Chapter 43

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'Joon, Jin will be fine. His arms are pretty bitten up, but that's it. There's no more damage.'

'Thank you, Tae. As soon as Mason wakes up, we'll see him.' 

'No need; once the Dr is done, we're coming home. Jin said he needed to see Mason. Stubborn Beta. How is Kookie?'

'He's fine, Yoongi and Jimin knocked him out. He's lying down next to Mason.'

Joon looked down at the both of them; they both killed packmates that day. While they were within the law to do what they did, he didn't like that type of violence there. But it's hard to be mad when you know why they did it. Crystal was a threat, and she wouldn't have stopped. Her Alpha stepped in to protect her just like Kook did to protect Mason. 

The love an Alpha has for their Omega is almost indescribable. It's even worse for them because he's their fated mate. They would not survive without him. If he had died, all three Alphas would have died as well. The Betas would have been able to hold on for a little while after they lost him, but since they are all mates and Mason is their fated mate, odds are they would have passed as well. 

Being a werewolf is a blessing, but they mate for life, and when one of those lives ends, you also want yours to end. He knows all of them secretly pray that they go before Mason because living with the heartbreak of losing him would kill them anyway. At least if they go first, he can keep on living; as long as he has a pup, he'll survive and live a long life. His connection to them will always be there. 

"How did he do it?"

Joon's eyes darted to Jungkook, who was waking up, "I'm not sure. He shifted so fast, and he had Marnie's throat in his jaws and ripped it out before I even registered what happened."

"Why was he so protective of Jin? I mean, he wouldn't even let us near him."

The Alpha scratched the back of his head, "I'm not sure, honestly. Maybe he was just being protective since Jin was attacked."

"Well, whatever made him do it, I'm thankful. She was going to kill me, that cheating Alpha. This is why I can't stand Alphas, fucking assholes."

Joon rolled his eyes at his dramatic Beta, "Both Kook and I are some of those assholes, Alphas, you can't stand."

Jin rolled his eyes as Hobi and Tae helped him over to the bed on the other side of Mason, "you three don't count."

"Whatever get some rest, Kook I need to speak to you."

Jungkook stood up and followed Joon out of the room while Jin tried to get comfortable with all the bandages wrapped around his arms. "I keep getting hurt here lately. Did I break a mirror or something?"

Hobi snorted, "Yeah, with your ugly ass face."

"Yah, I'll let you know I am too handsome for this world. You peasants should be thankful that I am gracing you with this beautiful face."

Tae sighed, "Okay, worldwide handsome, get some sleep then."

Everyone was in the living room talking about how Mason's wolf got bigger and how well he fought for an Omega. 'Where the fuck is Mason?'

'What do you mean, we left him with you?'

'Well, he most certainly is not with me. Now, someone come help me out of this bed so we can find our Omega.'

Joon looked at Jimin, "can you go help him, odds are he won't yell at you."

Jimin grumbled, "Always the scapegoat with you six. Send Jimin in; he's the cute little one no one would hurt. I'm the same goddamn height as Yoongi, and my dick has been in all of your asses. I swear to God, one of these days, you assholes will make me snap, and I will show you how ferocious a Beta can be when you piss them off."

"Jesus Christ, Jimin, stop your fucking monologue before I get up myself and rip my damn stitches." The other two Betas were rolling around on the floor laughing their asses off; Jungkook was trying his hardest not to laugh, Joon was indifferent, and Yoongi was grumbling about how he's probably going to have to bottom for Jimin tonight to calm his ass down, and now he was mad at everyone.

They searched everywhere and couldn't find him. "There's only one place left, and that's my office. He wouldn't be in there, though, would he?"

They all walked in there and couldn't see him anywhere, but they could smell him. Joon walked towards his desk, and there, curled up in a little ball in a nest made of Joon and Jin's things, was their Omega, fast asleep and purring. "Found him," Joon whispered.

The other six went to look, and Tae's hands covered his mouth as he gasped, "Oh God, I can't. This is too fucking cute. When did he build this nest, and why did he build it?"

"I was in here with JK earlier, and it was not here, so he must have just done it."

Jin looked at Joon. "He was in bed with me. Why would he leave bed to build a nest under your desk?"

Hobi got down on the floor. "He was crying before he fell asleep; you can see the wet spots in his nest."

"My poor baby," Jimin whispered. He sat down next to Hobi and scooted under Joon's desk. Normally, when he's in here under his desk, it's because he's blowing Joonie while he's having a meeting, and Jimin is feeling naughty. But this time, he was checking on his Omega. He pet Mason's hair softly and started cooing at him until his eyes blinked. They were blue, so his Omega was running the show right now.

"Tell your Beta why you left Jin and built a nest in your Alpha office?"

He sniffled, "It's my fault, Beta, all my fault."

"What's your fault, baby?"

"Jinnie got hurt because of me. When I woke up, I saw all the bandages, and he looked like he was in so much pain. I didn't know what to do to help, so I nested."

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