Chapter 42

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Marnie said, "How dare you accuse my mate of something so sinister. She offered to carry your pup for you to make your mates happy. Why would she hurt your Omega, kill your pup?"

Joon's, Yoongi's, and Jungkook's eyes were red, and it didn't take long before all four Beta's eyes turned green. "Kneel before me, Crystal." Joon used his Alpha voice, and Crystal, being an Omega, could not resist. Mason is the only Omega who has ever been able to. She kneeled before the seven, her blue eyes glowing. "Would you like to tell everyone what you did, or would you prefer I force it out of you?" 

She looked at Mason with so much hatred in her eyes, "I did nothing to that disgusting Omega that he didn't deserve."

The entire hall gasped. Everyone loved Mason. It was hard not to; he was sweet to everyone. He spent three hours making crafts with the pups when their teacher wasn't feeling well. He even stayed until the last pup was picked up, hugging each little wolf and booping their nose before he let them run off to their parents. "TELL THE TRUTH, ALL OF IT. LEAVE NOTHING OUT."

Besides Joon's mates, every wolf in the hall whimpered and fell to their knees in submission. Jimin snickered, "Busting out the big guns."

Mason exited Jin's lap and walked to his True Blood, "Alpha?"

Joon turned and looked at him, "I'm sorry I scared you, baby."

The Omega shook his head, no. "You didn't, but you did scare everyone else. Can I?" Mason asked as he pointed toward the Omega, who was bowed down entirely on the floor. Joon nodded his head and went to sit back in his seat. The Omega knelt beside her and helped her up; she was shaking so badly. "Why did you do it?"

"I.. I. I wanted to have Joon's pup. But then you came along, and they no longer needed me."

He petted her hair softly, "do you love him?"

"I do," she sobbed.

"You do know that it wasn't Joon's pup, right? And regardless of that, Joonie didn't want to have a pup with you anyway. He kept putting it off, trying to find another solution for his Betas."

"You are lying!" She yelled. 

"He's not; he kept giving me excuses, saying he'd give me an answer at the end of the month. Then he'd put it off again."

Jimin snorted; leave it to Jin to make this nice. He sighed and got up, he walked over to Crystal and sat down on the stage in front of her, "you know, the odds are he wouldn't have even been able to knot you. It would have taken at least one of his Betas being there to even get him hard because, you see, hunny, he's into dudes, and why would he want that used ass pussy when he has asses like this at home? Plus, you should see how great he sucks my cock, he jus."

"JIMIN!" Joon roared.

Jimin shrugged, "You get my point; you never stood a chance. Wrong parts."

He turned around to walk back to his comfy seat, lounging on Yoongi and Hobi, when he heard Mason cry out in pain. Crystal was on top of him, choking the life out of him. Jimin roared and picked her up by the hair; her feet were dangling in the air as he growled in her face. 

"That's it, I'm enacting Otaktay's Law. It is within my right as an Alpha that lost his pup and almost lost his Omega."

Marnie cried out as she ran towards Crystal, who pulled her from Jimin's grasp. "I will fight in her place. I'm her Alpha, and it's my responsibility."

Jungkook was standing above them on the stage, looking down at them with so much disgust, "You are willing to die for an Omega that killed my pup and tried to kill my mate? Twice?"

"I'm her Alpha."

"Fine, if you want to die for that pathetic scum, I won't stop you."

"Jin must fight her since she's fighting in my place. If you want to use Otaktay's Law, I'm using Tosahwi's Law. It's the right to choose another fighter to make the fight fairer. A male Beta vs a female Alpha."

Jimin looked at Yoongi, "I really should start studying, I mean even that skanky ass Omega knows shit I don't."

Yoongi pinched the bridge of his nose, "Shut up, Beta, now is not the time."

Jin stood up, "I agree; let's go." Everyone walked outside to the training grounds. There was a fighting circle that they used to train new warriors. When they were standing there, Jin looked at her, "Fight as wolves or humans? Either way, you are dying today."

"Wolves," she growled.

Jin shrugged, "Fine with me. But just know your sacrifice is in vain; Jungkook will kill that Omega either way. It's the law, and your Omega killed his pup and tried to kill his Omega. She'll die today, just as you will."

She shifted and charged at him before he even had a chance to move. She tried to bite his throat, but he held his arms up to stop her. He couldn't move; if he shifted right now, he was dead. Mason didn't even realize what had happened until Joon petted him and begged him to change back.

Mason looked down and saw paws and blood—so much blood—covering his white fur. He whimpered and rocked back and forth before he shifted and fell into Joon's arms.

It was chaos, Tae and Hobi were carrying Jin to the Doctor trying to get the blood to stop. Yoongi and Jimin were trying to get Jungkook to stop his murderous rampage on Crystal, who had been dead for at least 5 minutes now. And here Joon was holding his Omega, who blacked out after charging into the ring and killing an Alpha.

He was vicious. He wouldn't even let anyone approach Jin. His hackles were raised, teeth were bared, and he was growling at everyone. He was no longer that tiny pup they first saw; he was a full-grown Omega wolf. Yes, he was still tiny, probably the tiniest adult wolf there. But he took on an Alpha that was protecting her Omega and won. He made sure that his Beta was no longer getting attacked. He took her down before any of them even realized what happened. 

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