Asking If You Can Touch Him

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It was only your second date with Jin and you were still just as nervous as you were on the first one.

"You okay?" He quizzed as he looked at you, you were walking through a funfair together deciding it would be a fun date together. You'd met through Jungkook and after crushing on Jin for the better half of a year Jungkook set you up.

"Yeah, just nervous." You admitted and he chuckled continuing to walk by your side. You'd both been nervous around each other but once you relaxed everything was fine. You had a lot of fun on your first date which is why you were currently on the second one.

"You don't have to be nervous around me, we talked about this last time." You groaned at him as he laughed at you, you were blushing like mad.

"You make me nervous, look at you. You're just so-You." You groaned at your inability to form a sentence around him, it was so much easier to talk to him when he wasn't staring at you like he was but he was thinking the same thing. It was easier to talk to you when he didn't have to stare down into your eyes, as you stared up into his. The moment he'd seen you with Jungkook he'd hoped you were just friends so he could make a move, it took him half a year to convince Jungkook to finally let him date you. After multiple best friend speeches about hurting you and it would end up in Jungkook killing him but Jin would never even think about hurting you. He liked you too much to even think about it.

"There's a horror house, we should go through!" Jin said looking at you, he hated horror movies and you both knew that but he wanted an excuse to hold you. You'd been on two dates and yet you hadn't tried to hug him or hold his hand so he was scared you were losing interest in him somehow.

"You hate horrors..." He shrugged his shoulders at you and nodded over to the entrance, he was looking forward to this as much as he didn't want to be scared in front of you.


"Jin," You whined as you rounded a corner, being scared by yet another clown and screaming. You wanted to reach out and grab Jin's hand but you knew how much people did that when he was out and about and you didn't want to just grab him randomly.

"Jin?" You whispered as you got onto a dark hallway, he looked down at you and you bit your lip.

"Can I hold your-" You stopped midsentence to scream as someone jumped from behind a painting,

"Hold your hand?!" You yelled hiding behind him but not touching him as you both continued walking through the house together, he pulled you against his side and took hold of your hand. Spark flying through your body from a simple gesture like that, you felt instantly relaxed as you continued walking together.

"Why did you ask?" He questioned once you were out of the house and back into the safety of the rest of the funfair, you looked at your hands that were locked together. Jin was sure he was never going to be able to let go of you.

"Well, you're just- You always have people touching you and grabbing you so I thought-" His smile made you stop ranting and you blushed, realising that you'd probably overthought everything.

"It was probably stupid..."

"Not at all, I think it was really sweet." He assured you as you walked over to a stand to get something to eat,

"At least I know that you do want to go on another date, I was scared I was boring you." He chuckled as he handed you some candyfloss, smiling at you as you stared up at him in confusion.

"Boring me? Jin I've had a crush on you for ages...Jungkook said I better not fuck it up so I've been on extra edge." You laughed and he chuckled.

"Can I tell you a secret?" He asked as you walked away from the stand, still holding hands as you did so.

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