Chapter 56

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Jin grinned, "Guys, Joonie just linked me. Apparently, when they were going to the greenhouse, Mason saw some baby blanket he really wanted. Joon said we should buy it, get a few more baby things, and get Mason some maternity clothes. He should start showing here soon, and as much as we love him in our clothes, he does deserve his own."

Jimin jumped up, "hell yes, come on boys, let's go shopping on our Alphas dime."

The four Betas jumped up and went to do some shopping for their Omega while the Alphas finished up so they could spoil their Betas.

"Luna, why are you carrying that? You are pregnant with a pup."

Mason looked at the Director and sighed, "I'm about five minutes pregnant; it's fine." He smiled at the Director before handing over the basket. "I brought the sweet potatoes they asked for. I was going to see if I could stay for dinner and some bingo tonight."

"The seven are okay with that?"

Mason huffed, "I'm either the Luna or not; they aren't the boss of me, not even Joon." His hands were on his hips that, were cocked a little to the side as he stared the Director down.

"You're right, Luna; my apologies."

He waved it off, "It's fine now where do you need me? I'm starving."

"Joon, where do we keep the tablecloth and candles?"

"Kook, why do you think I would know that? If any of the three of us would know, it would be you. You follow Tae around like a shadow." Jungkook rolled his eyes, then mumbled maybe it's in the pantry. Yoongi walked in, trying to tie his tie. "Why are you so dressed up?"

He looked at Joon with a deadpan expression, "I said to dress nice."

"You said to dress nice, not like you are going to fucking prom."

"Joon, I have two Betas, TWO, and one of them is Jimin, who just recently started topping for the first time in our 8-year relationship. I'm pulling out no fucking stops. I even bought them both rings."

"You bought them rings? Damnit, Yoongi, we didn't buy Jin or Tae rings. FUCK."

Yoongi shrugged his shoulder, "Sorry, I'm more prepared to make my Betas happy, asshole. Go, run and get them rings, and I'll finish up here." Jungkook and Joon took off out the door while Yoongi smirked, "I always knew I was the superior Alpha, fuckers better be thankful I'm not a True Blood."

By the time Joon and Jungkook returned, Yoongi had the dining room perfectly ready for their Betas. "Go, put on better clothes. You have maybe five minutes before they show up."

By the time the Betas walked into their house, they were all smiles and giggles about what they had bought for their Omega and pup. "Alphas, come look at the cutest little onesie we got."

Jin looked up and gasped; all three of their Alphas were down on one knee, holding out ring boxes and bouquets of flowers; there were boxes of chocolates under their arms, and the dining room was decorated all pretty with candles and delicious food. "What is all this?" Jin was trying so hard not to cry.

"We love you, all four of you," 

"And we wanted to show you guys just how much."

"So we will feed you, shower you in gifts, and then we want your knots."

Jimin gasped, his hands going to cover his mouth, "am I dead? Is this heaven?"

Joon laughed, "You aren't dead. We'll go to our rooms tonight and take your knots, but before the pup comes, each of you will knot us. If there is a time when you really want to top and knot us, ask. We promise to listen from now on and to stop fighting you on it."

Yoongi snorted, and Jungkook snickered; "okay, I promise to stop fighting it since those two are perfectly okay with it, apparently."

The four Betas ran to their Alphas and wrapped their arms around them. They put their rings on and sat in their Alpha's laps as they got fed. Well, not Yoongi; he decided to sit in his Beta's laps since it was easier, but they loved that. When they were done, they walked upstairs; Jin stopped and looked at Joon, "Would you rather Hobi or Jimin knot you tonight? I got to yesterday, and taking two knots back to back will hurt; we should know."

Joon smiled at his Beta, tucking his hair behind his ear. "You would give it up to make it easier on me?"

Jin rolled his eyes. " You told me that you would stop fighting it. Hobi can have you tonight. We bought a lot of stuff for the pup, and I'll happily start working on the nursery. We never put the crib together that you guys bought." He looked at Jungkook with sad eyes.

Jungkook walked over to Jin, wrapped his arms around him, and gave him a soft kiss. "It would make me so happy to see our pup sleeping in the crib I picked out. Don't be sad, Jinnie. I'm happy for this pup, I promise."

Jin squeezed Jungkook a little more complicated, "Thank you, Alpha."

"Of course, Beta. Hey, when we are all done getting knotted, we can meet up in the nursery. Maybe we can set it up by the time Mason gets home tonight."

All four Betas jumped up and down, screaming in happiness; they hugged each other and jumped in a circle, yelling that this was the best day ever. It made the Alphas smile, and they knew right then that Mason was right in pushing them to do this.

'We are really doing this? We are going to let them knot us. Holy fuck, my wolf is freaking out.'

Yoongi looked at Joon, 'Look how happy they are. I want them to always be this happy, and if it means being in pain for a bit, then that's fine. Plus, Mason is scary, and frankly, I don't want him mad at me.'

'Same, that little Omega scares the shit out of me. You saw how he was during sex last night, insane.'

Yoongi grumbled, 'I can't wait to see him like that.' Sigh. 'I bet he's sexy as fuck.'

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