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Yoongi would not leave Mason alone. If Mason had walked into a room, it would have been a given that Yoongi was only a few steps behind. He'd turned into his shadow, basically. But Mason loved it. He loved his grumpy Alpha, and he knew the reason why he was acting like this. Mason's heat was coming up, and Yoongi made him promise that this baby would be his.

"Alpha," Mason whispered sweetly as he palmed his Alpha's cheek. "Help me get through this boring meeting, and then take me to bed."

Yoongi growled a bit, his eyes flashing red. "Of course, pup. Anything you need, I'm here for you."

Jimin started to whine about how he wanted to come, making them laugh. Jimin, ever the character. He acted soft and squishy, then his eyes flashed green as his wolf took over. The meeting was boring, it's been over two years since Mason was crowned King and they still bitch about the fact that a gay male omega is in charge. Not all of them are fine about it, but some are great. He was loving the changes that have been made.

You are free to love whoever you want; betas can be together and are no longer the playthings of Alphas. They even discovered that if a male beta and a female beta are together, they can have pups. Apparently, Alphas can't knock up female betas, but male betas have no issues with it. As well as some female betas have even mated with male omegas. According to the really sassy Jackson, "Just because I'm an Omega, that does not mean I want a dick up my ass. I only went into hiding because they tried to kill me. They didn't even listen to me saying that I wasn't gay. Idiots."

It was cute, though, and he was right. They had no right to make assumptions about anyone. Once the meeting was over, Jimin picked Mason up, threw him over his shoulder, and took off running. Mason laughed so hard as Yoongi ran behind them, yelling profanities at the two giggling before him. "Jimin, you are going to make Alpha mad."

Jimin ripped Mason's clothes off before Yoongi even burst into the room. He had most of his off when they heard their Alpha growl. "That's the point, baby," Jimin giggled.

"Jimin," Yoongi growled before he stalked towards them. But Jimin couldn't answer because he shoved his face in between Mason's cheeks to start slurping up all of that delicious slick that was pouring out of him. 

Yoongi pulled his clothes off, and his hands went to Jimin's hips. "Are you going to play that way? Okay, two can play this game, but only one of us will walk with a limp tomorrow." Before Jimin could even process what Yoongi said, the Alpha had shed his clothes and pushed his way inside the Beta. Jimin pulled his face out and threw his head back, "fuck Alpha," his eyes glowing green. Then he went back to his treat.

"Better make our baby cum before you cum, or else I'll have to punish you."

Jimin scoffed, "Do your worst."

Mason started to giggle, "Last time he did his worst, you were so fucked out that you were passed out on the bed, and I had to drink your cum for like five minutes."

The Beta looked up with an annoyed but cute expression, "I'm still pissed that I slept through that; that was probably the greatest blow job of my life, and I fucking slept through it all." Then Yoongi snapped his hips upwards, and Jimin cursed and mumbled nonsense.

"Looks like you will lose Beta. You are close, and Mason is excellent. Aren't you, baby?"

"I am Alpha; I could last for hours."

Jimin growled; he shoved his tiny fingers into Mason's hole, his tongue went to lick and suck Mason's balls, and his other hand wrapped around Mason's cock as he stroked it. 

Yoongi chuckled, "Well, that won't do. I want you punished." He reached around and fisted Jimin's length with his long fingers, his strokes matching his thrusts. "Ahh, hold out, Mason, he's close. I can feel him squeezing me so tightly."

"I'm trying, Alpha," he whimpered. 

Yoongi used his other hand and tugged Jimin's balls a bit. That was all it took; Jimin threw his head back and cried out as he painted the Omega's hole in front of him with his pleasure. "God damnit, fuck. I want to be mad, but that was the best orgasm I've had outside of heats and ruts."

The Alpha chuckled; he was still deep inside his Beta. He hadn't had his release yet. "Good, now you will make our baby cum just as hard, and then I'm going to lay you down on the bed and fuck you until you pass out all while your Omega watches."

Jimin started to growl and whine, both his sides dominating. "Please, don't."

"Beta," Yoongi growled as he bit down on the back of Jimin's neck, demanding submission.

Jimin whimpered but whispered out a soft okay. "How do you want it, baby?"

"Just touch me," Mason said as he wiggled back and forth on the bed.

So that's what Jimin did, he went back to what he was doing to him before, and it didn't take Mason long at all to cum all over Jimin's hand.

"Lay down, Beta," Yoongi growled. Jimin did as he asked, whining and whimpering the whole time. Yoongi lined up and slammed inside, then he looked at Mason, "Keep your eyes on him. Once I make him cum again, then I'm going to fuck you and knot you in front of him."

"Yoongi, please don't."

"You'll be too tired even to resist Jimin. Alpha promises you that."

Yoongi moved and fucked Jimin like a possessed man, and once Jimin was close, he motioned for Mason to get ready for a cleanup. Jimin's eyes were already starting to drift closed; having two big orgasms in less than 5 minutes outside of a rut is a lot. "Come here, Omega. Do you want Alphas knot?"

"Please, Alpha," Mason whimpered as he climbed over his Alpha, where their Beta was fighting sleep beside him.

"Give him a good show to dream about Omega."

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