Chapter 25

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"Just for you, Beta, I want you happy." 

Tae couldn't stop the smile on his face, "you make me so happy, baby. Almost done, just one more to go, and then I'm going to eat you out until you cum in your Alphas mouth." The Beta pushed the last one in, and it almost didn't go all the way in, but that's okay. That wouldn't stop him. Tae palmed his cheeks and spread them as wide as he could, then dove in.

His tongue reached out, scooping up as much of his deliciousness and the Twinkies as he could. The taste of them together was so fucking excellent. He groaned against him, Mason started whimpering, and Tae pulled back and saw Jungkook underneath him playing with his pretty little cock. "Such a good Omega. Look at you, pleasing your Alpha and Beta so well."

He was humming with satisfaction, and it was calling to Tae's wolf; he doesn't have the same instincts Alphas has, but Mason is his fated mate. So he wants to feed him, protect him, and love him. Naturally, he wants him also to be happy and well fucked as well. Tae returned to his treat; he managed to get two of them out before he ran out of length on his tongue.

The pulled back, "Omega, turn over. Your Beta wants to give you his cock and mark now."

Jungkook pulled his mouth off of Mason's cock and helped him roll over; they didn't want to mess up his nest too much. While they were sure that a bit of cum being spilled wouldn't bother him, they weren't so sure how he'd feel about Twinkie residue all over it. He was already prepped after having an Alpha's knot. So Tae slammed into him, "Oh baby, you will have so much Twinkie to clean up. Are you ready for that? My cock is going to be covered with your Alphas and Betas cum and two twinkies."

"So ready, want it all Beta."

"Just what I wanted to hear," then he started moving. Mason's back arched off of his nest, his dark nipples just waiting to be sucked and bitten. "God, I can't wait until these fill up with milk so I can drink it."

Jungkook groaned and smacked Tae's hand away from Mason's chest, "You'll have to fight me for that, Beta. You know how much I love milk."

The Beta's hips were moving as fast as possible, he was afraid that he was hurting him, because less than an hour ago he was a virgin. But based on his purrs and moans, Mason was loving this. "Gonna mark you now, Omega."

His head turned to the side as if he knew Tae wanted to mark him where Jungkook had marked him. He wasn't sure why he wanted their marks mixed, but seeing their marks tangled together on their Omega's neck sent something through him. Tae leaned down and bit his neck, his mark just a hair to the right of Jungkook's, so he was higher. Then Tae came, and it was the most incredible feeling he'd ever experienced; even fucking Jungkook didn't compare to this, his Omega.

Tae looked at him, his eyes wide and slightly glazed, "can I clean you now, Beta? Please?"

The Beta pulled out and held his cock towards him, he crawled towards Tae and cleaned up all of the mess he'd made, and he did it with so much enthusiasm that it was almost like he was getting pleasure out of it.

Mason was over the moon, and his Omega was beyond pleased. He managed to satisfy his Alpha and Beta. Once Tae was clean, he picked Mason up and carried him to the shower. "Gotta get you cleaned up, baby boy."

Tae started the shower and then he had him stand with his hands on the shower tile, the next thing Mason knew water was being sprayed directly into his ass and it felt so good. He shivered at how great it felt, but Tae reached around and fisted him. It didn't take much time, as omegas are extremely sensitive during their heat. He came over the shower wall and fell forward, resting his head against it. 

"Seriously, Tae, did you not learn your lesson last time? Fucking Twinkies? I was shitting out that stickiness for days, Tae, days." Jimin marched into the shower and pushed Tae to the side, "let me do this, you have no idea what you are doing."

The younger scoffed, but he left as Jimin kneeled behind Mason, "Baby, I need you to bend over and grab your ankles, okay?"

He had no idea why Jimin wanted that, but he would obey his Beta. Mason did as asked without question; then, he felt something cold and metal pushed into him. He looked through his legs, and Jimin had a long teaspoon. He was using that and the showerhead to get the Twinkies out. "Alright, it's all out. Hobi will finish getting you cleaned up, and Yoongi and I will make you something to eat. Once that's done, it's our turn."

"Thank you, Beta." He spun Mason around and crashed his lips into Mason. His hands were tangled in Mason's curls, and he could feel him growing hard against him. Jimin pulled back and smiled at him, his eyes disappearing. "I love you, Beta."

"I love you too, Omega." And then he was gone. 

Hobi walked into the shower with a smirk, "You know, if I weren't about to get to mark you, I'd be a tad bit upset with how pleased you look after Jimin's kiss." Mason's lower lip started to quiver, and he pulled him into his embrace, the Omega's face against his chest. "oh baby, I'm just teasing. I know how great of a kisser Jiminah is. He does the same thing to me when he kisses me."

"You aren't mad at me?" Mason whispered, almost afraid of the answer.

"Never. You are my Omega, and I'm your Beta. I will love you until my last breath, and even then, when I'm with the Moon Goddes, I'll watch you from above with a happy and full heart."

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