Chapter 47

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"Yes, Beta, I won't cum until I'm in your mouth." 

Hobi leaned over to his neck and pushed his jacket and shirt out of the way so he could mark him again. It's not necessary, but all four of the Betas have been remarking him every time they have sex with him. They have no idea why, and neither do the others; there's just something in their wolves that makes them do it—some instinctual need to remind everyone that this Omega belongs to Betas. 

"Do not cum, Omega; I know you'll want to when I mark you but do not do it. Or you will not get to join anyone in our lovemaking tonight."

He started whining since that was the best punishment for him. Ever since his heat, they've never shut him out. While they still enjoy each other without him, he's always busy with someone else and being taken care of. Like if Jungkook is feeding him in the kitchen, then Hobi has no issues dragging Yoongi to their room so the Alpha can fuck him hard and fast before Mason is done with his meal. 

As soon as Hobi's teeth sank into his neck, he cried out, but he didn't cum. The Beta pumped his hips a few more times, and then, with one last slam, he filled him up as much as he could. Hobi reached into his pocket and pulled out his pocket square, "I changed my mind."

He looked at the Beta's hand and rolled his eyes before climbing down from him, bending over, and presenting his ass to Hobi. He grabbed his cheeks and spread them as wide as possible so the elder could shove his pocket square in his ass. "Is your cum safe, Beta?"

"It is baby, now I need your cock." Hobi turned him around and pushed him up against the wall, and took his cock whole; he started moving his head as fast as he could; they were fucking late at this point. But he had been close for a while, so it took Hobi less than a minute before he drank and drank down his deliciousness. 

Mason sagged against the wall, and Hobi pulled his panties up and then his pants. There was no sign that they just had sex other than the smell and the fact that he was practically dead on his feet. But it's not like the elders weren't once newly mated werewolves in their youth. Hobi picked up his Omega, bridal style, and carried him into the home, where all the village elders were waiting patiently.

As soon as we walked in, they stood up and bowed. They greeted Hobi as one of the seven and Mason as their Luna. He waved his hand and mumbled, "Not the Luna, that's Jin." Before he snuggled back into Hobi's neck and fell asleep.

"Sorry, guys. The pup wears him out. I'll take over until he wakes up from his nap."

Robert, one of the oldest wolves there, and a Beta rolled his eyes. "Oh? I thought it was because you fucked on the other side of that wall."

His mate, Donald, smacked him. "Robert, you can't talk about the Luna like that." He shrugged his shoulders and then kissed his mate so that he'd stop getting smacked.

Hobi called out all the numbers as the balls came out. They played three rounds before Mason woke up. He sat up and looked around; everyone greeted him and asked about his nap. He blushed bright red before saying he would get snacks from the kitchen. He was just embarrassed, but that's okay. They love him.

He brought out a tray full of snacks and carried them to each wolf; he greeted everyone with genuine happiness. This was his element, he may not think he's cut out to be the Luna but whether he wants to admit it or not he is, as well as being a Prince. He may be disgraced and run away from the castle, but he still is Prince Mason Boo. 

By the time he passed out all the snacks, it was time to go. He wanted to stay and clean up, but the home director absolutely refused. Even if he wasn't pregnant, he was still Luna, which was enough for her to ensure he wasn't picking up trash. But Mason didn't think like that. He didn't think he was any more important than the lowest-ranking member in the pack, even though he was technically the second-highest. 

Hobi carried him home. He was tired from all the fun they had and from walking around passing out snacks. As soon as the two walked in the front door, Tae snatched him from Hobi and sat down at the table with him. It took Tae about 10 minutes to get him to eat. He was enjoying being in Tae's lap and smelling him. 

"Baby, will you stay with Kook and me tonight?"

He yawned, "of course Beta, can we take a bath?"

Tae chuckled and Hobi pouted, he wanted him to stay with them. He wanted to watch him ride Yoongi while Hobi fucked Jimin and then, when they were done, watch Jimin fuck him. "Of course, baby, let's get you to eat, and then we'll take a bath. We'll even make Alpha do all the work and spoil you silly. How does that sound?"

The Beta grinned when Mason started purring and squirming on his lap. Jungkook sighed, "Get him fed. I'll go get your bath ready, my liege." He said to the Beta with a dramatic bow. But it made both of them giggle, so Tae forgave him. The Beta finished feeding him bites of chicken and fruit and then carried him to his and Jungkook's room. 

Since they found out he was pregnant with Jin's baby, their Betas have been going crazy. Where they usually all sleep in Mason's room, the Betas have been stealing him away lately. Scenting him multiple times a day, and Jin even bought them the pocket squares that they'd been shoving inside him so their cum would stay in there. 

It's like their wolves need their scent on him. If he smells like one of the Alphas, they tend to go a little crazy and cover it up as much as possible. They must be the last to sleep with him; it can't be an Alpha. 

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