Chapter 62

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The seven ran as fast as they could but still hadn't caught up to the wolves that stole their Omega. 'It had to be his family. We're almost to the Kingdom of the Boo Pack.' 

The rest of them groaned, but they knew Joon was right. 'Mason, are you awake yet?'

'Alpha! My family..'

'I know, baby, we are almost there. We're going to save you.'

'No, you have to leave. Stay away, far away.'

Joon stopped running, causing Jungkook and Jimin to crash into him, 'why did you stop, asshole? That hurt; you aren't exactly a small wolf.'

'Shut up, Jimin. Mason doesn't want us to come.'

'WHAT?' They all yelled.

Jin walked over to Alpha and nuzzled his neck, trying to comfort him. 'That doesn't make sense, Alpha. There has to be a reason. Mason loves us. Talk to him.'

Joon took a deep breath, trying to rein in his emotions. 'Baby, why? Do you want to stay with your family?'

He was crying; Joon didn't have to see him to know that. 'No, Alpha, I hate my family. Mark is going to kill me and take our pup. He's going to make you watch it happen while you are locked up and can't help. You must save yourselves; you can find another Omega to give you pups.'

'Baby, if you die, we die. I'm not sure how much you know about Alphas or even fated mates, but once you die, it wouldn't take long before we'd happily follow you to our Moon Goddess. There's no us without you, baby.'

Mason was sobbing with his entire body, 'I can't lose you, I can't lose another pup Joonie. I don't know what to do.'

'Do you trust us?'

'With my life, Alpha.' 

That's good because if he were being honest, all of their lives would be on the line. 'Are you safe right now?'

'As safe as I can be. He wants the pup for himself, so I don't think he'll hurt me too much until I'm closer to delivery.'

Joon looked at his mates. They weren't close enough to Mason to be able to link with him. So, they are relying on Joon to talk to him. 'Mason, we are going to help you. But I need you to be strong for us. Keep yourself and our pup safe. Can you do that for me?'

'I'll try Alpha. I love you, tell them too. Please.'

Joon looked at the others, 'Yoongi, Jimin, and Hobi. Run back to the village, get anyone willing to fight, and bring them back.'

'If you think I'm leaving Mason in that castle for a second longer than possible, you are out of your fucking mind Joon. I'm his Alpha, too.'

'Yoongi, I know you love him. I do, too, but this is the only way to save him and our pup. They expect us; it's 7 of us against the kingdom. They want the pup, they want to cut the pup out of him in front of us so we have to watch our mate die.'

They all gasped. Jin crashed down to the ground and started whining and howling at the Moon. 'I promise Beta, I will save your pup. But I need you to trust me. Believe in me, and we will get them both back.'

The Moon flashed, and it caught all of their attention. Jin sighed, 'She said it's the only way to save them. We have to get people involved, the whole kingdom, if we have to. There are so many people in this kingdom who are suppressed and mad about the current rule. We can fix it; Mason can change things with our help.'

Jungkook stood up. If a wolf can grin, then that's what he was doing. 'He's a Prince. Mason can rule if we kill the King and the other Princes. A Gay Omega male, can you imagine the change he could bring?'

'Would they let them, though? Wouldn't he be ridiculed for what he is, what we are as his mates?'

Jungkook looked at Hobi, 'We are his destined mates. I highly doubt that the Moon Goddess makes mistakes. If it was so wrong, then why do it in the first place?'

Jin looked at everyone, 'he's right. Mason was given to us for a reason, and I think this is it. You three must gather as many as possible and bring them back.'

Yoongi looked at all of them, his red eyes holding back tears. 'Will he be safe? Will our pup be safe?'

'If he's ever in danger, I will go in there myself. I promise you.'

Yoongi looked at his Betas, 'let's go.' And they were off.

Joon looked at the others, 'We should be there in a day or two.'

'How are they so far ahead of us?'

Joon looked at Jungkook, 'Jin is still not fully healed. He's a Beta JK; we've been going slower for him.' Joon linked Jungkook directly so he didn't hurt Jin's feelings.

Jin rolled his eyes, 'because I'm slow, dumbass, I'm not a fast runner on my best day. I'm still fucking hurting. Joon is slowing way down for me.'

Jungkook looked embarrassed, and this lightened up the mood a bit: 'As soon as we get there, we need to spread out and start talking to people. We can't be the only ones who feel suppressed by the current laws.'

Max was livid, his father was due back any day now, and fucking Mark found Mason and had him locked up in his old room. He got up; he needed to see him. Max barged into his room. He was only wearing a shirt and a pair of panties. He had bruises all over his body. He reached over and lifted his shirt, but no bruises were there. His arms wrapped around his stomach protectively. "Congratulations, Mason, you are going to be a mother."

He sniffled, "Thanks, but it's not like I'll even get to hold my pup. Mark is going to cut it out of me and then kill me."

"Would you believe me if I said I was sorry?" He shook his head no and even scooted farther away from him. "I deserve that. I've been a horrible brother to you and an even more horrible Alpha." He stood up, "I'll do what I can to protect you. Would you like to see Casey?"

"Please," he whimpered as he moved farther away, his nose wrinkled.

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