Chapter 10

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Jin grabbed Jimin and tossed him over his shoulder. They didn't have time to make it upstairs to a bedroom, so he walked him over to the kitchen and bent him over the counter. The older grabbed the lube out of the drawer, they fuck everywhere in the house, and since none of them are Omega's, they have lube stashed in every fucking place they could think to put it.

He squirted some on, "Do I need to prep you?"

"Probably, but we don't have time. Just touch me." Jin reached around and grabbed Jimin's dick and started working it while he slammed into him. He grunted from the force of it. 

"Sorry, can't help it."

"It's fine," he moaned out as Jin started working his hand faster and his hips harder. "Oh God, right there."

Jin's right hand was on Jimin's hip, holding him in place so he could keep pegging his prostate. "Gotta hurry; we wouldn't want our little Omega to see you all spread out on the kitchen counter getting fucked would we?"

He moaned, and Jin felt his dick practically pouring pre cum out, "Seems like you like that idea. Is that what you want, Jiminah?" Jin slowed, going deep and slow, "That's fine; if that's what you want, we can do that." He linked Hobi and told him to bring Mason there because Jimin wants their little Omega to see him getting wrecked.

Hobi stood before his Omega and ran a finger down his body. "You got all dirty, pup after Jimin and Tae cleaned you up."

"I'm sorry," he whimpered, but it wasn't in fear; Hobi was affecting him.

"As much as I'd like to extend this and see just how sweet you taste, you got Jin into a frenzy, and he's currently working out his frustrations with Jimin." Hobi leaned in, running his nose up and down Mason's neck and shoulder, "Jimin wants you there to watch."

Mason's heart sped up; Jimin wanted to see him having sex with Jin. Is that something mates do? He'd never been around actual mates before, his mother died shortly after his birth, and none of his brothers were mated, so they just fucked any girl that walked. He's never seen how mates treat each other, nor had he ever seen a poly relationship with mates. Do they not get jealous of each other? "Do you not want that pup?"

"It's not that, I'm just confused."

The Beta softly kissed Mason's scent gland, which had him purring, "Well, you see, we are all mated, and we don't hide that fact. So we all enjoy each other. While the Alphas don't fuck each other, they do have fun with each other. We need you comfortable with this, with us."

"I can do that. Is there anything I should do to help Jimin?"

Hobi groaned, "There is something you can do to make him super happy, but I'm not sure you are ready or would want to."

Mason perked up. He could do whatever it was. He wanted to make his mates happy. "I'll do it, whatever it is. I want to help my Beta."

Hobi smiled at him so sweetly, "Well, when he cums he's going to make a bit of a mess, but if you were there to catch it, he'd love that."

Mason's head nodded up and down, "catch it, how? With my hands?"

He kissed the tip of his nose, "You could do that, but if you catch it with your mouth, you'd make him extremely happy."

Oh, OH. He'd seen the betas at the palace do that to his brothers. It didn't look like they enjoyed it, though. But maybe he will? "I'll do that. I've never done it, but I'd like to make him happy."

Hobi cleaned him up, and Tae handed Mason his new clothes. He wore an oversized hoodie that smelled a little like Joon and black panties. Once that was on, he handed Mason fluffy socks, and Tae picked him up and carried him to the kitchen. "Geez, it's about time. He's getting close."

Mason looked at Jin, moving slowly behind and lying across the counter was his Beta, the Omega, walked over to Jimin, who smiled at him. Mason reached over and touched him. Lips, "Hobi said I should help you, and I want to. He said that if I could catch it, then there wouldn't be a mess to clean up. Can I do that for you?"

"Please," Jimin practically whined. Jin pulled out and laid Jimin on his back on the counter, and then he was back inside. Hobi lifted Mason to where he was sitting next to Jimin; his dick was leaking a clearish, almost white-looking fluid. 

The Omega got closer to him, almost like he was drawn to it. "Hobi was right; you are messy. Would you like me to clean it up?" Jimin's head was nodding so quickly. 

Alright, Mason, you've seen this done before. Do the damn thing. He scooted closer, and as soon as his tiny hand touched him, Jimin moaned; Mason looked at Jin with wide eyes, thinking he had done something wrong.

"Keep going, pup; you make him feel so good." Jin was slightly out of breath, with sweat pouring down his body. 

Hobi leaned over to him, "I'll show you pup." He fisted Jimin, leaned over, and licked him from bottom to top. Then he wrapped his lips around the tip, and soon his entire dick disappeared into Hobi's mouth. He bobbed up and down a few times as he twisted his fist. He pulled back, "Just like that pup, now let me see you try."

Mason looked around, and everyone was in there watching. His eyes were wide, but they all looked excited to see this. "Okay," he leaned over and again wrapped his hand around Jimin. The Omega scooted as close to him as he could and looked. He-he was gorgeous. His eyes were glazed over, and his mouth was hanging open. He had his legs wrapped around Jin's waist.

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