Chapter 3

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Mason let out a slight whine. He wanted that; he wanted a mate, but he never thought it would happen since he was an abomination.

Namjoon whipped his head around, and his ears perked a bit, 'did you guys hear that? It sounded like a pup was whining.'

The others looked at him like he was an idiot. They didn't have as good hearing as he did. So he grumbled and returned to walking now that their break was over. They walked all night and into the next day. When they stopped in the early evening for a few hours, Jimin plopped down on the ground and started munching on some dried meat. "When I get home, I'm sleeping for a month."

Yoongi and Jungkook snorted, "When we get home, it'll be our ruts. You can sleep after."

Jimin glared at Jungkook before he threw himself back onto the ground dramatically. Mason was listening to all of their conversations. They seemed to care about each other, and it seemed like they were all together, besides the Alphas. But they still cuddled with the youngest-looking Alpha with the big doe eyes. This was so taboo, and it made Mason's heart beat fast.

He was still determining where they were heading, but if it was somewhere where these guys could be together, then he might have a chance at happiness. He'll have to hide for a bit to make sure. While he feels some strange connection towards them, he wasn't 100% sure he could trust them yet. He's a male Omega and knows he's an abomination everyone hates.

By the time they made it to their village, Mason was weak; he'd only had a few bites of dried meat he snuck out of the basket when they were sleeping. It was so cold. He'd read about snow, but he'd never seen it before. He could see the village ahead; he'd need to jump out soon. However, the only issue is that two Alphas and a Beta are behind him, and a True Blood Alpha and three Betas are in the front.

He saw no way to sneak out just yet. When they reached the village, the cart was surrounded, and people started picking up the goods. Mason was picked up in the fabric bundle and carried towards a large storeroom. He was placed on the shelf with the fabric, so he stayed there, safe and warm. 

A few days after he was brought to the strange, cold land, the pheromones around the place went wild. It was Alphas in their rut. Mason didn't know what to do. He was about to sneak out of the storeroom when an Alpha and a Beta crashed in. They were two of the ones who saved him. "Joon, let me at least get my clothes off."

"No time," the Alpha said between kisses to his Beta, "I need you too bad, Jinnie." He turned the Beta around and pushed his pants down quickly, "Sorry babe, can't wait." Then he slammed into him.

The Beta groaned loudly, "You better be fucking glad that I'm still loose from an hour ago. Otherwise, that would have hurt. Oh God, don't stop, right there."

The Alpha smirked and mumbled, "Found it," before he started moving faster; Mason couldn't take his eyes off them. The Alpha's eyes were red, showing his wolf was in complete control, and the Beta's eyes were green. He felt his body heat up; he'd never seen anything like this. He's seen his brothers have sex with the Betas in the castle, mainly against the Beta's will. But Mason never liked watching. He didn't like seeing the girls, even if they enjoyed it; it felt wrong.

But this felt right, like where he was supposed to be. Only he wanted to be the one that was pleasing the Alpha; he wanted to be the one that was making him groan in ecstasy. Mason thought back to all of the books he read about mating. Betas are infertile; only Omegas can bear children, and the father must be a male Alpha. The Omega must be in heat, and the Alpha must knot them; otherwise, there would be no pregnancy.

It didn't use to be like this, but the werewolves, when left unchecked, were reproducing so much that it was terrible for the land. Children were starving because there wasn't enough food to feed them all, so the Moon Goddess stepped in and changed them into what they are now. 

It's been about 100 years since then, and their population has decreased so much that pups are now precious. And because of that, being gay is a crime. Even if you were two Betas who never wanted to have children anyway, you cannot pair with the same sex. So, when a male Omega was born into the royal family, it was devastating and embarrassing for them. 

"Joonie, please hurry up. My ass can't take much more. Find Jimin, I'm begging of you."

The Alpha snorted, "he's currently dealing with Yoongi, and Kook, Tae, and Hobi are busy hunting."

The Beta started whining when he realized he was getting no relief anytime soon, but he was just thankful he only had one Alpha to deal with. It was still a True Blood, so it was more challenging than a regular Alpha but easier than two.

Mason was amazed at the Alpha's endurance; he seemed to last forever. Sweat poured down his body, and his muscles flexed in the light. He was glorious. The Alpha leaned closer to the Beta, bent over, holding the shelf Mason was hiding on. "You smell sweeter than normal, Jinnie, and it's driving me crazy."

"S'not me, aaahhhh, I'm gonna cum again." Finally, the Alpha finished, and he helped the Beta get cleaned up, then picked him up and carried him out of the storeroom. For the rest of the week, he saw all seven of them engage in sexual activities more than once. Mason was mesmerized by them. 

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