Depressive Episodes

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A/N: Warning here! Some of the following might be triggering to some people, but this was a request from a lovely anon, I hope this is okay for you. As someone who battles with depression just know if any of you need to talk I'm here. 💜💜💜 


Your phone buzzed from beside your bed but you continued to ignore it, rolling over under the covers and blocking out everything. Jin had been trying to call you for the last two days but you didn't want to talk to him, or anybody else. You just wanted to be left alone with your thoughts. The phone stopped buzzing and you knew there was another missed call and voicemail to add to the collection, you felt terrible for ignoring him but even worse because your head was racing too much.

"It's Jin...Of course, you know that you have caller ID...Just...Call me or text me, if you don't respond within the next hour I'm coming round." You looked at the photo you had of you and him set for his contact, you were cuddling together in a park somewhere, giant smiles on your faces as a picnic was laid out in front of you. He'd taken you out the first day he'd gotten back from one of their tours and it was the best day ever, you smiled at the memory and then the phone vibrated again.

"I'm outside. Let me in." You cursed yourself for opening the message, you had on read receipts and you wanted to scream for being an idiot, now he knew you were awake and reading all of the messages and listening to voicemails he'd been leaving. The front door opened and you heard him greeting your roommate, you looked at the door as it rattled, you'd locked it when you first locked yourself away.

"Baby...You can't lock yourself away, let me in." You silently let a few tears go, you heard him keep trying the door. He wasn't going to anywhere any time soon, you got up from the bed and opened the door, as soon as his eyes landed on you he dragged you into a hug, his big long arms wrapping around your waist and dragging you into his chest, as soon as you came into contact with him you let go of everything you were holding back, the tears came first and you never thought they would stop, you both collapsed onto the floor as you cried into his arms, he rubbed your back, kissing the top of your head as you ranted to him about everything you were feeling.

"It's so hard Jin, it's so, so hard." You sobbed out to him, he held you tighter and you let out a shaky breath, you'd never really gone into depth with Jin about your depression, you'd told him about how you had ups and downs and when you were having your downs you just pushed everyone away and wanted to be left alone,

"I push everyone away because even when people are around I feel so alone in everything...I can't keep-" He cut you off, shaking his head and kissing the top of yours.

"I brought along the perfect food, and movies for us to binge, or to sleep through. We can talk or not talk but you will never be alone during this okay." You nodded and he lifted you, walking over to the bed and laying you down in it, covering you with the covers and going to set the TV up at the end of your bed.

"I love you." You said to him as he got into the bed next to you, he wrapped one arm around your shoulder pulling you closer to him.

"I love you too." He whispered back, leaning down and leaving a kiss on your lips. You leant your head against his shoulder and watched as the movie began playing in front of you. 'You'll never be alone', you smiled at the thought of his words, he'd always told you he'd be there. No matter what.


"I'm fine Yoongi." You said over the phone to your boyfriend, he'd locked himself away at the studio for the last week and you stayed home, it wasn't out of the ordinary for him to go to the studio and work you loved that he was so passionate about everything he did, but he began noticing your habits again, he knew your depressive episodes were coming before you even did, on the 6th day of him not being at home he called you. You'd been ignoring his text, the group chat and the boys' texts, this was the first sign of one coming, you pushed everyone close to you away, you didn't want to talk to anyone, or see anyone. The next step was locking yourself up in the bedroom and refusing to take the right medication or eat real meals, so Yoongi knew what to do. He called you on his way home, he knew you would answer his calls to put his mind at ease, you never wanted to worry him, or bother him while he was busy, he told you he was still in the studio so that you wouldn't expect him home yet, but he would be coming down the driveway as you said goodbye. He came through the backdoor, silently going up the stairs and into the bedroom where he found you crying into a Shooky plush he'd gotten you, wearing nothing but one of his old T-Shirts, he'd say nothing to you. Just walking over and climbing into the bed next to you, pulling you over into his arms and letting you cry into him.

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