Chapter 34

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Poor Mason couldn't sit still, and it broke Jin's heart. He knew that it would be hard for the Omega to let his Alpha go on this trip, but he understood why he was going. He wanted his mates safe, but it's his instinct to want to keep his Alpha close. He kissed everyone, and when it came to Yoongi and Joon, they were getting ready to leave. 

He ran up to both of them and gave them quick kisses on their lips before he ran off to a safe distance, "I love you guys, all of you. Come back to me and be safe." Then they were gone, and he broke down in Jin's arms.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere." They spent the next two days in the nest he made in Jungkook and Tae's closet, while Jin held Mason because he was so upset. It broke his heart; he had no pheromones to soothe him, and all he could do was coo, rumble, and cuddle him. But his rumbles weren't nearly as powerful as an Alphas were.

Crystal was smiling at herself; she got the wolfsbane she needed, and the cookies were made. All she had to do was get Jin out of the house and get that stupid Omega to eat them. Bam, problem solved. Now, how does she get Jin out of the house? She walked around and saw the perfect opportunity. She walked up to the unsuspecting pup, "Hello there, cutie. Do you want to go see these baby bunnies I found?"

The pup nodded her little head and took the Omega's hand, she lead her into the woods where Crystal told her to sit still and be quiet and the bunnies would come out. Then she took off and ran to get Jin. She told him a pup was missing, and he offered to help. He went inside, and she could hear him telling that stupid Omega that he'd be right back and that he loved him. Gag me. Once Jin took off, she grabbed the basket of cookies from her house and went to get Mason.

Mason was looking in the fridge for something to snack on when he heard a knock on the door. He made his way over there with a hand on his belly, he was already starting to show and he loved when his belly was touched, even more when it was one of his mates, especially Jungkook. Seeing him kiss and feel the belly sent flutters throughout Mason's entire body. When the Omega opened the door, there was an Omega there that he'd seen before, but he didn't know her name.

"Hi Mason, I made you some cookies. They are for pregnancy, and they help the baby grow strong, and they also help with your milk." She looked so sweet, so he gladly took them.

"Do you want to come in? I'm not sure if you should eat them if they are for pregnant people?"

She shook her head no, "No, it would make someone very sick if they ate them and weren't pregnant. Plus, I need to help Jin find that pup. I just wanted to ensure you had a snack in case he's gone for a while."

"Thank you. I truly appreciate it."

She smiled sweetly at him, "Eat them all, okay?" Mason nodded his head, and she took off. He went and got a cup of milk, put the three cookies on a plate, and ate them.

"Jin, Jin, I found her!" Thank fuck, it's been hours, and no one could find the pup.

"Where was she?"

Crystal smiled sadly at him, "It was my fault. I was talking about seeing some bunnies; apparently, she had gone to find them. I'm so sorry, Jin."

"It's okay, but I have to go. I've been away from Mason for too long." Jin ran home as quickly as he could. He wasn't 100% yet, but he could hold his own. When the Beta opened the door, he could tell something was wrong. Distressed scents and blood filled the entire house. "Mason, baby, where are you?"

Jin couldn't find him anywhere, but the smell was the strongest coming from Jungkook's room. Could he be in his nest? He walked into their closet, and there in his nest was his Omega, blood all over his lower half and under him. He was curled into a ball, holding his tiny tummy, and looked pale. "Mason!" Jin screamed. But he couldn't even hear his heartbeat.

The Beta picked up his tiny body and carried him to his doctor. Jin tried calling Joon through the link, but they must have been too far away. He was frantic, and he didn't know what to do. As soon as he crashed into the doctor's office with a bloody and not breathing Mason, he took him from the Beta's arms, and Jin fell to the ground. 

It was hours before he heard anything, and he never moved from that spot on the floor. Finally, the doors opened. Jin slowly looked at the doctor, and he knew without him saying anything that they had lost the pup. "Mason?"

"He's alive, but just barely."

"What happened to him?"

"Wolfsbane, he ingested wolfsbane. It was enough to kill the pup, and it almost killed him. If you would have found him a minute later, he'd be dead right now."

Tears were falling down his face, "can I see him?"

"He's not awake yet. Go home, get cleaned up, and then come back."

"I want to see my mate," Jin growled, but the doctor was not fazed. Jin was pretty sure he deals with many Alphas, so a Beta is probably nothing.

"Jin, he lost his pup. He will need you, and when he wakes up, if he sees you looking the way you do right now, it will only cause him unneeded stress. Get cleaned up and come back. I will stay with Mason the entire time."

The Beta didn't say a word; he just did what the doctor said. He's right; Mason would be terrified if he saw his mate covered in blood. Jin showered and tried to call Joon again; he wouldn't stop until he could get ahold of him. Being a true blood, his reach is further than that of the rest of theirs. 

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