Chapter 9

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"Oh," he whispered.

"Yeah, oh. But don't worry, we don't mind replacing anything of yours we destroy in a hurry to get to you."

Mason didn't reply; he nodded and went to the next bag. He pulled out a lot of sweaters and hoodies, and his face lit up with the super-soft ones as he rubbed them against his cheek. He pulled out some crop tops and booty shorts that Jungkook picked out, and everyone groaned when they saw that. Mason smiled brightly, "I'll try this on since everyone seems to like it." 

Then he hopped up and ran to get changed. Hobi and Jin threw pillows at the youngest, "Seriously, Kook? We can't touch him yet."

"We can't have sex with him; that doesn't mean we can't touch him, and he can't touch us. He's already producing slick, which means that he's experiencing arousal."

"Don't look so smug, Kook," Yoongi grumbled. Jimin was the first to see Mason, and based on his low moan, it was a sight to see.

Mason looked at himself in the mirror with wide eyes. He'd never worn clothes like this before, but they felt right. Is it because his Alphas bought them for him? He walked downstairs and made eye contact with Jimin first.

The Beta moaned a bit and ran his hand down his face, it made the Omega smile. Mason was affecting them, and his Omega liked that. He could smell their arousal; he smelled it earlier, too, when he came down after getting cleaned up. Mason could feel himself getting wet; why? He was looking at them. Was it because he could smell them?

"Do you like?" Mason asked as he spun around in a circle so all of them could see.

Jin and Tae stood up and sandwiched the tiny Omega between them. "Oh, pup, we more than like." He hummed in agreement as he bent down to rub his face in Mason's neck. "Stop scenting him, Tae. If you start, we'll all want to do it."

"Sorry," he mumbled as he kept doing it, "can't stop."

Jin groaned, and Mason giggled, "I don't mind; I want to smell like my mates." That was all it took. Jin was on the other side of his neck, scenting him while Tae finished. Then Hobi replaced Tae, and Jimin replaced Jin. Then, it was the Alpha's turn. They couldn't do it simultaneously; their Alphas wouldn't let them, not for the first time they scented their Omega.

So Jungkook reached out and pulled Mason into his lap. He was gentle with his scenting, but his grip on the Omega's hips was harsh. Mason liked it, though. He could feel more slick starting to pool in his panties. Yoongi picked him up and wrapped his legs around the grumpy Alpha. Yoongi groaned before starting his scenting. By the time Mason got to the True Blood, he was sawing his thighs together and whimpering. 

Joon laid him on the couch, his head in Jin's lap. "Something wrong, pup?" he whispered with his face in Omega's neck, feeling his body hovering above him. His body heat was engulfing Mason. The Omega was panting and squirming. "As soon as I'm done, I will give you to Jin. You will sit in his lap, and he will kiss you. He'll help you, pup, I promise."

"Thank you," Mason breathed out. His hands were right at the hem of the tiny shorts they got him. He felt himself getting hard; that's never happened before. "Joonie," he whimpered softly.

He pulled back and looked down with a smirk, "Take him, Jin, make it good. Our little Omega is needy right now."

Jin lifted his Omega to where he was straddling him; his hands reached around and squeezed his ass cheeks. Mason started whining; he didn't know what he needed; he just needed something. "Kiss me, pup."

Mason looked at Jin's lips and then back up to his eyes. "I don't know how."

He smiled sweetly at him, "I'll show you; just do what I do."

His lips pressed against the Omegas softly, and then he moved them. Mason tried his hardest to mimic the Beta, and he was sure he was terrible, but he didn't care once he felt Jin's tongue touch his lip. Mason groaned and moved his hips on accident. It caused his groin to brush against Jin's, and Mason about lost his damn mind. 

Jin tried his hardest to go slow; he could tell this was Mason's first time. But he's never tasted or smelled anything as sweet as Mason. 'Fuck this is so fucking hard.' He told his mates, they all told him to shut the hell up because he was one lucky son of a bitch.

His tongue touched Mason's, and the Omega whimpered again, time to pull out the big guns. He squeezed his ass and started rocking Mason against his erection. He could feel Mason getting harder and smell the slick starting to drench those ridiculous shorts Jungkook bought.

Soon, Mason's tongue darted out and reached Jin's, the last of the Beta's self-control. He flipped their positions, Mason's head was now in Jimin's lap, and Jin was rocking his cock against the younger's with his tongue exploring every part he could reach in Mason's mouth. The Omega fisted Jin's hair and started moaning into his mouth. It didn't take long before he was crying out. 

The Beta pulled back; he didn't care that he didn't cum, this was about Mason, and he could always have one of them help him later. His eyes were glazed over, and he grinned silly, "Better pup?"

He nodded his head and snuggled more into Jimin's lap. Hobi walked over and picked him up. " Let's get you cleaned up and into something that won't have them going crazy." Tae shuffled through the clothes, grabbed a few things, and followed his mate.

Jin looked at Jimin, "I know you are sore, but I have to fuck something."

He rolled his eyes, "fine, just make it quick."

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