Chapter 55

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"Why are we doing this shit?" Yoongi grumbled as he was pulling the hundredth weed out of the ground.  

"At least you didn't get fucking knotted last night because your Beta and Omega begged you."

Jungkook looked at Joon, "I'm still pissed at you for letting Jin do that. You know the four of them are sitting around planning on it happening to Yoongi and I and most likely to you again."

Joon growled, "I'm never letting Jin near my ass again, that shit hurt. How have they handled our knots all these years?"

Jungkook slumped down to the ground, "fuck, Tae just linked me and told me that if I loved him, he'd let me do it, and if I don't, then he's moving in with Mason permanently."

Mason walked over to the three Alphas, "I can help you, Alpha, if you need it?"

Jungkook popped his head up to look at his Omega; he grabbed and pulled him down onto his lap. "I'll be fine, baby; Yoongi will need your help more. He has two Betas to deal with."

Yoongi shrugged, "Jimin fucks me all the time; if he wants to knot me, I'll let him. It makes him happy, so I can be in pain for a day. It's fine. I want my beta to be happy. They can all knot me if they want; I love them. They aren't asking for much. We knot them all the time, knowing that nothing can come of it other than our pleasure; why can't they have that as well?"

Both Jungkook and Joon's mouths dropped open as they stared at Yoongi. Mason got up, walked over to Yoongi, and wrapped his arms around him. "You are the sweetest Alpha ever. Thank you for this gift. You have no idea how happy you will make them." Then he got up on his tippy toes and kissed him. 

Yoongi reached down and picked him up as Mason wrapped his legs around his waist and his arms around his neck. One of Yoongi's large hands went under Mason's ass to squeeze his cheek, and the other fisted his hair, pinning it in place. They could hear them both breathing hard and moaning. 

Joon coughed and cleared his throat a little, "Um, guys, not that anyone is surprised at all, but we aren't alone right now. Like anyone could walk in at any second and see you two."

'Do you think I give a flying fuck if anyone sees me making out with my Omega?'

'I love my Alpha and how he kisses me; I don't care if people see how amazing he is.'

Jungkook rolled his eyes at those two, "Well, it's great that you both think that way, but Tae will not leave me alone, and we need to finish up here."

Mason groaned, climbing down from Yoongi. His stomach was starting to feel funny from kissing Yoongi. He walked a few feet away and began directing the three Alphas on what needed to be done. Then, he gathered the vegetables into the basket and looked at them. "I'm going to take this to the home. The last time I was there, the director said that the elders were craving sweet potatoes."

"Baby, I can carry that for you."

He turned around and glared at Yoongi, "You will stay here and finish the damn job Alpha. Then you will go home and let your Beta's knot you." He looked at the other two Alphas, "and that goes for you two. No arguments, Joon, let him do it again. Let him know that you understand his need for this. Do it without me; show him how much you love him. He needs that; you have no idea how happy he was last night. If you can do it without me there, and it is your idea, you will have the happiest Beta on planet."

Mason turned to leave, "Go buy them some flowers and candy, then get down on your hands and knees and beg them to knot you. If you don't, I will punish you myself, and trust me, anything that I could do to you will be way worse than the pain of taking their knots. By the time this pup comes out, you better have let all of them knot you." 

He sighed, "I'm having dinner with the elders, and I'll stay with them for a while so you can make this right with them." Then he was gone. "Idiotic Alphas, I swear to God," Mason mumbled as he slammed the greenhouse door shut.

Yoongi snickered as he looked at the other two, "I was already going to do it because I wanted them happy, but what about you two?"

Jungkook sighed, "I was going to let Tae. He sounded so excited, and I can handle it. Yes, it'll hurt a bit, but if it makes him happy, then fine."

Joon sat down, and he fisted his hair. "I want to make Jin happy, I want to make all of them happy, but the only reason that I could do it last night was because Mason was riding my dick and distracting me. My wolf is hard to control."

"Would it be easier if one of the Betas was riding you while Jin does it? I'm sure Jimin or even Hobi would do it. As long as I let them knot me, they'll happily help."

Joon shook his head. "No, Mason's right. I need to do this for Jin. Come on, let's finish up our chores and then go buy our Betas some gifts."

"We should get dinner for them too, bring it home so they don't have to cook."

"Maybe dress nicely and light some candles."

Joon stood up. "We can do that; that sounds great. How do we get them out of the house, though?"

Jungkook smiled, "Tell them to go buy more baby stuff. Tell them that Mason saw a baby blanket that he really wanted. You know Jin will be on that so fast, and the other three love to shop. We can tell them that Mason needs some maternity clothes, too. That should give us enough time."

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