Best Friends Brother

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You'd grown up with your best friend, you spent every moment you could together since the moment you could both walk, she had an older brother named Seokjin, everyone called him Jin though but you didn't, you called him Seokjin because you knew it annoyed him a little, in retaliation he called you Midge, short for midget, claiming it was just right for you. You both constantly teased one another and bickered like an old married couple, everyone, including your best friend, always said you'd be together but you could never imagine it, no after so many years of knowing him, you'd practically grown up alongside him.

You had been single your entire life, not that there was anything wrong with that but you were 23 years old and still hadn't had your first kiss, or held someone's hand who didn't love you like a little sister or was your literal family member. You were starting to think there was something wrong with you, you never voiced this opinions to anyone else didn't want to seem like you were bothered by it, many people were single until their late 30's, some never even got married and it's not like you weren't trying, you were. But it was as if Men stayed away from you as if you had a huge sign above your head telling them to stay away. In reality, it wasn't a giant sign above your head, it was Jin, he was constantly telling guys to stay away from you, that you were bad news or that you had someone else. Whenever someone new would come along and take interest in you, he would threaten them. He couldn't stand to see you with someone else who wasn't him, even if you weren't together yet.

"Is there something wrong with me?" You asked one night, you'd been drinking with your friend all night and she went out to buy more booze, you were sat on the sofa next to Jin who was playing video games alone, you laid your head down on his shoulder to stop the room from spinning so much and he looked at you, a small smile turning on his lips as he watched your eyelids flutter shut.

"What do you mean?" He chuckled pausing his game and wrapping an arm around your shoulder, you giggled snuggling against him and wanting to lay there all night.

"I've been single my entire life...maybe I'm broken, maybe I'm supposed to just grow old and buy a cat." You whispered, sobering up a little as the moments passed and you began to think everything over.

"I don't think you're broken." He murmured, now feeling guilty for every guy he pushed away from you, maybe it was wrong for him to push them away, it's not like you were stopping girls from getting to him.

"I should join a dating app like your sister, maybe I'll find someone that way." You took out your phone but he swatted it again,

"No!" You blinked at him, and then looked at your phone that was now on the floor facing up.

"No?" You questioned, he bit down on his lip debating to tell you everything he'd been feeling since the moment you turned 16, the moment you changed the way he thought about you.

"Seeing you with someone else makes me sick to my stomach." You stared at him confused for a second, he continued talking.

"I've liked you since you were 16...You did that stupid dance mash-up with my sister and you looked dorky and cute...I fell hard and there's nothing wrong with you, it's what's wrong with me." You were still trying to process everything he was saying to you,

"I told guys to stay away from you, that's why you've been single, I didn't want people taking what was mine." He admitted, you said nothing, you only moved closer to him, looked into his eyes and then down at his lips before leaning in and kissing him.

You wanted nothing more than to stay on the sofa making out with him but the front door was starting to open meaning your best friend was home.

"We'll talk more tomorrow." You whispered in his ear before going to help your friend inside.

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