Chapter 51

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"He's asleep? Like still sitting up?"

"Jk, get out of my ass and look for yourself if you are so curious. But hurry up, I want to make my baby comfy."

Jungkook pulled out and rolled to Tae's side; he looked at Mason with so much love in his eyes. "Wow, he really is knocked out." He kissed his Beta's cheek, "Well, I must say you were a good Beta, so he's going to wake you up by riding you in the morning." His lips went down to Taehyung's neck, where he left his mark, "Can I keep my cock warm, too, so that when he wakes you up, I can join in the fun?" 

"I'm not Jin, I don't sleep better with a cock in my ass Kook."

He pouted, "but I sleep better with my cock in an ass. Please? I haven't gotten to sleep with Jin in a while; I miss it, babe. Ever since he asked me that first time, I literally fell in love with it. But he's the only one that asks for it."

"Once, I'll try it once. If I don't like it, then you are just going to have to deal with the sporadicalness that is Jin's ass."

He slid into him, "Thank you, Tae." And then that fucker went right to sleep. What the hell? He had an Alpha passed out with his dick inside him, and their Omega was passed out with his dick in him, and Tae was wide the fuck awake.

'Jimin, you busy?'

He was out of breath, 'fucking Yoongi while Hobi blows him. Why?'

'I'm bored and I can't move.'

'Why can't you move?'

'I'm being pinned down by dicks, and they are both passed out. I'm literally in a dick sandwich.'

He chuckled, 'Give me five minutes.'

Jimin smirked, "I gotta hurry. Tae needs me." He smacked Yoongi's thigh, "You close, baby?"

He growled, "I am not your motherfucking baby!"

"You are when I'm 9.5 inches deep in your ass." Jimin shifted his hips a bit and smacked Hobi's ass, that was up in the air, and just begging for it. "Hurry up and suck Daddy's cock faster; I gotta go soon, so I won't be able to fuck you, sorry love."

He started whining with Yoongi still in his mouth, Yoongi laughed, "don't worry baby, Daddy will give you his dick. Who wants a measly 9.5 when they can have a thick 11 inches?"

Jimin rolled his eyes; he's only bigger because he's a fucking Alpha. He gripped his cheeks and spread them apart, he was clenching around the Beta so he was close. "My 9.5 has no problem finding your happy spot." His hips rolled into Yoongi's while the Alpha's hands were gripping the sheets, and his eyes were squeezed shut. "Just cum, Alpha, I want to fill up this tight little ass, but I need you to cum first."

Hobi reached down and started tugging on Yoongi's balls and Jimin felt the flutters, his mouth was open as he mumbled a bunch shit that so wasn't going to happen since he'll be passed out by the time he gets back to bed. "Sure, baby, if you say so." Jimin snapped his hips one more time and gave him everything he had. Then he pulled out, cleaned off, and went to see Tae.

He opened the door, and there was Tae, Jungkook deep in his ass, passed the fuck out, and Mason straddled him with his dick still inside their little Omega. Jimin walked over and laid on the other side of him, he reached over and wiped up the drool from Mason's mouth. "Damn, he looks well fucked."

Tae snorted and told him precisely what Mason did during their time together; the elder's mouth was wide open. "He took charge? Our little submissive baby went all Dom?"

"Jiminah, it was amazing. You should have seen it. I wonder why he did it?"

"Because you guys were worried. I heard what you told the Alphas, how you can't be submissive in front of me. So, I wanted to show you that I can be in charge and that it's okay if you want to submit to your Alpha. I would never think less of you, Beta. You let an Omega fuck you and mark you; you guys made me happier than I've ever been in my life. I couldn't think badly about you even if I wanted to."

Tae was crying, Jimin reached over and brushed his tears away as he looked at Mason, "sorry we woke you up baby. I was just shocked when Tae told me what you did."

Mason smiled and purred as he nuzzled into Tae's chest, "I've never even thought about doing anything like that before. I love it when you guys are in charge and get all demanding with me during sex. But my wolf sensed your distress and wanted to fix it."

"Baby, how are you so perfect?"

He shrugged, "you guys made me that way." Then he yawned again and snuggled into Tae with some little wiggles.

"Baby, if you keep moving, you are going to wake my dick up, and if we start fucking, then Jk is going to wake up, and we'll never get sleep."

He pouted, his blue eyes looking at Tae. It made Jimin laugh. "It looks like he wants that Tae."

"But my ass hurts," Tae whined. 

So since Jimin is a little shit, he grabbed Mason and pulled him off of Tae, and took off running. 'I'm taking him to Jin and Joon because I want to punish Yoongi a bit.'

'I hate you; Jk is still in my fucking ass, you asshole.'

'He's asleep, dumbass, just roll over, and he'll slip out once he's not hard.'

'He's a fucking Alpha; knowing him, he could stay hard all night.'

'RIP Tae's ass, on this day we remember Tae and his amazing sacrifice to take his Alphas cock repeatedly in the ass so...' And the link went dead, he cut Jimin off and blocked him out. He looked at Mason, "I'm taking you to Jin and Joon. As much as I'd love to have you, I don't think Yoongi should be rewarded with you."

Mason giggled; he cuddled into his chest as Jimin carried him down the hall. He didn't even bother knocking, they are mates after all. Jin was on top of Joon making out with him, it didn't look like there were having sex, maybe they just finished. 

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