Chapter 40

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Jungkook grunted as he pumped into Jimin as fast as he could, "Look at you being such a slut for your Alpha, taking his cock like an Omega. Are you sure you are a Beta?"

"You knew I was a Beta when I was balls deep in your ass, and you were screaming my name and cumming all over Mason, you mother fucker."

Jungkook looked at Yoongi and smirked, "Someone needs to be taught a lesson. I was going to go easy on him, but now, not so much." He reached up and grabbed the handle that adjusts the height of the swing; with one little tug, Jimin was at the perfect angle for him to slide against his prostate easily. 

He was going to fucking orgasm at this rate; he could handle them fucking him and not getting off, but them fucking him and having dry orgasms was way too much. Add in the fact that Yoongi wants all of them to fuck him and then make him watch Mason getting wrecked. Jimin might die today.

Moon Goddess, if this is my last day on Earth, know that I do love these assholes, even when I hate them. "I'm close, Beta. Are you going to give me what I want?"

"Never, asshole, just cum and let the next idiot fuck me. I can do this all day." It was a lie; he was so close but would no longer cave and bow down to them. Mason let his wolf out, and he can no longer control him. Jimin knew his eyes were bright green, and he didn't need to open them to see that. 

"Yoongi? You know what to do."

Yoongi chuckled before he walked over to Jimin and wrapped his lips around the Beta's cock, "" He growled.

Jungkook was abusing his prostate, and Yoongi was hoovering the shit out of his dick; Jimin's entire body started shaking with the need to cum, but he was fighting it so hard. He wasn't going to give in if he could help it. Jungkook came, and Jimin's body sagged in relief. "Fuck how has he not cum yet?"

"Amazing self-control, Alpha. You should try it sometime. Maybe if you lasted longer, I would have gotten off as well." He was asking for it, but whatever.

Jungkook growled, and Tae slammed into the Beta. "Oh, Jiminie, I love the dress. I was excited to see Mason in it, but I think it should be yours after this."

"I'm never wearing this shit again, Taehyung; I'm going to burn it after this."

"Tae, make him cum, or I will punish you later."

Tae's eyes turned green as he looked at Jungkook, "Yes, Alpha." He angled Jimin's hips just right, and then he showed those two fucking Alphas something that Jimin never wanted them to know. He only agreed to Tae's fucking Twinkie demand if he'd try this with him and never tell them. Tae's hand went up Jimin's body, and his large fingers wrapped around the elder's throat.

"Tae, don't.." The Beta whimpered. He squeezed just enough, and Jimin moaned loudly.

"I'm not getting punished because you made an Alpha mad. Sorry, Jiminie, but only one of us will be hurting tomorrow, and it's not me." He squeezed harder. Jimin's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he was fairly sure he was drooling. The moans that were slipping past his lips were so loud. His body was on fire, he needed to cum so badly and now he was being fucked just right, his head was fuzzy because of the blood rushing to it from the position in the swing and the need to breathe is controlling him.

Jimin's back arched from the orgasm and ran through his entire body; he was shaking so hard that if the swing hadn't held him securely, he would have collapsed into a pile of uselessness. Tae came, and the elder blacked out.

"Jesus Christ, Tae, did you kill him?"

Tae rolled his eyes at the overbearing Alpha next to him, "You told me to make him cum AlPhA, and I did. He's not dead I can hear his heartbeat dumbass." Tae was being a dick, but he didn't care. They told him to make him cum.

Yoongi was rapidly trying to get Jimin out of the swing; he carried him to their bed and petted him. "Why won't he wake up? He's never done this before. Why did you choke him? God damnit Taehyung."

"I did what you two fuckers asked me to do; you can't get mad at my method when I got you the damn results you wanted." Tae turned to walk towards the door, "he'll wake up in less than five minutes. I'll send Mason in because the cleanup will be massive, and I think Jimin deserves it. He was a good baby boy for his Daddy, after all." And then he left. 

Jungkook stood up, "I'll go warn Mason, lord knows Tae will just send him in here telling him he's getting some cum and he'll freak out seeing Jimin like this."

Yoongi didn't want to admit that he was panicking, but he was. He's rough, probably the roughest one there, which is saying something since there's a True Blood in the house. But never in all of their years of kinky rough sex has he ever choked Jimin or fucked him so hard that his ass blacked out. "You better wake up soon, baby boy, or Daddy will be one pissed-off Alpha." 

"Yoongi? Jungkook told me that you and Jimin need me. Is he okay?"

The Alpha turned to look at their Omega; he was standing in the doorway, looking so worried as he chewed on his bottom lip. "He will be fine now that you are here, baby." He waved for him to come over; once he was sitting on the bed next to Jimin, Yoongi pointed towards the cock ring that Jimin still had on. His cock steadily leaking with its need to release, the head was red and angry. "Once I take this off, he's going to blow everywhere. Can you catch it? Can you be a good Omega for your Alpha and Beta?"

"Yes, Alpha, please let me take care of our Beta."

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