Chapter 5

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Mason, just push the door open and walk in there. Jump on that massive bed and wait for them to wake up. If they want nothing to do with you, maybe they can help you shift. He blew out his breath, and the smells were overwhelming; they all had sex last night. The mixture of their scents and cum was almost too much. But it was also comforting. It shouldn't be; they aren't my mates.

The tiny Omega pup jumped onto the bed; he was sitting there by the feet of the shorter Alpha; his name was Yoongi. He was known to be grumpy and an absolute dick, but he would do anything for his mates, and he was almost selfless when it came to them—especially the smallest Beta and the one on his right, that was always smiling.

Joon was a sucker for the largest Beta, and Jungkook was a sucker for the Beta with the boxy smile. They were all together from what he'd seen; he just noticed that, almost in a way, they had favorites. But they never mistreated any of them; there was a lot of love between them all. Mason wished they could love him like that.

He whined, not meaning to. He wasn't ready for them to wake up, but that damn True Blood woke up and looked right at him. His eyes flashed red, then silver. "Mate," he said in his deep voice.

The others woke up, and their eyes flashed either red or green and then silver, every single one. They all muttered the word mate, and Mason ran. He could hear them behind him, scrambling to chase after the Omega.

Joon heard a little whine and opened his eyes; at the foot of his bed was a tiny white pup, "mate," his wolf screamed. What the fuck, how can this be his mate? That is a child for fucks sake. But then he heard his six other mates say the same thing: how could this child be their mate?

The tiny wolf took off, "that's an omega, isn't it?"

Joon looked at Yoongi, "That's the smell I've been chasing ever since we left the Boo Kingdom."

Hobi stood at the end of the bed, saying, "What are we waiting for? That's our mate." Then he took off after the wolf. They all scrambled after him. Joon shifted into his wolf form; tracking the Omega that way would be easier.

The Alpha caught up to Hobi quickly; they followed him since his nose was to the ground. He caught the scent and followed it to the river; it was constantly moving, so it never froze over. Thank goodness, it was how they got water to the houses. The tiny Omega was all curled up in a little ball, shivering. 'Hi pup,' he reached out through the mind link. Since he's a true blood, he can speak to anyone in their wolf form as long as he's in wolf form. The others could only speak to the Omega once it was part of the pack.

It whimpered and hid its head under its tail. 'Don't be scared. I know we are your mates, but nothing will happen since you are so young. I promise you. Where is your family?'

The Omega didn't answer; it curled into itself more and started shaking harder. Jimin walked forward and sat in front of it in the snow. "Hello there, beautiful; it's freezing out here. Why don't we go back to the house where it's warm? Are you hungry?" The wolf's head shot up, and its large blue eyes looked excited at the prospect of a meal. "We'll get you some yummy food. Can I carry you? I don't want you to be cold."

Yoongi snorted behind him, "It's a wolf, Jimin. And also, when are you willing to carry someone? I'm surprised that you aren't demanding me to carry you."

Jimin turned around and glared at Yoongi, "It's a baby and my Omega; of course, I'd carry the tiny thing." Jimin turned around, reached down for the wolf, and wrapped it up in his shirt. Yoongi rolled his eyes, pulled his shirt off, and gave it to Jimin to wear. Alphas can resist the cold more easily than betas. 

When they returned to the house, Joon returned to his human form. He only had on his pj bottoms. He was more interested in the little Omega in Jimin's arms. "Can you shift back?" The Omega looked at him and shook its head no. 

Joon returned to his wolf form, 'Why can't you shift?'

Then he heard his voice, soft and almost feminine but beautiful: 'I don't know how. My friend helped me shift, and it was my first time; I don't know how to shift back.'

'How long have you been in your wolf form?'

'Since I was put in your cart and brought here.'

Joon knew he wasn't crazy; he knew he smelled him. "Don't worry, pup, I'll help you."

He looked at his mates, and they were all dying to know what the two were saying: 'He doesn't know how to shift back. I'm going to help him, Jimin. Put him down.'

All six gasped; they were on the same wavelength; their mate was a male omega, just what they'd always dreamed of. Jimin set him down gently but in his lap. It looked like he wasn't willing to let him get any further away from him. Joon talked the pup through how to shift, and finally, after 30 minutes, sitting in Jimin's lap was a beautiful boy.

He looked like a teenager: tanned skin, big brown eyes, and curly dark hair. Joon was in love. He shifted back once again and smiled at the boy. "You did great, pup," he told him as he reached over to stroke his cheek. The boy leaned into Joon's touch and whimpered when he pulled away.

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