Chapter 13

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Mason looked at all of them with big eyes full of excitement. "You want pups?" When they all nodded their heads, he started bouncing up and down. I'll give you pups, as many as you want." He turned to Jin and gripped the Beta's biceps. Will the Alphas knot me? Can you ask them? Please, Jinnie, I want pups. I want to have our Alphas' pups and give you pups, please, please."

Jin pulled him in for a kiss to shut him up before an Alpha came over and did something dumb, "of course, baby. I'll tell them as soon as we get home. Now drink some more, and let's have fun."

"Okay!" Mason cheered out as Jimin poured him another drink. Three hours later, Hobi was the only one who was sober—well, somewhat sober. Really, he just wasn't as drunk as the others, but he was coherent enough to call for help.

'Come get us fuckers; I—can't carry everyone. Okay,' Hobi smiled to himself.

They groaned but said they'd be on their way. Ten minutes later, Hobi's three sexy as fuck Alphas walked into the tavern, "ALPHAS," Mason yelled and then giggled as he fell into Jin. Mason pulled on Jin's shirt when they got closer, "Don't forget to tell them, Jinnie, tell them I want their knot and pups so so badly." And then he passed out on Jin's lap.

All three of the Alphas sucked in their breath, their eyes flashing red and back to brown. That's all any Alpha wants, to knot their Omega and give them pups. Joon looked at Hobi, and he shrugged his shoulder, "What, we wanted pups, so we asked. Mason was happy that we wanted pups; he begged Jin to have you knot him. He wants your knot so he can have your pups."

Joon blew out his breath; keep your cool. "Come on, let's get the drunk kids home." He leaned down, picked up Jin, and got him onto his back. The Beta had a death grip on the Alpha, but that's fine, at least he wasn't going anywhere. Then Yoongi handed Mason to him, and Joon carried him bridal style. Yoongi grabbed Jimin and threw him over his shoulder, then wrapped his arm around the slightly less wobbly Hobi, and Jungkook carried Tae bridal style. That boy is so whipped for that Beta.

It took the Alphas three times as long, but they got them back, and Joon was cursing himself for not bringing better clothes for his Omega; the poor thing had to be freezing. He wasn't shivering, but he kept trying to get closer to him like he was searching for body heat. Joon leaned down and kissed  his head, "We're almost home pup."

"Mhh, I want your pups, Alpha." Namjoon groaned as he looked at the other two Alphas, all of their eyes were red. "We're going to have to stop calling him pup if this is his reaction."

Jungkook whined a bit, "But I like calling him a pup; it's a cute pet name since he's so tiny." Then he smirked. "I never thought we'd find someone smaller than Jimin."

Jimin heard him and tried to smack him, but since he was too far away and far too drunk, it didn't happen. He basically ended up smacking Hobi in the ass, which made him moan and nuzzle into Yoongi as hestarted trying to get into the Alpha's pants. "Jesus Christ, we have to get home soon, or he's going to have my cock out for everyone to see."

Hobi giggled but kept up his mission to strip the poor Alpha. When they crashed into the house, Jin was singing with Jimin. Yoongi's pants were almost entirely off his ass and his dick was rock hard and in Hobi's hands. Tae was wrapped around Jungkook and rocking against his erection while they were making out, and Mason just kept trying to get closer to the True Blood and mumbling about wanting to be knotted.

They got all of their Betas in the bed, and they immediately started stripping; their poor drunk Omega rolled over and presented himself to the three Alphas; his ass was in the air where they were standing at the end of the bed. "Please, Alphas, please. Knot me; need your pups so bad."

Namjoon reached out and palmed his leggings and roughly pulled them down, his panties were soaked and it got all of the wolves in the room into even more of a frenzy. "Don't worry, baby, we will knot you, just not tonight."

"But Alpha," he started to whine as he shimmied closer to the three of them. "Please, Alpha, I want you so badly."

Yoongi looked like he was two seconds away from losing control, and Jungkook didn't look like he fared any better. "Baby, it'll hurt you if we knot you right now. I promise during your heat, all three of us will give you our knot. Will that make you happy?"

"Yes, Alpha, want all your knots and pups."

"If I don't fuck something, I'm going to have to leave."

Tae pulled away from making out with Hobi and crawled over to Jungkook and got his dick out, he took him in his mouth and groaned. Yoongi looked at Joon, "take Jimin and Jin, Hobi can join those two. I have to have a taste of that sweet ass or I will not get any sleep tonight."

Joon's Alpha wanted to argue; he wanted the Omega first, but it wasn't time, so it was okay. "Fine."

Jin tsked at them, "No one is going to ask our opinion. Maybe I want Hobi to fuck me. Did you think about that?"

Both Yoongi and Joon rolled their eyes, "If you want Hobi to fuck you, then fine. I won't stop you."

Hobi cheered and crawled over Jimin to get to Jin. Jungkook looked over at Mason, "Mason, baby, can you do me, well, all of us a huge favor?"

He got up on his knees and nodded his head so eagerly, "Yes, Alpha, anything Alpha."

Jungkook's eyes have not changed back to brown since they got home. "We want to use your slick so that we can please your Betas. Can we do that?"

"Please Alpha, please let me help He reached down, pulled his underwear off, and then went right back over to present himself to them. His slick had already started to drip down his thighs and it made all 7 of them growl in pleasure. 

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