Chapter 46

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Hobi gasped, "Oh my, he made a nest for us, just for us? I'm telling Jimin." In two minutes, Jimin ran in and was out of breath. He tried to put his clothes on while Joon yelled at him from downstairs. "Everything okay?" 

Jimin rolled his eyes, "why that dumb Alpha thinks that his dick would ever be more important than seeing the nest our Omega built for us is beyond me. For all I care, he can find one of the other three holes in the house."

Yoongi got down on the floor to get closer to Mason. "Baby, wake up."

Mason hummed as he rolled over to face them. His eyes blinked open slowly, and he smiled, "Hi Yoongi." His eyes darted over to Hobi and Jimin, "Hi Jiminah, hi Hobi."

"Hi, baby," they both whispered back as they sat on the floor beside the Alpha.

Jimin reached over to touch their comforter. Mason blushed, "Sorry, I took that. I can give it back. It just smelled so good, and I missed you guys, so I had..."

Jimin cooed him, "Baby, don't ever be sorry for building your beautiful nests and taking the necessary things. If I have to buy every damn blanket in the world to make you happy, I will."

Mason started purring so loud, and then his wiggles began next. Hobi smiled, "Baby, I hate to interrupt your nap, but do you still want to go to the home and play bingo with the elders?"

He popped up, "Yes, please! I completely forgot. My wolf took over, and we went crazy sourcing for this nest. By the time I was done, I was so tired."

Hobi frowned a bit, "do you need more sleep? We can always go later."

He was already getting out of his nest: "No, no, I'm fine. I made a commitment."

"Baby, you are carrying our pup. If you need rest, I promise the village elders won't be mad that you skipped out on playing bingo with them."

He rolled his eyes at him, "I'm pregnant, not an invalid. I'll be fine," he huffed.

'Oh, our Omega is getting braver.'

Jimin rolled his eyes at Yoongi, 'about time he treats you assholes accordingly.'

Hobi smacked Jimin and helped Mason up and off, and they went. As they walked through the village towards the home where the elders live, they were greeted by everyone they saw, they would bow and address Hobi as one of the seven and called Mason Luna since he's the destined mate of the Pack Alpha it makes him the Luna.

Mason huffed in annoyance, which made Hobi laugh. "Get over it, baby. You are mated to the Pack Alpha."

He rolled his eyes at him, "So are you and five other people. Why can't Jin be the Luna? Wasn't he the first mate anyway?"

"Jin never wanted to be Luna, so he refused, and by the time we all showed up, we were the seven, and that's just how everyone addressed us. But now that you are here and carrying our pups, that makes you the Luna baby."

"But I'm not a girl; I know it's small, but I do have a dick. It's been in all of your asses and your mouths more times than I can count." He sassed.

Hobi barked out a laugh—so hard that they had to stop walking because he was bent over and practically falling to the ground. " You really need to stop hanging out with Jimin."

"I like Jiminie, he's fun."

The Beta caught his breath and then pulled him flush against his body, Hobi pinched Mason's chin and forced the younger to look at him, "he is baby, but his mouth gets him in trouble a lot and he does it on purpose. Do you want to be punished like we punish him? Do you want us to tie you up in our swing and fuck you until you pass out?"

His eyes flashed blue and he started purring, once he moved closer to the Beta and started wiggling he knew his Omega had taken over, "calm down Omega, we are in public and I have no quims about pulling these pants down and taking you right here, in front of everyone."

He climbed up the Beta and wrapped his body around Hobi's, "Beta," he whimpered against his neck. 

Hobi groaned, "You are killing me, pup. What do you want? Me to fuck you. Do you want my cock, or do you want me to suck your pretty little cock until I swallow everything you have?"

Mason was moving, basically humping him in the middle of the road, "I want it all Beta, please?"

"We don't have time; we are already running late. Pick one baby, or I'll pick for you." He whined and started moving faster, "Too late, I'm going to fuck you. But don't worry, you get my cock later, and I'm sure either Yoongi or Jimin will want to suck up everything that you can give."

He moaned louder when Hobi palmed his ass cheeks and squeezed them; he carried him to their destination as quickly as he could. Hobi leaned Mason's back against the wall of the home and pulled his pants down enough that he could sink into him. 

He started to cry out, but the Beta smacked his hand over his mouth. "You have to be quiet, baby, they may be old, but they are still werewolves, and I don't want them to hear just how fucking amazing your cries of pleasure are. So be a good Omega, and let me fuck you while you don't make a sound. Then we are going to go in there and play bingo with all the village elders while my cum leaks out of your little hole. Got it, baby?"

"Yes, Beta, I'm. I'll be your good Omega. Please, fuck me; want your cum so so badly."

"I know you do, baby, and I'm going to give it to you." Hobi started pounding into him as hard as he could, Mason threw his head back against the wall and he was biting his lips closed to keep quiet. The Beta threw his head back and groaned, it was loud but he didn't care. The Omega whimpered and started moving his hips to match Hobi's. "Fuck baby, you feel too good. I'm about to cum. I want you to hold it, do not cum until I'm out of you, and your pretty little cock is in my mouth. Got it?"

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