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Mason was bouncing on top of Yoongi's cock, begging for his knot and his pups. "Please, Alpha, you promised."

"And I will give you all the pups you want once your heat hits." Yoongi leaned down and sniffed up and down Mason's neck, "You should go into heat tomorrow or the next day." His hands went to Mason's hips as he started bouncing him up and down on his shaft harder, "We'll tie Jimin up and make him watch me fill you with my pups."

Jimin whined in his sleep, his wolf knew what was happening and was trying to protest. "That's mean, Alpha," Mason said, pouting between moans.

"Sorry, pup," he grunted as they came together, his knot locking him in place. "Come on, let's get comfy."

He situated Mason between Jimin and himself and smiled when Mason started purring loudly. Jimin wiggled over a bit, getting closer to the Omega. Yoongi couldn't wait for his heat to hit, and he didn't even remotely mind if Jimin was there with him.

The pheromones that they were all subconsciously producing must have put Mason into heat a little early because Yoongi woke up to the Omega whimpering and leaking all over him as he rutted his hips in his sleep.

Yoongi rolled them over and started moving his hips since he was already hard and still inside his Omega. He worked Mason through two orgasms before the Omega finally woke up screaming Alpha. "Sshh, pup. Alpha's got you, but our Beta is still sleeping."

Jimin snorted, "like I could sleep through that delicious smell." His small hand darted out as he scooped up the cum from Mason's stomach and brought it to Yoongi's lips. "For you, Alpha."

Yoongi groaned as he cleaned off the Beta's fingers before he started chasing after his high, wanting to knot his Omega desperately. He had to get his pup in there, while the Beta's pups won't cause Mason to pull away, Yoongi wants to be selfish, he wants to keep him as much to himself as he can.

"Alpha, your Beta wants attention too," Jimin whined, making Yoongi and Mason laugh at his antics.

Mason purred as he started to nuzzle into Jimin's cock that was quickly plumping up from the Omega's attention. He began to mouth at the Beta's cock, wiggling to get closer to it. Jimin chuckled, fisting the base of his dick so he could feed it into Mason's waiting mouth.

Yoongi started grinding into Mason, making his knot push and pull against the Omega's tight rim. He whimpered around the Beta's cock and leaked more slick, which pushed past the Alpha's knot. Yoongi came again, watching Mason's flat stomach inflating a bit from all of the cum.

In a lull of his heat, there was a knock on the door, causing both Jimin and Yoongi to growl at the intruder. "Calm down your pheromones; I'm not trying to steal your Omega. I need to bring him food, and I wanted to see if he could scent the pups before we put them to bed?"

Yoongi's growl died, and his eyes lost their red. But Jimin's were still bright green, and he was now standing in front of Mason, blocking Joon's path to him. "Back off, Alpha," he growled.

Joon raised his eyebrow at Yoongi, "did he breed him? I thought you were going to."

"I did, he didn't. I don't know what's gotten into him," Yoongi shifted a bit, slipping out of Mason, who was fast asleep.

Jimin's head whipped around, "no," he cried out as he ran over to Mason pushing the cum back into him, "it's spilling out, he'll be so upset. Alpha help," he was desperate, his eyes wide in panic.

"Okay Beta, Alpha has it. Why don't you get the food with Joonie?" Yoongi offered as he slid back inside Mason to keep his cum safe. Usually, it's the Omega that's freaking out like this, not a Beta, even more, when it's not even the Beta's cum. Jimin has never acted like this; he's usually possessive of Mason.

"No," Jimin growled out, his stance in attack mode if Joon took another step closer to the bed, "our Omega isn't safe. Alpha bred him, but we must keep him safe from other Alphas."

Yoongi was baffled, and based on the look that Joon was giving them, so was he. "Okay, baby, come here. Joon is leaving. Can Jin come in or Hobi? Our Omega needs food, and the pups need to be scented so they can sleep."

"No," his head shook. They can leave the food at the door. I'll bring it in and the pups. The others have to stay outside. Our Omega is asleep in his nest. He's been bred, not safe." Jimin was starting to panic; the pheromones he was emitting were suffocating.

"Okay, baby, you are doing so good. Alpha is so proud of you for protecting our Omega so well. Jin will leave the food at the door, and once you feed Mason, you can bring the pups in. Does that sound okay?"

"Yes, yes," he nodded, his chest rumbling as his scent calmed down. Joon left, and Jin knocked on the door with the food within minutes. Jimin scrambled off the bed, growling at the door, his possessive pheromones filling the space, warning off everyone outside that room. Once he was sure no one was out there, he grabbed the food and brought it to the nest.

"Alpha," Mason whined as he nuzzled into Yoongi's neck.

"Your Beta is having some issues; I don't know what's happening. But he's been extremely protective. Let him feed you and maybe hold you for a bit."

"I'd love to," he smiled as he turned to look at Jimin. His brows furrowed a bit, "Beta, oh Jimin, why didn't you say anything?"


Mason turned around and looked at Yoongi, "he's in rut; that's why he's acting like this."

"He's what?" Yoongi shot up, "Why didn't I smell it?"

"My heat probably overpowered it, you were so focused on me that you didn't notice his I guess."

Yoongi turned to Jimin, "Your rut isn't due for a bit. Why didn't you say anything?"

"Not about me; Mason wanted to be bred by his Alpha."

"Oh baby, how about this. You knot me while I knot him. Alpha will take care of both of you if that's what you want?"

Jimin sighed, the tension leaving his body, "please, Alpha," he whimpered.

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