Chapter 23

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Joon sighed, "Everyone but those two pack a bag for two days; he'll start tonight or tomorrow. We'll stay at the cabin on the edge of the village."

They all left, and it was just Tae and Jungkook with a very needy Omega, "I'll go make him something to eat. You blow him or something."

The Alpha rolled his eyes at Tae, "Fine." He pulled his clothes off because he was going to need skin-to-skin contact. "Omega roll over," he said in his Alpha voice because it was about the only thing that was going to get through to his Omega right now.

He whined and rolled over, neck bared towards him in submission. "Such a good Omega you are for your Alpha," Jungkook cooed. He fisted him and Mason started squirming again, "be still Omega, your Alpha wants to taste you okay?"

Mason couldn't even answer him; he could only nod his head enthusiastically and purr. The Alpha took his whole length into his mouth. He needed to finish him off by the time Tae brought the food back. They have to stuff him full of food today because it will be hard to get him to eat tomorrow.

His fingers moved down to play with the Omega's tiny balls and then to his hole that was leaking slick. We have to get him prepared for when it hits. By the time he came, Jungkook had four fingers in him, moving them in and out at a fast pace. Tae pushed the door open and looked at the Alpha with a raised eyebrow. "We gotta get him prepped, ya know."

"Whatever, Alpha, tell your wrecked Omega to sit up so he can eat."

Jungkook pulled his fingers out of his hole and licked them clean, "fuck he tastes so good." He rubbed his hands up and down Mason's arms, "Mason, I need you to sit up so you can eat."

"Yes, Alpha, want to eat you," he rolled over towards him and was trying to get to Jungkook's dick. Tae was cackling, and Jungkook knew he was beet red.

"Omega," he growled in his Alpha voice. Sit up and eat the food our Beta made for you." He whimpered, but he did as asked. The Alpha pulled him into his lap, and he practically melted into him. The held out bites of food for him to eat, and Mason was purring and squirming all over his Alpha's lap.

Once he was done, he turned around and straddled Jungkook's lap; his cock was up against his ass, just feeling his slick, "is my Omega still needy?"

"Yes, Alpha," he whispered.

Jungkook looked at Tae, "How would you like me fucking you and you eating him out?"

"Fuck yes, I'm so in the mood for dessert."

Of course, he is. The Alpha got him on his back, and Mason sat on his face. Tae didn't even wait for Jungkook to start; he pulled Mason closer and went to town, drinking as much of his slick as possible. He's a horny bastard, that's for sure, and the Alpha is about to take advantage of that. He pushed his way inside, and Tae groaned. 

"Does that feel good, Beta?" He rocked his hips, trying to get deeper, "Don't worry, Alpha will take care of you." Mason started whining, he wanted Tae's cock, "don't worry Omega, once he's close you can drink up all of his cum baby."

"Thank you, Alpha!"

The Alpha started moving faster, getting Tae closer so they could give their Omega what he wanted. He's been fucking Tae for years, so he knows exactly how to get him off, he just usually doesn't do it so quickly so they can fuck longer. But Mason wanted to swallow some cum, and who was he to deny their baby what he wanted. "Baby your Beta is close, get ready."

Mason pulled away from Tae's mouth, much to Tae's annoyance. He wrapped his plump lips around Tae's cock and went to town, once Tae exploded Mason was so happy. He fell onto Tae and curled into him while he wiggled. Jungkook almost forgot what he was doing, that he was fucking his Beta. He got so distracted by watching the adorable Omega. 

'Yah, I know he's amazing, but you are balls deep in my ass right now.'

Jungkook looked at Tae and scoffed, 'You asked for it.' Then he started fucking him hard, really hard. He was growing hard right before Mason's eyes, "Baby, we'll need another clean-up here soon."

Mason's head popped up from where it was on Tae's stomach, and they smiled at the erection right in front of him. He wasted no time, and he went back to drinking everything Tae could give him. Once Jungkook had his, they curled up together, Mason sandwiched between them as the three of them fell asleep.

When the Alpha woke up, Mason was gone. Jungkook popped up and looked around; he was nowhere to be seen. "Tae, wake up. Where's Mason?"

He was tired, but he woke up. His hair was all over the place, and Jungkook had to remind himself that their Omega was missing. They searched the entire house and couldn't find him; he was two seconds away from linking the others when he heard him cry out in pain. Jungkook ran towards the sound; it seemed like it was coming from his room.

But he wasn't there, Jungkook could smell him, but this is his room so his smell was everywhere. "Omega, where are you?" He yelled in his Alpha voice, he was freaking out.

"Alpha," he heard him whimper. 

"I think he's under the bed," Tae said as he got down there to look. "He's here."

"Fuck, neither of us can fit under there."

"Kook, he's in his nest. He wasn't just storing stuff back there. He built a nest under there."

The Alpha groaned, yeah he's definitely in heat if he's in his fucking nest. "Why would he put it under there? We talked to him about it and scented everything we could. So why hide the nest?"

"Kook, it's his first time. He's been around mean Alphas all his life; he's probably scared."

"My poor pup, come on, let's move the bed and get in his nest with him. Maybe that'll help." So they moved the very large bed, and there curled, up in the middle of his nest, was their beautiful Omega. "What a good Omega you are. Look at this amazing nest you built."

His eyes flashed blue, and he started rolling around with the shirt that was covered in all of their cum. "Alpha," he whined. 

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