Chapter 6

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Jimin wrapped his arms around him and pulled him against his chest; the pup practically melted into him. He turned his head and nuzzled into Jimin's neck, and Joon could hear the happy rumble from Jimin and the purr that Omegas make when they are happy and feel safe. "What's your name, pup, and where have you been all my life?"

Mason turned to look at Hobi; his smile was so pretty and calming. "I'm Prince Mason Boo, Omega, and I'll be 18 in around a month." They all jolted and smiled like that was the most significant thing they'd ever heard.

"You are the Prince? We never knew there was an Omega Prince."

Mason frowned at Jin and then looked down at his hands that were in his lap, "It's because I'm an abomination, and my family was embarrassed by me."

He knew he was letting out distressed scents because the Alphas reacted immediately and released calming scents. Jimin held him tighter, and he could feel the Betas rumble coming from his chest, his nose in the crook of Mason's neck. It all calmed him down quickly.

Joon kneeled before Mason, "Why do you think you are an abomination?"

The Omega shrugged his shoulders, refusing to look at any of them. "That's what my Alpha family told me every day when they beat me. After a while, you start to believe them."

Jimin put his finger under Mason's chin and forced him to look at the Beta, "You are not an abomination; you are the most precious gift from the Moon Goddess, and I will thank her every day for the rest of my life that she gave me you."

A tear rolled down Mason's cheek. He couldn't even say anything. He just turned around on his lap and wrapped himself around Jimin as tightly as possible. Mason's face was in his neck, and he was crying his eyes out.

Jimin was a little heartbroken. He looked at his mates. Even being a Beta, he could smell how upset the Omega was. He had no pheromones that he could use to calm the poor Omega; all he had was his body. So he held him tightly as he rocked back and forth, cooing and reassuring him while he rumbled against his chest. It always worked when Yoongi did it to him, but he'd never done it himself. 

Finally, the cries stopped, and Jungkook looked over, "he's asleep," he whispered.

Yoongi looked at all of them, "We have an Omega, our Omega. How did we get so lucky?"

Yoongi looked like he might cry tears of happiness, and Jimin wanted to cry. He'd never been so happy in his life. He looked at his mates, "Is it just me, or does it feel complete now? Like our mate bond is finally getting what it needs?"

Joon walked over and sat beside the two, softly touching Mason's hair. "He's our last mate. I'm not sure how I know, but he is."

"I feel like that too," Jungkook said with his doe eyes sparkling. "He's so tiny. I know Omegas are small, but he's tiny, right?" Jungkook got a little closer, "based on his wolf size, I thought he was around 10-12 at the absolute most. But he's almost 18."

"He said that this was the first time he's ever shifted; we need to find out why. That may have something to do with why he's so small. But that's okay; regardless, he's perfect."

Jin smiled at Joon with so much love in his eyes. "I'm going to make us some food. He looks half-starved. Jimin, can you and Tae get him cleaned up and changed?"

Of course, he can; he'd love nothing more than to clean him up. Jimin wants to take care of someone. Don't get him wrong, he loved being spoiled by his mates, but he wanted to spoil someone too. Thank you, Moon Goddess, for this incredible blessing. "We'll do that now." Jimin picked him up quickly since he was so tiny and already wrapped around the Beta.

They got the bath going and dumped some soap for bubbles so he'd have privacy. "Mason, I need you to wake up the pup." The Omega whined a bit, and it was just too adorable. He blinked his eyes and looked at Jimin: "Get in the bath, pup. We got to get you cleaned up and then fed."

He nodded his head, and Jimin thought he'd be shy about stripping in front of them, but he wasn't. There were scars all over his body and a lot of faded bruises and cuts that were almost healed. Tae looked like he was about to cry when he walked over to Mason and helped him into the tub, "oh pup, I'm so sorry we weren't there to protect you."

"You are here now, and that's all that matters. Just don't make me go back there, please. If you reject me, please let me stay here and find an Alpha. My first heat is soon, and I'll die without one, and if I go back, they'll kill me if my heat doesn't."

Both Tae and Jimin growled, which caused Mason to whimper and submit to them with his neck bared. The oldest softly petted his hair, "Sorry, pup. We were just upset at the idea of another Alpha having what's ours. Please don't fear us; we'd never hurt you."

"Okay," he whispered. Jimin looked at Tae, and he nodded his head. They worked together to get him cleaned up, and while Jimin was drying him off, Tae went and got him some clothes. Jimin rolled his eyes at what he picked. It was an outfit that they made him wear once and only once because he hated it. But he was hella excited to see Mason in it. 

It was a sweater that landed just above his knees, whereas on Jimin, it barely covered his ass: knee-high socks and some lace panties. Jimin laid the clothes on the counter and helped him get dressed. Mason didn't even blink an eye at what they put him in. He just put it on and smiled softly at them. Jimin reached for his hand and kissed it, "Let's go get you fed, pup."

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