Chapter 65

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Mason's head peeked around his Beta's body; his eyes glowed bright Blue, and he took off running, fast. It is way faster than someone almost seven months pregnant should be running. He made it to the castle doors and let out a fearsome roar that had every wolf in the courtyard stop what they were doing. He charged and shifted into his wolf; the next thing anyone knew, he pulled the Alpha King off of Jungkook and ripped his throat out. He stood over the dead King's body and panted. He shifted back and looked at Jungkook, "Alpha," he whimpered before he collapsed.

Joon looked around in a panic. "Help him," he told his mates before looking at the others. "Your King and Alpha Princes are dead. Prince Max sacrificed his life to save his brother, Prince Mason. He is your new King now."

Even though Mason was currently in Jin's arms, covered in blood and knocked out cold, every wolf in the courtyard, on both sides, bowed down and yelled, "Long live, King Mason."

Mason's Doctor from back home ran to Jin, "We have to get him in bed. I need to examine him."

Casey was right there to show them the way. They took Mason to a proper room since his room was nothing more than a cell without bars. They laid Jungkook down beside him, and their doctor worked on him while Mason's doctor checked him out. Jin refused to leave their sides, so the rest had to deal with the aftermath of the battle. 

The doctor finished with Jungkook and rolled over to rub Mason's belly. His hand stopped his nose in the air, and tears filled his eyes. "There's no way, it's not possible."

Jin looked at the doctor, then Jungkook, and then back to Mason. "What? What's going on?"

"How is this possible, Doctor? We lost the pup. Why can I smell it again?"

Jin closed his eyes, 'is this real?'

'His pup was stolen from him; I simply returned what rightfully belonged to them. I kept the pup safe until I could send her back.'

'That's why he couldn't be around Yoongi?'

'I'm sorry for that, but there are just some things I cannot change.' The Moon Goddess said with some amusement. 

Jin opened his eyes. "The Moon Goddess said she was just returning what was stolen from you, that she kept your daughter safe until she could be returned to you."

Jungkook was beside himself. Tears were falling, and he didn't even care that he was an Alpha and was supposed to be strong. "My pup, my pup is back? We're having a girl?" He wrapped his arms around Mason's body, his hands never leaving his round belly. He could feel the pups moving around in there. He leaned down and kissed his stomach, "I love you two pups so much. I can't wait to hold you both."

Jin did the same from Mason's other side, linking his hand with Jungkook's. "That's our pups; they are in there."

"Pups? What are you talking about?"

Mason was awake and looked at both of them. "Baby, the Moon Goddess gave us our pup back. She's in there right now."

Mason broke down in tears, but they were happy ones. Life at the castle changed drastically; it no longer reeked of angry Alpha pheromones. There were no more beatings or any forms of sexual assault. It was nice, happy. The people accepted Mason and his mates, and they couldn't wait for his pups to be born.

"Stay over there," Mason said, pointing across the room at an annoyed Alpha.

"My King, I'm just trying to shake your hand. You shook my Betas hand."

Yoongi and Joon snickered from the other side of the room; Mason sighed as he wrapped his arms around his stomach, "Look, the only Alpha allowed within 10 feet of me is Jungkook. If those two are willing to respect that, you should too."

The Alpha looked at Yoongi and Joon like are you seriously letting this tiny Omega tell us what the Alphas should do? 

"He's pregnant with my pup, and you have been deemed a threat, so back the fuck up."

The Alpha looked at Mason, "but he shook my Beta's hand."

Jungkook shrugged, "he doesn't have an issue with Betas. It's only Alphas. Now back up, or I will back you up myself."

The Alpha grumbled but did as asked. Mason stood and looked at everyone assembled around the room. The smells were overwhelming, and it was as if Jin and Jungkook just knew. Jungkook walked over, picked him up, and placed him on his lap. Jin walked over, sat on the arm of the chair, and pulled Mason against him. "So much better, thank you."

An older Alpha grumbled, "This is why an Omega shouldn't be King. He can't even get through a meeting without needing those two. What a pathetic weakling."

Jungkook and Jin growled, and Mason stood up. "If you don't want me to be King, then take the crown from me. I dare you."

The Alphas scoffed, "You have seven mates, one of them being a True Blood. I'm not into ritual sacrifice; I'm good."

Mason grinned at him and started walking towards him, trying his hardest not to barf because of the overwhelming smells, "I find it adorable that you think they would do anything with asking me first. They may be Alphas and Betas, but they've seen me kill my fair share of Alphas, one was protecting their Omega mate and the other was a True Blood. And this pathetic weakling killed them both before anyone could even process what was happening. Don't push me, Alpha; I don't mind adding another kill to my list."

Does he need to know that Mason only did it to protect his mates since their pups were inside him, and it made his Omega go feral? Hell fucking no, he doesn't want them scared of him, but if that's what it takes, then so be it. "Yes, my King," he mumbled, and Mason high-tailed it back to Jungkook and Jin before he threw up in front of everyone and ruined his rep.

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