Chapter 44

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This poor baby, "That's okay, baby. It wasn't your fault. But I must say I love this little nest you built. It's so cozy, and you did such a good job."

He started purring and scooting closer to Jimin, "Do you think Joonie will let me keep it?"

Joon chuckled, "Baby, if you want to have a nest under my desk, I will never stop you. You can put nests all over the house if you want. We love finding your nests and seeing what you choose to make them."

Mason asked, "Did you find the one I made in the closet?"

All seven made confused faces, "you made a nest in the closet?"

He nodded at Jimin and then pushed him out of his nest so he could get out. "Come see!" He took off running towards their shared closet, and there, in the back of the closet, under the rack of Jin's clothes, was a reasonably decent-sized nest. It looked much like the one he made in Jungkook and Tae's closet while pregnant with Jungkook's pup.

Tae snorted, "found all my missing clothes."

Jin pointed to the pillow and blanket, "There's the missing stuff from the living room."

Hobi groaned, "he put the book Yoongi got him, the rose that Joon gave him, JK's towel, and that looks like Jimin's washcloth; Tae's clothes are in there, and Jin's clothes surround him, and what does he steal of mine? I took a bite of the apple and put it down to grab a juice out of the fridge, but when I turned back, it was gone. You assholes made me think I was crazy; I knew I had a freaking apple."

Mason was sitting in the middle of his nest, purring as he rocked back and forth. "Do you like it?"

Jimin kneeled, "I love it, baby. Can I come in?"

He clapped his hands and nodded his head, "Please, Beta." Once, he was sitting next to him, and he said, "Look at this." He pulled on Jin's clothes, and suddenly, they were closed off.

"So this is how you kept it hidden?" He grinned and then moved the clothes back so they could see the others. "What made you build this nest, baby? It looks a lot like the one you built in JK's closet. Is this your new nest for your heat?"

"No, that one will always be in our room. So that the moon can see us through the window and bless us."

Jin gasped a little "No, no fucking way. It can't be possible."

All of them looked at him, "what?"

He looked at Jimin with his eyes closed. "During both of his heats, I heard a voice I've never heard before, filled with love and power. It told me that we would be blessed. I didn't think anything of it the first time because Mason was pregnant, and that's what we wanted. Then the second time I heard it again. He's pregnant; it all makes sense. This is his pregnancy nest; he built it under my clothes. It explains why he killed that wolf as well."

Joon sighed, "Jin, you are a Beta. It's not possible."

Jin had tears in his eyes, "but how do you know? When was the last time you saw a Beta with an Omega? Because I damn sure haven't ever seen it until now."

Mason had tears down his face, and his small hands were on his stomach. "I'm carrying your pup?"

Jin kneeled, "I'm not positive, but I think so. Why did you build this nest?"

"I don't know; my Omega took over, and the next thing I knew, it was built."

"It's because your wolf knows something you don't know. Were the feelings the same when you built the first pregnancy nest?"

His eyes lit up, "they were Beta; they were the same."

Jimin reached over and picked him up. "Come on, let's go take the test." He was there for the first one, so he would be there for this one as well. "Do you really think this is possible, Jin? We could be fathers?"

"I'm not sure, but I think, maybe? Let's take the test."

He sat Mason on the counter, dug in the drawer, and pulled out the boxes of tests he had bought previously. Mason took it and did his business, and then the three of them sat there and watched as the two pink lines showed up. "I'm pregnant?"

Jimin couldn't even say anything; he was in too much shock. That is until Jin fell to the ground sobbing. Mason was crying, too, and Jimin had no idea what to do. 'HELP.' Soon, the rest of the mates crashed into the bathroom and saw Jin and Mason on the floor crying. Jimin desperately stood there, not knowing what to do. "He's having Jin's pup."

"What?" they all yelled before they crashed into a puppy pile, the eight of them on the floor laughing and crying out in happiness. This, indeed, was a blessing and a miracle. 

Jin couldn't believe it: 'Thank you, Moon Goddess. I don't know why, but thank you.'

'You're very welcome, my child, cherish this pup with all of your heart.'

'I will, I promise. Will my mates be able to have this blessing as well?'

Jin patiently waited for the voice to answer him again. 'What if I told you that for them to have their own pups, you must give up your pup?'

Jin took a deep breath, 'I would give up anything to give that gift to my mates, but it's not just my pup. Mason has already lost one. I'm not sure how he would handle another loss. I don't have an answer for you. If I had to bear the loss solely, I would do so to ensure that my mates could have their pups. I know it's selfish, but I cannot do that, Mason.

It was like warmth was filling him. 'It's not selfish at all, Seokjin. And to answer your question, yes, your mates will have pups of their own, as will you. Thank you for all the times you pray to me, and thank me for your blessings.'

Then the voice was gone, but the love was left behind.

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