Chapter 59

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He looked at Kook with devilish eyes. He was biting his lip, and it made him chuckle. Yeah, this is not going to be fun for him, at least not at first. "Do your worst, babe. I can handle it." 

He growled; the Alpha's clothes were ripped off, and next, his were. He stood up and looked Kook up and down, "On your knees Alpha, my dick needs to be wet."

Don't roll your eyes, Jungkook; it's actually a good thing he's letting you get his dick wet first. He slid down to his knees and took his cock between his lips; Tae grabbed the hair at the back of the Alpha's neck and held him there as he fucked his face. "Fuck you are too good at this. Look at my Alpha being a slut for his Betas cock."

Kook growled, and his eyes darted to the younger's; he mouthed sorry before letting up a little on the face fucking. Jungkook rolled his eyes, 'You can fuck my face, babe, but I'm not Yoonmin; Daddy is not into being degraded.'

"Okay, Daddy," he smirked before going back to slamming his dick down the Alpha's throat as hard and as fast as he could. He pulled out, "Bend over the bed, Daddy, and spread your cheeks as wide as you can."

Jungkook sure hopes he can fucking walk tomorrow. He bent over, his face flushed against the mattress, his ass in the air, feet on the ground. He reached around, grabbed his cheeks, and spread them wide; then the Alpha felt Tae's tongue. Jungkook pulled away and squeaked, yes, he's done it to all of the Betas and Mason more times than he can count, but no tongue has ever come near his ass.

Whack, whack. "You are being a bad Daddy."

"Babe, Daddy isn't so sure.."

"JK, please."

He sounded so sad and despondent that it broke his heart. "Okay. You can do whatever makes you happy."

His tongue went straight in there; Kook jerked a little but forced himself to stay there for him. It didn't feel bad; it felt really fucking good. He's just never done this before since he's an Alpha, and he was supposed to be all hard and fuck asses like crazy. He's not supposed to be soft and wants to cuddle and snuggle his Beta. But fuck that shit; he loves holding Tae and falling asleep.

He loves carrying his Omega around and falling asleep with his cock nice and warm in Jin's ass. He loves making out with Jimin on the couch and all the random hugs and kisses Hobi gives him when he least expects it. Especially when he kisses the Alpha's neck; it's so intimate and sweet, or he'll jump on and cuddle him until they fall asleep.

He's a weak Alpha for his Betas and their tiny little Omega. And honestly, he no longer gives a fuck what society says; it says that poly relationships are wrong, and being gay is punishable by death. But he loves his mates and couldn't imagine life without them. 

"Tae, I'm going to cum if you don't stop because, babe, your fucking tongue is amazing."

When he heard his rumbles, he knew Tae was happy right now. "Okay, Daddy, do you want me to prep you?"

"No, I need to feel you. I need your knot, babe; please don't make me wait any longer."

Tae slammed into him and immediately started pumping hard and fast, he found the Alpha's prostate so fast and he was not going to last long at all. Kook threw his head back and moaned loudly, he was giving into this. He was going to enjoy the unforgettable pleasure he was giving him. "I'm close, Daddy, cum with me, please."

"Promise," he practically whined. 

His hips shuttered a few times and then he felt his cum, once his knot expanded Kook came all over his hand. His body sagged against Kook's back; his legs started to give out. Jungkook wrapped his arms around their backs, crawled them onto the bed, and plopped down. His knot wouldn't go down so they could just lay like this. He is on top of the Alpha with his lips right against the Alpha's neck. "I love you, Alpha; thank you for this gift."

"I love you too; as soon as you are ready, we should help Jin. I'm excited to see the crib." That perked him up; he started to move. "Yah, you will rip me a new asshole if you try to get out now. Calm down, Beta."

"Sorry," he squeaked, "I was too excited about the stuff we got for the pup."

"I know, babe, I heal fast, but it'll still really fucking hurt."

"Jimin, I love you, I do, but that is not happening, ever."

Jimin crossed his arms and glared at Yoongi, "It is. You put this shit on me, tied me up in that fucking swing, and had me fucked until I passed out."

"That wasn't my fault, that was Tae. Why am I being punished?" The Alpha roared.

He smirked, and then started to tear up, "I just thought that since you gave me this beautiful ring and you were so willing to be knotted and bottom, you might do this. But I guess I was wrong. It's okay, I'm kinda tired. We can just go help Jin and then go to bed." Jimin walked away from the Alpha, and Yoongi closed his eyes, as he counted down from ten before he started putting on the fucking French maid costume.

Is he faking and playing him? Oh, big fucking time, he's lived with Jimin long enough to know when he's just giving his puppy dog eyes to get what he wants. But he is willing to bottom for him and take his knot whenever he wants, what's the big deal about wearing something that he made him wear and getting in a sex swing he's used on him more times than they can count? "Come on, baby boy, Daddy will need help with the swing."

He turned back around, just like Yoongi suspected, there were no tears, just a pouty lip. "Really?"

"Come on. I want you to fuck me as hard as you can. You have permission to do anything you want for the next 20 minutes, and then we have to go to the nursery and help Jin. Okay?"

He'd never seen his Beta so happy before; his eyes disappeared as he clapped and squealed. 

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