Chapter 8

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When they were done getting him everything, they headed back to the house; his scent was already starting to seep into everything, and Yoongi sure enjoyed it. They brought their purchases to the room and sat them down. Normally, in this situation, he'd crawl between Hobi and Jimin. But right now, he wants nothing more than to hold his Omega.

He looked at the other two Alphas and knew they were thinking the same, "I'm getting him now, Jungkook; you can have him after our nap, and Joon, you can have him tonight."

They both grumbled but knew when he was serious. Yoongi crawled onto the bed and gently pushed Jin over. He rolled over and snuggled into Tae. Joon slid behind Tae and wrapped his arm around both of them while Jungkook got behind Hobi and held him.

It took a bit of maneuvering to get Mason out of Jimin's arms and on top of him, but Yoongi did. Of course, Jimin was still curled against the Alpha; even in his sleep, he sought him out. Yoongi has never been more content in his life, more complete. He had all his mates with him, and they finally had their Omega.

Joon, Jungkook, and Yoongi must talk seriously about his heat. He's their mate; their alphas will go wild, wanting to claim him. Joon normally goes first, then Yoongi, and then Jungkook. But since he's an Omega, it's going to be harder. Their Alphas aren't going to back down. 'You know what will happen when he goes into heat?'

Joon sighed, 'Yeah, let him choose, and the other two will have to be locked away until the claim is over.'

'I guess that's the fairest way; looks like we have a month to win him over.'

That made Yoongi laugh. Jungkook is hella competitive and will go all out to be chosen. 'Whatever you do, do not knot him. I know they want babies, and it's going to be even more now that we have an Omega, but unless he wants pups...'

'He's going to beg to be knotted, I know I can resist. But that's only because I'm a True Blood. Will you two be able to?'

Most definitely not, not if he's begging me. Yoongi thought to himself, 'Fuck, I'm not sure, honestly.'

'Me either,' Jungkook said softly.

'Then we need to talk to him because we cannot knot him if he doesn't want to be knotted before he's in heat. He will need to be thinking clearly.'

That was the best solution. Jungkook and Yoongi agreed to those terms. The oldest Alpha smirked, 'Let the wooing begin.'

He didn't sleep; it was impossible with Mason sleeping on top of him and Jimin curling up on his shoulder. His hand was under Mason's sweater, rubbing his back lightly. He was purring, and Yoongi loved it; he may be asleep, but his Omega is thoroughly content that his Alpha is paying him attention.

He slept for about an hour before he started stirring. He scooted closer to Yoongi's neck, and his face was right against the Alpha's scent gland as he breathed him in, "Alpha," he whispered. Yoongi let his rumbles start; he does this for Jimin a lot to calm him down. It works on Beta's but not as much as it works on Omegas.

Mason's legs pulled up, straddling Yoongi's lower waist as he scooted as close to the Alpha's neck as possible. He was purring nonstop and nuzzling into him. "You hungry, pup?"

Mason nodded against him, and Yoongi slowly sat up, still holding him; he knew the Alphas were awake but didn't care. Technically it's Jungkook's turn, but he can suck it. Yoongi carried Mason down to the kitchen and sat him down on the counter while he dug around in the fridge. He got some cheese, grapes, and juice for him.

Yoongi stood between Mason's legs and fed him bite after bite. His Alpha practically pranced in happiness because they were feeding their Omega; he was eating from their fingers. As he was chewing a grape, Yoongi looked at him and brushed some of the curls off his forehead, "I'm so happy we found you, pup."

He blushed, which was the cutest thing ever, "I'm happy you found me, too. I've never felt happy or safe until I met you seven."

Yeah, that's what his Alpha wanted to hear: that they make their Omega happy and safe. "I'm sorry you had it so hard."

He shrugged, "it's okay, I'm happy now with my mates."

"Hey pup, want to see what we bought you?" Jungkook asked. Mason turned around to look at him. He smiled and hopped off the counter. Yoongi reached out and lifted him down, telling him to be careful, so he didn't get hurt.

The youngest Alpha reached out his hand for Mason to hold, and they walked into the living room where he'd put the bags when he came down there to get him. Jungkook stuck his tongue out at Yoongi when Mason wasn't looking. He pointed to the bags, and Mason gasped a little, "Is that all for me, Alpha?"

His Alpha loved that; he practically rolled around on the ground and flipped in the air. "It sure is my beautiful Omega. Go see what we got you." Then Kook leaned over him, "But I want to see you try it all on. Can you do that for me, pup?"

"Yes, Alpha, of course!"

Everyone in the living room was excited to see what they'd bought. There was one bag of underwear alone; Mason looked at them confusedly, "Why did you buy so many panties? Aren't they reusable?"

His face was so fucking adorable, and Jungkook couldn't help but coo at this sweet summer, naive child. "They are pups, but Alpha has a feeling that he's going to be ripping a lot of your panties off, which will ruin them."

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