his phone down onto the table and blew out the candles he'd laid out for you all. He'd spent most of the day cooking up your favourite meal and making your favourite dessert only for it to go to waste because you were busy. He called the boys down to tell them the food was for them and decided to go for a walk to clear his head, his mind was going to the worst-case scenario and he trusted you, he trusted you with his life but it didn't stop his brain running through the possibilities of you cheating on him, images of you spending time with someone else splashed through his head but you weren't cheating on Jin, you would never do something like that to the man of your dreams. You were just busy with work, you picked up extra shifts because your bills were getting too much and then you had to get a second job because the first one wasn't enough payment, so all of your time was spent at different workplaces, as well as your weekends that were spent in a local small cafe where you filled in for people who couldn't make it to their own shifts but were willing to pay you to do it for them. So whenever you got time off you would spend it curled up in bed catching up on all of the sleep you'd been missing.


You'd cancelled on him again for the eighth time and he'd had enough, he wanted to find out if what was running around in his head was the truth or not, he couldn't take the not talking or only talking when you felt like it. He was walking to your apartment when he noticed the front door was ajar, he frowned jogging up to the door and walking through, the lights were all off and he didn't see any sign of you. He quietly shut the door and walked up the stairs, checking each of the rooms and then finally checking your bedroom where he found you curled up on the bed under a small blanket, a sheet of paper clutched in one hand and in the other tissue, as he got closer to you he saw that you'd been crying, he frowned taking the sheet of paper out of your hand and seeing it was an overdue bill he frowned staring at it, it was almost three months late. Why didn't you just go to him for the money? He looked over at your phone which was vibrating on the mattress, it was saved as boss #3 so he took the call out of the room.

"Hello this is Y/n's phone, how can I help?" You boss was grumbling about how late you were to your shift and how this was the last straw and to tell you he'd been in contact with your last cheque before abruptly hanging up the phone. Jin stared back into the room and you moaned in your sleep, turning over under the blanket, he quietly shut the door and walked down the stairs, phoning the number that was on the bill and making the payment for you.


"Shit! Shit! Fuck!" You screamed rushing down the staircase and frowning, nothing was where you had left it before you went to bed, then you smelt food, you frowned walking into the living room and seeing Jin in the kitchen through the hatch in the wall,

"Jin?" You questioned all thoughts of work gone from your mind as you saw your boyfriend cooking in the kitchen, he waved you over and you walked into the kitchen. The whole place was spotless which was weird because the last time you checked the house was a mess because you had no time to look after it.

"I can't stay, I'm late for work." He shook his head at you and you looked from him and over to the dining room table, it was set with candles and plates.

"Your boss called...He er, well he let you go." You groaned throwing your head against the tiled wall, you were fucked without that job.

"Shit, I'll call him back and beg for it, I need the job." He took your hands away from your phone and made you look up at him,

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