You're Drunk and He's Mad At You

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"Why do you keep fighting me on this?!" You screamed at Jin as you walked through the shared apartment looking for your heels, finding them by the front door and changing into them.

"I'm trying to look out for you!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I thought you were my boyfriend, not my dad!" You'd been fighting for most of the night over the fact that you were going out with some old friends and he didn't like it. You didn't see the problem with it but apparently, he did.

"I am your boyfriend but-"

"I haven't seen them in months Jin, I'm going even if you say no." You yelled walking out of the door and slamming it behind you as you did, Jin stared out of the window and sighed at you.


You stared at the phone and called Jin again, you'd been trying to call him for the last hour but you couldn't get through to him, you thought he was ignoring you so you left him voicemail after voicemail.

"Look I know you hate me right now but I'm sorry." You cried down the phone as you tried to work your way home, but you had no idea where you were or how long it would even take to walk home.

"I'm lost Jinnie, help me." You broke down, sitting on the floor and trying to call him again but getting his voicemail.

"Need help?" You looked up from your phone to see Jin standing there holding a coat for you and you rushed into his arms crying heavily as he wrapped the coat around your body and walking with you towards the car.

"I love you so much, please don't be mad at me anymore." You whimpered as he sat you in the passenger side of the car, buckling you into the seat and ignoring you as he got into his side of the car.

"Jin, please. I can't stand it when you ignore me." You pleaded but he started up the car in silence and began the slow and torturous drive home, he wanted to talk to you when you were sober, not while you were still drunk and being dramatic.

"I'm serious Jin. I should have listened and I am really sorry." You mumbled to him, he glanced at you from the corner of your eye and sighed, he hated that you were crying because of him but you were acting like an immature teenager and he didn't want to talk to you about it right now while he was still mad about everything.

"You have to think these things through Y/n, you can't just do this stuff anymore. You're not a teenager." He grumbled to you as he pulled into the driveway of your shared apartment and he helped you out of the car, taking you into the house and locking the door behind you.

"I was just having fun." You pouted as he put you into the bed without changing you out of the dress,

"You're an adult." You rolled your eyes at him and he groaned laying you down and tucking you under the sheets,

"I'm freezing, cuddle me." You whined but he ignored you, leaving the room and going to make himself a cup of coffee. It was 5 am and he wasn't going to sleep next to you while you were drunk and whining like a child. He knew you were just drunk and would say sorry for everything again in the morning but he didn't want to deal with it all for now.

"Jin!" You screamed at him and he came sprinting up the stairs thinking something was wrong but when he got into the bedroom you were sitting up in the bed in his shirt.

"Cuddle me or I'll cry." You threatened and he groaned at you, walking over and sitting down.

"Whatever. But we're not done talking." You nodded to show you were understanding but you just wanted to sleep with your boyfriend by your side, as you laid down next to him he scrolled through his phone too awake to think about falling asleep again. He would just wait for you to sleep before slipping out of the bed again.

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