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"What is this all about?"

Jin looked at Hobi before reaching out for Tae's hands, "I think, I'm not positive, but I think we might be able to get pregnant this cycle if we wanted."

Jimin gasped as he touched his stomach, "No way, there's no fucking way."

"There might be, we just have to."

Jimin cut the elder off with a panicked whine. "I have to sit down." He missed the chair completely and fell onto the floor. His eyes were glazed over before the tears started to fall. "I'm pregnant."

All three stopped their rush to help him back up, "Yoongi got you pregnant?"

"No," he whispered before a manic giggle, "can a male Omega even get a male Beta pregnant?"


"Yoongi never fucked me; my Beta wouldn't let him because he knew Mason wanted his Alpha's pup. But my rut was strange, and while I enjoyed knotting both, I sometimes wanted it, too. I never said anything. But on the last night, when we fell asleep, I slipped out and turned around. The next morning I had cum dripping out of me, and Mason was whining that I was cleaning it up."

Jimin smiled as he lost himself to the memory, "he threw the cutest tantrum about how Omegas should have knots, too. Just because his cock is tiny, it doesn't mean it shouldn't knot as well to keep his cum safe." He shook his head a bit, "I hadn't even realized that he fucked me, I slept through the whole thing. But both of them told me that it was the only thing that stopped my whining in pain."

"Mason's going to be a father," Tae's eyebrows were practically up to his hairline. He turned to look at Hobi, "pup me."

Hobi's head snapped to him, "Baby, you said you wanted your Alpha to pup you."

"I know, but think about it: we are the only two left who don't have pups of our own. If we did this together, Mason would be done after this pregnancy. He wouldn't have to keep getting pregnant. Besides, we'd make an adorable pup, and we can't have another Arella." He huffed out a laugh, "she has Kook's eyes and Mason's curly hair; she's too dangerous for the world."

All of them laughed because Tae was right. She might be an Omega, but she was just as feisty as her Daddy Minnie. "So you really want this? You want my pup?"

"I do," Tae whispered before he wrapped his arms around Hobi's neck and kissed them both breathless.

"Are you going to have a pup with Joon? I know it's what you've wanted for years?"

Jin sighed as he lay down on the floor next to Jimin. Yes, he wanted a pup with Joon so severely. But he already had a pup, and she was perfection. If he did that, he and Joon would have two pups. That's just not fair. He shook his head no, "I'm content with the pups we have and apparently will have after this cycle."

"You sure?"

"I am," he pulled Jimin closer and kissed the top of his hair. He smelled like he was pupped with a slightly sweet, milky undertone. He had smelled like it for a bit, but all of them assumed it was because he was up Mason's ass 24/7. "Well at least we know now why you were so possessive with him, he's the father of your pup, not the other way around."

"I want him to be the mother to all the pups, regardless if he's their dam, sire, or technically nothing. Mason stays mama, and we'll stay our Daddy nicknames."

"You sure," Hobi's hand palmed Tae's cheek. "You would be their dam. Are you sure that's what you want?"

His floppy hair was flying all over the place. "I'm sure. I don't want to confuse them. We can tell them when they are older, but they are too little right now. There's already 8 of us; no reason to make this more complicated."

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