Chapter 37

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All seven of them whipped their heads around to look at Omega, who had tears in his eyes. "No, baby, you didn't. This was not your fault."

"But I ate the poison; Jin said it himself, Alpha. I killed our pup." He broke down in Jungkook's arms, and the Alpha was clueless about how to fix it.

"Baby, there was no poison in this house; that's why we are so confused. Did you go out when Jin was searching for that pup?"

He pulled back from Jungkook's neck, "No, Alpha, I promised all of you that I wouldn't leave the house alone. I'd never break a promise to my mates."

"Then what the hell could you have eaten?" Yoongi said, slightly exasperated.

"Well, that blonde Omega brought me some cookies for pregnancy to help my milk come in and help the pup grow strong. She told me that they would make anyone not pregnant sick so that I should eat them all just to be safe. So that's what I did." 

They all froze and looked at each other. Jimin growled as he walked towards Mason. He kneeled in front of the younger, "Baby, did she tell you her name?" He shook his head no and mumbled sorry. "Don't worry about it; you didn't do anything wrong. But from now on, do not accept anything from anyone that isn't us, okay?"

"Why?" Then his eyes went wide, "Did, was, the cookies, my pup? Why did she?" He was sobbing too hard even to speak coherently.

Jungkook let out his rumbles and a calming scent; he could also smell Yoongi's and Joon's. It worked, he calmed down, but that didn't change the fact that someone deliberately killed their pup.

'It had to be Crystal,' Jimin was looking at Jin. It looked like they were linking each other.

"Anyone wants to let the rest of us know what's going on?"

Tae looked at him; his face held so much sadness. "When we were shopping for baby stuff, Crystal glared at Mason. It made us all uncomfortable, so Jimin took Mason to another store."

Joon growled low in his throat; "why did none of you say anything to us? We are your Alphas. It's our job to protect the five of you, but we can't do that when we don't know there's a threat."

"He never leaves the house without us; we thought everything was fine. We didn't know that she'd go to this extreme."

Jin turned to look at Joon and linked everyone but Mason, 'I think she was trying to kill him. The Doctor said that if I had gotten there just a few minutes later, he would have been dead. She miraculously found the pup after hours of us looking.'

Jimin gasped, "Mason, baby, are you hungry?" He nodded his head, and Jimin walked over to him. Let me make you something; I've missed you way too much." 'Catch me up later; Mason doesn't need to hear this or be around all this tension.'

Tae stood up, "I'm coming with you, Jiminah."

Jimin carried Mason down into the kitchen and sat him on the counter so he could grab some food for him. Then Tae walked over and got right in between Mason's legs and started kissing him like his life depended on it. Jimin just rolled his eyes. It's precisely what he would do once he fed him, but whatever, he guesses he'll be a gracious Beta and share. 

The entire time he was cooking his food, Tae was making out with him. The sounds that Mason was making were getting Jimin hard. His legs wrapped around Tae's back; his hands were in his hair. Jimin couldn't help but snort, "Taehyungie, you made our Omega horny. I suggest you take care of it before I finish his food. Tae chuckled before he gently pushed Mason down onto his back, he pulled his shorts and panties off quickly, and his mouth was on his pretty little cock, and his fingers were in his slick-covered hole, moving as fast as they could. 

"Oh, Beta, please, so close. It feels so good." Tae groaned around Mason's dick because Jimin reached over and pushed his way into his pants, and started fisting him. It's the easiest way to get him to finish this. Because when Tae is chasing his orgasm, he can get a little frantic, and that's just what Mason needs right now. An orgasm and then straddle Jimin's lap as he sinks his cock into him and makes him sit there while he feeds him. 

If he can be a good Omega, then he'll fuck him good while he's spread out across the table. Jimin heard Mason cry nonsense, and Tae groaned as he came all over the elder's hand. He pulled his hand from Tae's shorts and brought it to Mason's mouth. He wrapped his hands around Jimin's wrist like he would deny him his favorite treat. He licked and sucked his Beta's hand clean, and Jimin praised him the entire time.

His eyes were bright blue, and he purred happily, "Omega, it's been too long, and I need you. Can you keep my cock warm while I feed you? If you are a good boy and sit still and eat everything I give you, I'll reward you."

"Yes, Beta, I'm a good boy. You told me I was the best Omega." He smiled big, his curly hair shining in the light. Jimin was in love with this soft, squishy little Omega.

He softly petted his hair; "you sure are." Once Jimin carried him and his food to their seat, he settled him onto his lap. "This won't be easy Omega. Once your Alphas realize that they can touch you now, they will rush out of that meeting and try to take you from me. But you wouldn't do that, would you, Omega? You wouldn't leave your Beta before you get your reward, right?"

"No, Beta, I am yours, only yours."

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