Chapter 7

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Tae followed them down the stairs, and Jimin could smell his arousal. This was going to be hard as fuck; they couldn't do anything with him until his first heat; otherwise, it would be excruciating for him. And even then, he'd need an Alpha, so one of those three would be the ones that helped him. While Beta's aren't generally affected by Omega heats, since he's their mate, they'll all be in a frenzy. 

As soon as they walked into the kitchen, the food awaited them on the table. But that wasn't the most prominent smell; the smell of lust was almost overwhelming in that room once they saw their little Omega all cleaned up and in the sexy outfit. Jimin linked his mates, 'Someone better buy him some clothes, lots of panties, and more of this shit because damn.'

Hobi rolled his eyes. 'He'll need regular clothes, too. I don't want anyone to see him like this but us.'

All six of them agreed with Hobi's statement. Jimin sat down, and Mason wouldn't let his hand go, so he kissed it softly and pulled him into his lap. "You can sit here, pup; let me feed you." Jimin may not be an Alpha who gets that massive satisfaction of making food and feeding his Omega, but he still feels his chest swell up with pride. He ate every bite Jimin gave him and even hummed in happiness.

When Jimin gave him a piece of cake, he started to wiggle on the Beta's lap a bit; Jimin tried, he really did. But Mason is his mate, and he's wearing that fucking outfit and wiggling on top of his cock. He could feel Mason's slick leaking out of his underwear.

 Mason's eyes went wide as he looked down. He jumped up, grabbed a napkin, and started trying to clean up Jimin's lap. "I'm so sorry, Jimin; I don't know what happened. I didn't think I had to pee; I didn't mean to. Please don't kick me out." 

He was starting to panic. The Beta could tell by his words alone, even if his scent didn't make it clear to everyone in a 50-foot radius. Jimin palmed his cheeks and kissed the tip of his nose, "Puppy, you didn't have an accident. It was your slick, and I promise everyone would love nothing more than having it on us."

"Slick? What's slick?" 

His face was scrunched up in confusion, and it was so adorable. 'Uh, Joonie, do you want to take this one?'

The Alpha sighed and nodded his head. Jimin pulled Mason back to his lap, and Joon got the Omega's attention. "Slick is what Omegas produce naturally when they are ready for sex. It comes out when you are feeling horny or lustful. The closer you get to your heat, the more you will produce to ensure you are ready for your Alpha."

His entire body turned red, "oh," he whispered as he looked down at the table. Then he turned to Jimin, "Can I still have cake? I promise not to wiggle anymore."

All seven laughed; Jimin kissed his forehead and told him he could have as much cake as he wanted. The Beta fed him until the younger pushed the fork away from his mouth. He turned to the side and snuggled into the Beta, his face in Jimin's neck, breathing him in. Jimin looked at his mates, "I'm going to take him to our room so he can nap."

The other three Betas got up and followed him. Honestly, he was surprised the Alphas could resist. Their pull would be even more potent than the Betas, and Jimin's was fucking intense. He got cuddled up in the bed, Mason's face against Jimin's chest since that seemed to be where he was most comfortable, where he could breathe his scent easier. 

Jin slid behind Mason and flushed against him; Mason didn't seem to mind. But he is their mate; he'd be just as drawn to them as they are to him. They got in behind Jin, and Hobi got behind Jimin. They all made sure to touch their little Omega in some way. "Pup, why didn't you know how to shift?"

"My family wouldn't ever let me, but the day I was put in your cart was the first time I'd ever shifted. It took hours, and I was in so much pain. It was harder because I was already in pain from my family. My brothers beat me badly that day; I couldn't even walk. They also barely let me eat, and my Beta Casey always had to sneak food into my room."

"Is Casey the one who got you out?"

He nodded against Jimin's chest, "I hope she's okay. My family might take it out on her if they think she helped me. They were waiting for my heat to come; they wanted to watch me be in pain and die. They were looking forward to it."

All of their mind links were saying the same thing: His family was going to pay, and they needed to see if they could get Casey out of there for their little Omega. Jimin pet his hair and back, "Get some rest, pup."

Mason fisted his shirt tightly as if he feared the Beta would leave. "I'm not going anywhere, any of us. I promise. And when you wake up, our Alphas be here, okay. So rest, you need it."

It didn't take long, and he was asleep. His tiny fists loosened from Jimin's shirt, but he was still as close to the Beta as possible. 

Jungkook sat up. "Let's get him some clothes and then get up there and cuddle him."

Yoongi normally hates shopping, but he was excited to see his little Omega in the clothes he picked out. They made it to the clothing store in their little village, all of the clothes made for Omegas were female clothes since Mason was the only male Omega there. But that's okay; he didn't seem to mind what they put him in earlier. So they got more long fluffy sweaters, lots of lace panties, and tall socks. Then they got him pants and long sleeve shirts for when he goes outside.

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