Chapter 2

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The journey to the Kingdom of the Boo Pack was long and hard, and Jimin whined the entire time. "Beta, my ass," Yoongi mumbled as he picked up his whiny mate and carried him so he'd shut up.

Jungkook looked back, and Jimin was smirking. He knew he was only whining so someone would carry him. He's completely capable of walking, but he likes to be spoiled, especially by the grumpy Alpha holding him right now.

They made it to the outskirts of the pack, and everyone disbursed to get what was on their list. They agreed to meet back at their wagon by nightfall, and off they went.

"Come on, Mason, you have to shift."

He was on all fours, panting and struggling, "I'm trying. I don't know what I'm doing, and it hurts."

Casey rubbed the prince's back, "I know, sweetheart, but you have to do this. It's the only way I can save you."

It took hours, and it was almost nighttime when Mason finally shifted. He was a beautiful, tiny white wolf—so small that he looked like a pup. Mason, in his human form, was small anyway, but his wolf should have been bigger than this. He's almost 18 and an adult. He looked at her with his beautiful blue eyes, "I'm going to save you, my Prince, even if it kills me."

Casey wrapped the tiny pup up and placed him in her bag as she made her way out of the castle and into the woods when she came across two men in a heated kiss. "Yoongi," the smaller one moaned, "we have to stop; they'll be back here soon."

"Jiminah, if I don't fuck you right now after I carried your ass for four days, I will go insane."

"Fine, but let's go closer to the river. I don't want Jungkook trying to make me blow him while you are railing my ass again."

The Alpha snorted before throwing the beta over his shoulder and running towards the river. 

Casey was so happy that she looked up at the moon and thanked the Moon Goddess for this blessing. She tucked the pup underneath the fabric mounds and behind the food baskets. "I love you, my Prince; do not shift until you are far away from here. Promise me?"

His big blue eyes blinked at her slowly, and he nodded his head, "You'll be safe; they'll keep you safe." She turned to leave, and the pup whimpered softly. She pet his head one last time and kissed his snout before leaving.

Mason didn't know what to do; he'd never shifted before, and he'd never even been outside. There were so many new sounds and smells, and it was overwhelming to him. He was getting under the cloak a little more; it smelled like Alphas and Betas, but it didn't bother him like the smells from his home. Those smells were always full of anger and hatred; these smelled of love and happiness and just a bit of longing. What could they be longing for, he wondered?

He heard voices, several of them. "Jesus, go get those two. We need to leave."

Jungkook's ears perked up, and he grinned before hopping off to go get Yoongi and Jimin, "damnit, Joon, now they won't come back until JK gets to cum too." Jin was annoyed; he wanted to get this journey over with to start this whole baby-making thing.

The rest of them added their purchases to the wagon and then settled down to devour something while they waited for those three to stop fucking.

Jungkook smirked as he walked towards the sounds that were coming from the river; it sounded like Jimin had just had his orgasm. He pulled his cock out and pumped it a few times before he kneeled in front of him. "I told you not to be so loud; it's your fault," Yoongi snickered.

Jimin started to whine, but Jungkook didn't give him a chance; he just slid his cock into his mouth with a groan. "He's right, Jiminah; I could hear you from a mile away."

Jimin mumbled something around the Alpha's cock, "What was that?" Yoongi asked as he adjusted his hips to hit Jimin's prostate.

Jungkook slid out, and Jimin let out a garbled scream as he came for the second time. "Fucking Alphas." 

Jungkook just chuckled before pushing his cock back in. "You love being wrecked by those Alphas; don't act like you don't."

Yoongi snorted, "he loves getting wrecked by the Betas, too; it's almost like he was born an Omega."

Jimin was mad, which was hard to maintain when he had two sexy as fuck Alphas having their way with him. After about 20 minutes, the two Alphas finally had theirs, and Jimin went for the third time. When they pulled out, Jimin fell over on his side, his body too wrecked even to dress himself, let alone move. 

Jungkook reached down and got him dressed. "We better head back." Yoongi reached down, picked his mate up, and smirked at him while Jimin glared back at the Alpha.

They walked back to the others. Namjoon and Hobi had already shifted into their wolf forms. The Alphas all had jet-black fur and red eyes, and the Betas were grey with green eyes. Since Joon was a True Blood Alpha, his wolf was the largest. 'Do you guys smell that?' They all sniffed around. ' Something is sweet, lovely.'

Yoongi placed a passed-out Jimin into the back of the cart under his cloak, not noticing the tiny pup hidden in the corner. He looked at the others and said, "We bought candy for the pups; it's probably that."

Joon didn't think so, but he was too tired to argue with them. They headed out to make the long journey home. 

Mason woke up when the cart came to a stop. He peeked out only to see a man fast asleep not far from him. He was snoring slightly, and he was so beautiful. Mason wanted to get closer to his scent. He smelled like the cloak that was on top of him, but there were three stronger scents: oranges, clean laundry, and cherry blossoms.

If wolves could blush, then Mason would be bright red. He realized why his smells were mixed—he was mated, and they just had sex. But what confused him was the fact that if he sniffed hard, he could smell six other smells besides his cherry blossom smell. Does he have six mates? Is that a thing? Is it even possible?

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