Chapter 16

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Mason was so content right now. He had gotten to please his mates for hours last night, and their scents surrounded him. He never wanted to leave. "Puppy, are you hungry?"

He whined into the chest that was holding him. He was, but he didn't want to get up. Jin laughed softly, "Come on, let's go take a shower and then get you fed."

The Omega wanted to stay in their arms and safety forever, but he was hungry. Jin seemed to realize what he needed. He lifted Mason into his arms and carried him to the bathroom. He sat his sleepy baby on the counter while preparing for the shower. Then he had him in there. Both of them were already naked, so there was no need to remove anything.

Jin tried to put Mason down, but the Omega wasn't having that. He wanted to stay in his arms. But because he's the most excellent mate, he knew what to do. "Don't worry; I can wash you while holding you, baby." He never put the Omega down and somehow got both squeaky clean. Then he put Mason in another pair of lace panties and a long shirt and carried him downstairs, where the smell of food was overwhelming.

Mason's stomach growled loudly, and Jin kissed his forehead, "Don't worry, pup. We'll get you fed." The Omega sat down in Jin's lap, where the Beta fed him. He was so happy and content; even his Omega was delighted, which never happened until he had found his amazing mates.

He looked at all of them, and his eyes flashed blue. "I love you guys." He just blurted it out. It wasn't very comfortable, but he didn't care. Mason wanted them to know; he needed them to know.

All seven of their eyes flashed either red or green. They walked over to him individually, kissed his breath away and told him they loved him. Jin was the last since Mason was in his lap. He cupped Omega's face and kissed his lips so softly. Then he kissed down Mason's chin and licked his scent gland. "I love you so much, my beautiful Omega. You have no idea how happy we are to have found you."

Mason couldn't help it; his eyes flashed blue; he rubbed his face in Jin's neck and purred. It wasn't enough; he turned around to where he was straddling his lap and kept rubbing all over him. It was part scenting, part wanting to be as close as possible to him. The Omega wanted nothing more than to sit on him and feel him deep inside him. But they were right; until his heat, it would hurt him. The Alphas were especially large.

Jungkook laughed, "Looks like we broke him again."

Jin reached down and pulled Mason's shirt up, and touching helped calm down the Omega. He's not upset; it's just that his Omega is taking over and wants his mates. Since they can't have sex, which would be the fastest way to fix this, then touch is going to have to help calm him down. After about five minutes of touching his back up and down. "I'm sorry, Jin; I don't know why I keep getting so overwhelmed around you guys."

"It's your Omega; you have seven mates, three of which are Alphas, and one of those being a True Blood. Of course, it's going to be overwhelming. It'll get easier once your heat is here, and we can mate and mark you."

"Promise?" He looked at Jin with so much love and trust in his eyes. The Beta couldn't stop the kiss if he tried; he drew him in with his large, dark eyes.

"I promise, pup."

They spent the next two weeks getting to know each other. The four Betas spent the most time with their little Omega. Since the Alphas had Alpha stuff to do to run the pack, they had a lot to do in advance. They'd be busy when the Betas' rut hit, and the pack would need to run independently.

It was too soon, but they went shopping for the coming pups. Crystal, the Omega willing to carry for them, saw them with Mason. Jin knew she was upset that Joon didn't agree to knot her, but he didn't realize she was this upset. How she looked at Mason made the hairs on the Beta's neck stand up. He linked the other three, 'Is it just me, or is she glaring at Mason a lot?'

Jimin looked over and narrowed his eyes, 'she has a fucking mate, and a female one at that. Why the fuck is she so mad that we found our mate? He's our fucking fated mate for fucks sake.'

Hobi didn't say anything. He just watched everything, ensuring she didn't try something dumb. Because if he did, he was going to beat her ass, female Omega or not.

'You don't think maybe she's Bi and likes Joon, do you?'

Jin's eyes whipped around to look at Tae, 'she better not fucking touch my man. The only Omega allowed anywhere near his dick is Mason.'

He rolled his eyes at Jin, 'possessive much? We know he's your favorite, but damn, Beta, you are drawing blood.'

The elder looked down to where he was holding his hand and saw that he was indeed drawing blood, 'sorry,' Jin squeaked.

He snorted, 'You were the one that wanted a pup so damn bad. You got her hopes up for that True Blood Alpha cock, and now she can't have it.'

Jimin sighed, 'She better not be an issue. Besides, does she even realize Joon's disgust with sleeping with a woman? Like one of us would have had to be there for him to even cum, most likely.'

Mason looked at them wide-eyed, "can we get this?"

It was a little pair of baby booties; they were the cutest thing they'd ever seen. Of course, we can, baby, get whatever you want. You don't have to ask." Jin tried to get him away from her, "Let's go get you some clothes, too, so you can pick out what you want."

He pouted, "But I like wearing what you pick for me."

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