Chapter 29

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"And I love you too, my perfect Omega," Jin's hand reached down to touch his stomach, "I can't wait to see you round our Alpha's pups; I'm just sorry I can't give you mine."

"I would gladly carry your pup if the Moon Goddess blessed us with one."

Jin started moving; he had to; otherwise, he was going to cry in front of his Omega and Alpha. His hand didn't leave his stomach. Odds are he's pregnant, and Jungkook is the father since he knotted him first. That's fine; Jin knew he'd never have a baby of his own. He was satisfied to raise his Omega and Alpha pups; he would love them like they were his blood.

The Beta moved and Joon moved slowly as well, they alternated their thrusts so their heads were rubbing against each other. It felt too good, way too good. This shouldn't even be possible; nothing and no one should ever be able to experience the bliss he was feeling right now. Jin looked out the window towards the moon, a tear slipped down his cheek and as he came, he thanked the Moon Goddess for this blessing. He promised to cherish this Omega until the day he died.

He swore the moon flashed; he couldn't explain it, but it did something. Or the endorphins and pheromones in the room are making him slightly crazy. His head was thrown back as he cried out in ecstasy. Jin leaned down and bit his Omega, leaving the mark right where his Alpha said to. Mason came over their stomachs, and Jin never wanted that scent to leave his skin. 

The Beta fell to the side of them as Joon flipped them around so Mason was underneath him. "Are you ready for your Alphas' knot and mark?"

Mason's head nodded so quickly as he smiled at his Alpha with so much love in his eyes. Joon started moving, slowly at first, but then he steadily picked up his speed. His eyes were red as his Alpha took over; he growled before sniffing the air. Then he leaned down and bit Mason. Mason cried out again as he came all over them; Joon's hips were moving faster. He was getting close, and as soon as his teeth left Mason's neck, he threw his head back and slammed into him hard. Mason came again, and Jin knew that Joon had knotted him.

Joon moved them to where Mason was sandwiched between the two of them, "I love you, my Omega and my Beta."

"I love you too, both of you," Jin whispered as he slipped to sleep to their Omegas' soft snores. Before he drifted away, he heard a soft voice whisper, 'You will be blessed, my Beta.' He'd never heard that voice, but it was filled with love, hope, and power. 'Thank you,' Jin whispered back.

Mason has never been so sore, tired, and hungry in all of his life. And that's saying something, considering his upbringing consisted of being beaten daily, starved, and sleep-deprived at the hands of his Alpha brothers. 

But this was different. This is the best kind of exhaustion and hunger. He doesn't even care that it almost hurts to breathe. He's so happy right now. He sniffed the air; he must have been hungry because his stomach was hurting. 

'Are you up, pup?' Mason's eyes popped open, and he heard Jungkook chuckle. 'We are mated now, and you are part of the pack. You can use the link.'

'I'm hungry, Alpha, but my Alpha and Beta are asleep and holding me tightly between them.'

'I'm coming, pup.' Jungkook couldn't stop smiling at himself. He finally got to mate with his Omega. He told Yoongi to finish cooking and that he would get Mason from those two. He opened the door, and there Mason was curled up between the two larger bodies, his nose stuck in Jin's scent gland. 'Need some help, pup?' he asked.

'Alpha,' he whined. 

Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle; he pushed Jin away, pulled Mason away from him quickly, and took off running before Joon woke up and tried to bite his head off. He started growling when they reached the door, but Mason giggled, and that stopped the growls. "I'm going to get you cleaned up fast, okay?"

"Thank you, Alpha," he purred and nuzzled into his chest. God, he's so whipped for this boy. Jungkook cleaned him up as fast as he could and threw one of his shirts on him and a pair of blue panties with a little bow on the front because it was cute. Once they got to the kitchen the Alpha put him down, he walked over towards Yoongi, and as soon as he got close Mason scrunched up his nose and pulled away.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

Yoongi looked worried, and frankly, so did Jungkook. Mason had never reacted like this to any of them. The youngest walked towards him, and he turned and ran into his arms, his face in Jungkook's chest. His purrs were so loud. He started climbing up him, just trying to get to where he left his mark on Jungkook's neck. "Alpha, what's wrong with me?"

"I'm not sure, pup," he whispered against him. Wait a minute, pup? He fucking knotted him. Jungkook took a deep breath, and all he could smell was himself, but Mason was wearing his damn shirt. Jungkook pulled Mason back from his neck even though he was whining, clawing his way back, and ripped the shirt off. Damnit, it's one of his favorites, but that doesn't matter.

'Jimin, get over here and take Mason from me.'

Jimin walked over to took Mason, he went to him willingly. He looked at the Alpha like okay, what now? 'Smell him, what does he smell like?'

Jimin took a big, deep smell. 'He smells like you, dude. It's not surprising he was rubbing all over you and wearing your shirt. Plus, you bathed him in your body wash.'

'What the fuck are you two talking about, and why won't Mason come near me?'

Jungkook turned to look at Yoongi, 'I think he's pregnant, and the baby doesn't want him near other Alphas.'

"Holy shit, you are kidding me?"

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