Chapter 12

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Jungkook snorted, "I was so against it at first. Because there was no way I'd ever submit to another Alpha. But I stayed for Tae, and soon I fell in love with the other Betas and finally those two dumbass Alphas."

"Yah, what did you call me?" Yoongi sounded pissed, and the Omega bared its neck in submission. He ran over to him and petted his hair softly, "I'm sorry, pup, I wasn't angry. I like to give Kook shit."

Jungkook started yelling at Yoongi for scaring Mason, which made him whine even louder. Joon stormed in and roared at both of them; the Omega couldn't handle it. He slid to the floor on his knees, hands on his thighs, and neck bared for them as he quietly whimpered, tears filling his eyes.

Joon ran a hand down his face, fuck, that is not how he wanted to see his Omega. Yes, he wanted him to submit sexually, but not because he was scared. Tae walked in and growled at all of them, he stomped over to Mason, smacking all of the Alphas on the way. He picked him up and carried him away, muttering how fucking stupid Alphas were. 

The other two looked at the youngest Alpha, saying, "We are going to have to be careful. The others are used to us. But every Alpha he's ever known has abused him."

Yoongi flopped onto Jungkook's stomach to annoy him, "Well, this isn't going to be easy; we blow up like fifty times a day."

"I'm sorry, Tae; I don't know what I did to make them so mad, but I'm sorry."

Tae was so fucking pissed at those idiotic Alphas making his Omega cry like this. "Baby, it's okay, I promise. They weren't mad at you at all; that's just them. They yell at each other constantly, but you can do nothing to make them upset with you other than leave us."

He pulled back from Tae's neck. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and his nose was red. He sniffled and had hiccups. "I don't want to leave you guys, ever. I love you guys; you make me so happy and safe."

Tae couldn't help but kiss him even more after seeing that display in the kitchen. His lips were swollen from all of his activities today, and they tasted like his strawberry shortcake taste and were a bit salty from the tears. "Why don't we get the other Betas and go out and leave the Alphas at home?"

"They won't be mad?"

"Naw, we do it all the time when we are pissed at them." He turned to look at Jin and smiled at him; then, he nodded in agreement. 

Jin clapped his hands, "Let's get dressed all sexy and then leave."

"Did I hear sexy?"

He rolled his eyes at Jimin, "The Alphas are being dumb, so we're going to enact our favorite punishment." 

Jimin started jumping up and down as they walked into their shared closet, and everyone started getting dressed. The dumb Alphas didn't pick any sexy clothes for Mason, so Jimin and Tae had to improvise. They gave him a pair of leather leggings that Jimin wore once, but they looked great on Mason, and he seemed to think that they were comfortable. Then, they paired it with one of Jimin's silk shirts. 

It wasn't the sexiest outfit, but they left a few buttons undone just for fun. It would drive them crazy. Tae fixed Mason's hair while Jimin did a bit of his makeup. Once the two of them were done, all of them walked downstairs, ignoring the dummies. "Where are you going?"

The youngest Beta glared at Joon, "Drinking, don't wait up assholes."

All three Alphas groaned loudly. They knew they were in for it now, their Betas were pissed, and they knew that tonight was going to be a long night. "Thank fuck we aren't like other packs where I have a shit ton of responsibilities; if we weren't so hidden, I'm not sure I'd be able to handle those 4, and now Mason, add in you two, and I'd be so fucked."

Jungkook snorted, "Well, if we are lucky and we grovel enough, you might get to fuck one of them tonight."

Mason pulled on Jin's sleeve, "Are you sure this is okay?"

He leaned down and kissed his forehead, which made Hobi smile. Hobi was so fucking happy that they had their Omega, their very own Omega. How will they ever be able to thank the Moon Goddess enough? Hobi reached across the table and squeezed his Omega's hand, "we do this all the time, it's our payback for them being assholes."

"But I've never drank before, and I don't want them mad at me."

"If you don't start drinking, pup, I will bend you over my lap and spank you. Now do what your Beta says and drink."

Mason's eyes widened as he looked at him, "Yes, Beta, I'll drink."

Hobi didn't care if Mason drank; he just wanted him to know that he could defy the Alphas and nothing would happen. He needed their Omega to trust and be comfortable with them. Mason lifted the glass and took a sip; the face he had made was so cute. "Don't like it?"

He turned to Jimin, "It tastes funny."

Jimin smiled, "Well, the more you drink, the better it tastes."

"Really?" Mason said with so much enthusiasm that it was adorable. "Okay," then he chugged it. Hobi's eyes went wide, and he was about to stop him, but Jimin shook his head no. Okay, they are getting him wasted-wasted tonight.

Once he finished the beer, he grinned at them, swaying a little in his seat. Hobi leaned forward a bit. "Mason?" His eyes snapped to the Betas. I wanted to ask you something." He looked at him with so much trust and curiosity. "Do you want to have pups?"

His smile was so big, "so bad, I never thought I could. But I want pups, lots and lots of pups. I can't wait until my heat and my Alphas knot me." He was excited, so he got a bit loud. Jin put his hand over his mouth and chuckled a bit.

"There are Alphas in here, baby, don't get them all riled up. You aren't marked yet."

"Sorry," he squeaked.

Jin cooed at him as he wrapped his arms around him, "Don't be sorry, my baby. We want pups just as badly."

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