Chapter 30

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"Only one way to be sure," Jimin carried Mason off while Yoongi watched their every move with his mouth wide open, and Jungkook bounced back and forth on his feet. 

'Get everyone downstairs right now.' Jimin said before he cut the link off. Kook tried asking him what had happened, but he blocked all of them.

Everyone gathered downstairs in the living room, waiting for their Omega and the snarky Beta that blocked them out. Finally, after what felt like hours but was probably only minutes, Jimin carried Mason down the stairs. Tears were in his eyes, but that could mean anything. He could be happy they were having a baby or sad because they weren't. 

"Before I say anything, Joon, come here."

Joon looked confused but did as Jimin asked. As soon as he got too close to Mason, he whimpered and curled into Jimin more. Joon looked sad, but Jimin sent him to sit with Yoongi on the other side of the room. Next, he called Jin, and Mason went to him willingly. Then it was Tae and then Hobi. 

"Kook, come here," said Alpha, walking towards Hobi, and Mason reached out his arms and practically jumped into his. He was in nothing but those little blue panties, and he started pulling Jungkook's shirt off. He purred and wiggled as soon as it was off and his skin touched the Alpha's. "Congrats, Jungkook; in 9 months, you will have a little pup."

The Alpha fell to the ground, holding Mason to his chest as tightly as he could, rocking him back and forth as he cried into his neck. "Thank you, baby, thank you so much for this gift." Jungkook never wanted to let him go.

The Betas surrounded the two of them and hugged them, all crying and thanking them for this pup. When Joon and Yoongi started to walk towards them, Mason turned to them and growled. They put their hands up in surrender and then backed off to a safe distance. "Is this normal for Omegas?"

Jin smirked, "Yes, whenever an Omega is pregnant with an Alphas' pup, the pup will not allow the Omega near any Alpha that is not the pup's father."

"But we are mates," Yoongi whined, not sounding like an Alpha at all.

"It doesn't matter; you are an Alpha and, therefore, a threat to the pup."

"Jin, I want that pup as much as you do. I would never do anything to harm it; I would protect it with my life. You have to know this."

Jin walked over to Yoongi and hugged the distressed Alpha, "I know, but it's the Omegan instinct, just like it's yours right now, to soothe your Omega. You have to be stronger and fight your instinct because he can't. He's pregnant, and everything in his body is screaming to protect his pup."

"This is going to be the hardest nine months of my life. I can't even get near my Omega."

Yoongi fell to the ground and curled up in a ball, crying his eyes out. Jimin and Hobi rushed to him and picked him up so they could carry him to their shared room. Jin looked at Joon and held out his hand. They all knew that it was hard for him, too; he was just holding it in for their sake. 

Tae smiled at Jungkook, "I'm going to schedule his first appointment with the pack Doctor."

Once they were gone, Mason started crying. "What's wrong, baby? It's going to be okay."

"I don't want my Alphas upset; I just can't help it."

"I know, and they understand, I promise. They are sad because we just found you, and now they can't get near you."

"Can I do something that might help them?"

Jungkook smiled at his beautiful Omega and how sweet he was. "Of course, baby. What do you want to do?"

He got up and grabbed two blankets from the back of the couch they had just bought because he had stolen the rest for his nest. He wrapped them around him and began to rub his entire body all over it; he even pulled his panties off so some of his slick got on them. He was scenting the shit out of the blankets, and Jungkook knew that Joon and Yoongi would love that. They couldn't have him, but at least he could give them this.

It took him about 20 minutes before he was satisfied with it, he held it out to the Alpha, "is this good, will they like this?"

He pulled him into his arms, careful not to touch the blankets. "You did so well, Omega. This will make your Alphas so happy right now."

"Will you take them my gift?"

Jungkook kissed his forehead and told him to get dressed again while he went to deliver his thoughtful gifts. He'd be right back to feed him. The Alpha touched the blankets the least amount he could so his scent wouldn't get on them. He went to Yoongi's room first since he was the most visibly upset. He was going to knock, but he could hear him balling from the other side of the door.

Jungkook opened it, and Yoongi looked at him; he was angry and sad but the younger could tell he was also happy for his mate. "Mason wanted me to give you this." Jungkook tossed the blanket on his face, and his rumbles started as he rolled around on the bed, wrapping it around his body. Jimin and Hobi looked at the younger in confusion, "Mason scented it."

They next saw Yoongi's clothes being tossed out from his blanket burrito, and he was practically purring in contentment. "And he tells me I act like an Omega," Jimin snorted.

"Shut up asshole, my Omega won't let me near him." Jimin started rubbing his back, and Yoongi smacked his hand away, "Don't touch my blanket." Jimin rolled his eyes hard and waved for Kook to leave the room. This is going to be a challenging nine months.

He walked down the hall and knocked on Jin and Joon's room, he didn't hear crying so he didn't want to barge in. Jin walked over to the door and opened it. The younger could see Joon sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. "Mason wanted me to give this to you."

His head snapped up to look at him, and Kook could see the tears falling down his cheeks.

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