There's A Large Age Gap

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A/N: I hope you liked it Anon! xoxo ~ M


The age gap didn't bother you or Jin, it was only eight years between you so it was nothing really. You were sat in the living room watching another drama on TV when Jin came in from the studio and found you, he walked over and kissed the top of your head and watched as you pushed him away so you could keep paying attention to the TV and he chuckled at you.

"What's that?" He asked looking at the table full of papers, you glanced over for a couple of seconds before your eyes darted back to the TV.

"Assignment." You said bluntly not wanting to look at it for longer than you had to, you'd been trying to work on it all day and it was draining the life out of you.

"When is it due?"

"Tomorrow." You answered as you added a piece of popcorn into your mouth,

"When are you going to do it?" He was giving you the side-eye and you knew you were in trouble,

"Tomorrow." You said slowly earning another look from Jin and then he started tickling your sides.

"You have to do it tonight." You groaned pushing him away and trying to watch TV but he took the remote away and turned the TV off so you couldn't watch it,

"Assignment." He grunted and walked into the kitchen to cook you both something to eat, you were living off-campus with him since it was your final year. He watched you through the hatch in the wall and smiled as you sat on the floor, your legs were crossed and you slipped your glasses on as you read through the papers.

"I hate you." You joked out loud to him and he chuckled shaking his head at how childish you were acting,

"I love you too baby, you'll thank me when you pass your exams."


The age gap was eight years between you and Yoongi not that either of you cared about the age difference but everyone else around you seemed to but everything was legal. You were both above the age of consent and you were both happy so wasn't that all that was supposed to matter? No was the answer according to tabloids that talked about you a lot. You couldn't do anything without it appearing in magazines or on the internet, it didn't bother you at first but it was starting to get a little much whenever you went out and you were questioned about what you were doing with someone older than you,

"They're just jealous," Yoongi said as he caught you looking an article depicting you as a gold digger or Yoongi's sugar baby.

"Well can they be jealous in silence?" You threw the magazine down on the table and he stared at the photo, it was heavily edited to show you surrounded by money and him standing there with a smile on his face.

"It'll go away when they realise how serious we are." He promised you as he sat down on the sofa beside you, that was what he always said to try and help you relax but it wasn't working.

"Do you think they're right?" You questioned but he shook his head, forcing your head to lay down on his chest, he began playing with strands of your hair and you relaxed against his touch,

"I think they're wrong. Wrong for butting into business that isn't theirs, I get that I'm an idol but it's wrong." He mumbled to you and you looked up at him. You'd talk about this a million times about how it affected you but you never talked about how it was affecting him.

"You okay?" He nodded at your question and you knew he was lying, you could tell by the look in his eyes it was bothering him more than he was willing to admit. The magazines did their best to make him the bad guy in the situation since he was older and should 'know better' but there was nothing to know better. You were both adults he just happened to be more than a couple years older than you.

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