Chapter 21

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Mason's Omega perked up, and he was sure his eyes were bright blue right now. Jungkook chuckled, "We need you to decide, baby, not your Omega. We already know how he feels."

He pouted, "I want pups, I want my Alphas pups."

Jungkook kneeled in front of him, "Are you sure, baby? You are still a pup yourself. We can wait; we don't mind."

"But if everyone wants pups, then what's the problem?"

"There isn't a problem, baby; we want you to consider it. Once your heat hits, you are going to beg us to knot you, and odds are you will get pregnant. We want to ensure that's what you want before your Omega fully takes over. We don't want you to regret rushing into anything."

They were so sweet and understanding, but only he could give them this. Even if they wanted to choose another Omega to carry their pups, their Alphas wouldn't allow them. Not when he marked them, and they were his destined mates. It'll be even worse when they mark him back. "I want this, I promise. I know I'm young and I'm sorry for that. But I want your pups; I want to give my mates pups. It's what I was made for."

He smiled sweetly at him, "If this is really what you want, then you have a big decision to make."

"What decision, Alpha?"

"You have to choose which Alpha you want to attend your heat. The other two must be locked up far away so we don't fight each other. It'll be easier after we've all marked you, but until then, only one of us can be with you. So who is it going to be, baby boy?"

Do they want him to choose between them? They are all his mates, he can't do that. Mason was freaking out; he knew his scent changed. It is evident by their reactions. Jungkook was the first to get to him; he wrapped his arms around Mason and released his calming scent and rumbles. But it wasn't enough to calm him down.

He can't choose; he loves all three of them. Why do they want him to choose? Is it because they don't want him, so they are making him choose so that one has to do it? "Baby, calm down. Please."

He tried; he did.

"What the fuck did you three idiots do to my baby?" Jin growled he was pissed. He walked over to the three Alphas, who looked guilty. He smacked all three of them, "I swear to God, you three can't do anything right. You are Alphas for fucks sake, act like it."

Then he grabbed Mason from Jungkook and brought him upstairs. He was placed in the middle of the Betas, and Jin rubbed his back until he calmed down more. "What's wrong, baby? What did they do to you?"


Jin scrunched up his face again, "choose what?"

"They want me to choose which one will be with me during my heat. Do they not want me? Is that why?"

"Oh baby, no, it's not that, quite the opposite. Did they not explain it to you?"

Mason sniffled and snuggled closer to his chest, "I think they tried too, but I was so upset that I didn't process it."

Jin kissed his forehead, "Let me try then. When an Alpha is mated with an Omega, they will do anything to be with them during their heat, knot them, and mark them. But you have three Alphas, one being a True Blood. Their Alphas will fight each other to get to you. Even though they are mates, their Alphas will take over. They could hurt each other and you by accident. They don't want that. So they want you to pick one so we can take precautions."

"So they all want me?"

"Yes, baby, they all want you."

He rubbed his face against Jin's chest. The Beta started rumbling, and it made him sigh in happiness. "But how do I choose? I love all three of them."

"Well, they've been trying to woo you since you got here, hoping you pick them." Mason thought back to all of the gifts and sweet things they were doing; he thought they were doing that because he was their mate and they loved him. It was all so he'd choose them. "Baby, what's wrong?" His scent had gone back to being distressed.

"I thought they were being nice because they loved me, not just wanted me to choose them."

Jin squeezed him a little tighter. "It's not like that. Their Alphas make them do that stuff regardless. Even after they've marked you, they'll still act the way they've been. Tust want to be chosen; they want you to have their pups so badly."

"I can't choose; can't you just do it?"

The other three Betas laughed, "Personally, I wouldn't go with Joon as your first. He's a True Blood, and his endurance is off the charts. That would be a lot to handle for your first time."

Jin lifted his head and looked at Tae, "but he has the most control, and Mason will be in heat."

Tae shrugged, "True, but you know how long Joon can go for, and he has the largest dick here."

"What about Yoongi then? He's the oldest Alpha, so his control is pretty good."

Hobi rolled his eyes, "Jimin, we've been fucking Yoongi for years. You know how rough he likes it. Do you want that for Mason's first time?"

Jimin huffed, "he can be gentle; he does it all the time with me."

Tae snorted, "He's not gentle with you. You are just a Beta and can handle it. The only one left is Jungkook, then."

Jin thought about it: out of all the Alphas, he was the most gentle when it came to sex unless they wanted something crazy. "He's young, so his control isn't the best, but I think he'd be the easiest for you. One of us should be there to ensure he does what he is supposed to and doesn't lose control. Also, make sure to take care of Mason."

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