Chapter 11

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"Please," he begged as his back arched to get him closer to Mason. Jin never let up on his thrusts into the other Beta. The Omega's tongue darted out and licked up the clear liquid that was there. He could taste Jimin and what he assumed was Hobi as well. Mason hummed around the head in his mouth and Jimin fisted the Omega's hair and pushed his hips up a bit, he stopped himself before he choked the tiny Omega. But Mason liked the feeling of his Beta filling his mouth. 

"Do that again, please," the Omega said as he looked Jimin in the eyes.

"Fuck pup, you are killing me." He reached out and grabbed Mason's neck; he pulled him toward his face. His lips were right below the younger wolf, "kiss me."

Mason gave him a soft kiss but Jimin wanted more, he wouldn't let him go. His lips devoured the younger, and his tongue entered Mason's mouth. The younger moaned softly, and Jimin let him go. "I'm close, pup. Can you swallow it all for me?"

"Yes, Beta, I'll swallow it all." His eyes slid closed, and his smile made the younger wolf's heart skip a beat.

"Such a good pup." Mason made his way down to Jimin's cock, he fisted Mason's curly hair again, and the younger opened his mouth eagerly. He slowly pushed the Omega's head down until he started to gag, then he'd let up and let him move back up. 

They kept that going; he told the younger how great he was doing the entire time. How amazing he was, how happy they were that he was there. How he couldn't wait to taste his Omega, that he was the greatest thing that ever happened to them.

Mason's Omega was so happy at that moment. He was ready to submit to them and bear their marks immediately. The purrs coming out of him were so loud there was no way they couldn't all hear him. "I'm close, pup, so close. Keep doing what you are doing, baby boy. You are making your Beta really happy."

The Omega was preening at all of the praise he was receiving. Jimin fisted Mason's hair harder and held him there. He moaned deep in his belly, and then it was like the Omega's tongue exploded with how amazing this tasted. He couldn't get enough; he eagerly swallowed everything. When he was done, he lay down with his head on Jimin's stomach, nuzzled his face, and purred. Mason couldn't stay still, he was squirming all over, he wanted his smell all over him. 

The youngest wolf heard Jin grunt, and then his movements stilled. His hands rubbed Jimin's thighs, and he leaned down and kissed both Mason and Jimin. Jin rubbed Jimin's sore muscles and told him how much he loved him. It took Jungkook picking Mason up to get him to stop his wiggling. "Come on, pup. You must be hungry after that."

He couldn't even talk; he just nuzzled into Jungkook's broad chest and purred. "Did we break him?"

Joon snorted at Jungkook, "No, his Omega is pleased. Just give him a bit; he'll calm down and return."

Jungkook looked at Mason with a fond smile, "Well, if this is his reaction when he's with us, then I'm never letting him go."

Oh God, if they don't stop, he'll never get his Omega under control. "Alpha," Mason whined.

The Alpha pulled Mason closer to him, "What is it, pup? What do you need?"

"I don't know," he whined. It wasn't a lie; he had no idea what he wanted or needed. He just knew that it was something.

The Alpha walked him to the living room and laid down on the couch with Mason on top of him. His hands went under Mason's hoodie, and he rubbed them up and down the pup's back while he cooed at him. His pheromones were calming, and it seemed to work. "That better pup?"

"Yes, Alpha. So much better. I'm not sure what happened; I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. You are an Omega, and you look like a true submissive. Now we know this, and we'll take care of you. Don't worry, baby; we're here."

"Thank you, Alpha." Mason was so content in his arms—or any of their arms—this was where he was meant to be. Jungkook started his rumbles, and the Omega couldn't help but purr back in response. He stayed in his Alpha's arms for a while. His rumbles never stopped, and his hands never slowed down.

"Are you hungry, pup?"

Mason popped up from where it rested on Jungkook's neck, "yes, I'm hungry."

He kissed the pup's nose, "Let me make you something to eat."

Jungkook placed him on the counter, much like Yoongi did. He rummaged around in the fridge, and in 20 minutes, he was cutting up small bites of chicken and feeding him. "Why do you guys feed me? I may have been a disgraced Prince, but I was taught how to use silverware."

He barked out a laugh, "You haven't spent a lot of time around mates, have you? Especially Alpha mates."

Mason nodded no, "I've never seen a mated pair before. I didn't even know you could have more than one mate."

He smiled at his Omega softly, "Technically, you are our fated mate, the mate that the Moon Goddess made to be perfect for us. We are mated by choice because we love each other."

His head cocked to the side, "does it bother you seeing Tae with the others?"

Jungkook's head shook back and forth. "It did at first, but not anymore. He's the reason I'm in this pack. He found me fighting off three rogues by myself. He called for help, and soon, Joon showed up and saved me. I was bedridden for days until I could heal. It took a while because I was so starved from being on the run." 

The Alpha smiled softly, "Tae never left my side; he nursed me back to health, and I was in love. The first time I saw him kiss one of the others, my Alpha went crazy. But he explained that we could only be together if I accepted all of them."

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